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Resume ClipBullets™
Position Titles
Assistant Brand Manager
Associate Brand Director
Associate Brand Public Relations Manager
Brand Director
Brand Manager Consultant
District Sales manager - Limited Brands
Interactive Brand Manager
Manager, Brand Strategy
Marketing Manager
Private Label Brand Manager
Senior Brand Assistant
Senior Brand Manager
Vice President / Manager, Co-Brand
Other Related Positions
Assistant Product Brand Manager
Associate Brand Manager
Brand / Product Manager
Brand Manager
Brand Marketing Manager
Global Brand Development Manager
Manager, Brand Marketing Practice
Marketing Brand Manager
Merchandising / Brand Manager
Product Manager
Senior Brand Director
Senior Marketing Manager, Innovation
Vice President, Marketing
Brand Management Scope of Responsibility
Develop, manage, and execute product marketing plans, strategies, and campaigns for
__________________ [type of] [products / brands] including [new product forecasting / business
analyses / business establishment / marketing strategy development / marketing plan creation /
P&L preparation / communications strategy / budget development / public relations plan
development / marketing plan execution / brand expenditure management / other: _________].
Lead and direct the development of strategic [product / prelaunch / launch / marketing / advertising
/ public relations / other: ____________] plans for _______________ [type of] [products / brands]
ensuring [in-depth market analysis / effective market research activities / new product forecasting /
pricing strategy / other: ________________].
Manage a key business within the _______________________ [which?] segment for the
________________________ [which?] [product / brand] of this ______________ [type of] firm
by developing short- and long-term [business plans / marketing programs / sales volume
projections / financial objectives / trade programs / advertising campaigns / key growth initiatives
/ new product ideas / spending projections / other: __________________].
Provide leadership and direction in the development and execution of the [promotional /
advertising / direct marketing / trade marketing / on-line marketing / public relations / distribution
/ other: ______________] activities associated with the _____________, ________________,
and ________________ brands to maximize revenues and profits for this [leading] [multimilliondollar / $________] ______________________ [type of] firm.
As a member of the Branding team, develop the essence, positioning, and equities of new and
improved ______________ [type of] brands by [forecasting new products / establishing business
/ developing marketing strategy / creating marketing plans / designing visual communications /
developing new product offshoots / managing brand expenditure / monitoring business trends /
identifying risks / other: ____________________].
Coordinate and manage the [advertising strategy / promotion / pricing / product development /
public relations / other: ________________] activities for this [multimillion-dollar / $________]
[advertising agency / marketing firm / multimedia communications firm / other: ___________].
© 2006 Creative Image Builders.
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Charged with the development and execution of [strategic business plans / new product
development / new product pipelines / platform development / other: _____________] of
________________ [which?] core business of this $__________ [revenues] ______________
[type of] firm.
[With full P&L responsibility,] create new revenue streams and brand awareness for ________ [#]
brands, resulting in increased annual sales of $___________ for this [leading]
______________________ [type of] firm.
Develop business strategies that translate _________________ [type of] brands into consumer
products including [brand positioning / retail distribution strategy / product development /
packaging design / marketing and promotional programs / other: _____________].
Brand Portfolio Management
Manage a powerful portfolio of _________ [#] leading ______________ [type of] brands, which
are recognized in every household including the marketing development and implementation of all
line extensions.
Manage a portfolio of _________ [#] _____________________ [type of] brands, which includes
[long-term product planning / post-release product performance analysis / incremental product
identification / business and market trends monitoring / opportunity and risk identification / other:
Private Brand Products / Private Label Business
Design, develop, and market the [world’s / nation’s / region’s / other: ____________] most
[innovative / compelling / other: ______________] __________________ [what?] private brands
for this $__________ leading __________________ [type of] company.
Determine ___________________ [which brand’s?] Private Label business and its strategic role in
the portfolio including [consumer brand discovery / product development / product categories /
brand segmentation, strategy, and positioning / packaging innovation / margins / business
opportunities / other: _________________________].
Create and execute ___________________ [type of] private brand products and packaging to
achieve sales and margins on time and within approved budgets.
Successfully develop, grow, and maintain the ____________________ [type of] private brand
products; and support all private brand distribution channels by ________________________
______________________________ [doing what?].
Market Research and Business Analysis
[Design / Conduct] market research and demographic studies to [understand marketplace
dynamics / identify business opportunities / determine product need / analyze and define the
market / determine target audiences / understand the brand’s role in consumers’ lives / provide
accurate sales projections / maximize brand income / determine marketing concepts / support
print advertising / other: _____________] which resulted in ______________ [what benefits?].
Initiate [client] research and create marketing programs to determine the most effective methods
[for clients] to reach target audiences including [print media / website development / television
advertising / radio advertising / infomercials / other methods: ____________________].
© 2006 Creative Image Builders.
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Conduct ______________________ [type of] market research and prepare proposals for
_______________ [type of] clients, resulting in an increase of $________ in annual sales.
Research, compile, and assess [market trends / merchandise trends / consumer needs /
demographic data / competitor products / customer feedback on product quality and
competitiveness / other: _________________] to identify market opportunities for current and
future products.
Prepare comprehensive business analyses to identify and establish [market opportunity for new
product development / economic changes / competitors’ new product launches / distribution
relationships / strategic alliances / other: _____________________].
Design and leverage various types of [custom / syndicated / other: ________________] research
to identify business-building opportunities in the ______________________ [which?] industry.
Perform quantitative market research and analysis for ________________________ [what?]
including [demographic / profitability / sell-through / trade marketing efficiency / cost /
competitive product positioning / performance / other: _______________] studies.
Brand Planning
Formulate and define brand project plans with consideration towards [strategy / scope / goals /
objectives / deliverables / needs identification / costs / required skill sets / tasks / resource
allocations / work assignments / scheduling / technical scope / timeline check points / risks /
other: ___________________] using project management planning and scheduling techniques.
Develop [strategic business plans / new product pipelines / marketing strategy] [for / to establish]
the __________________ [which?] and _________________ [which?] core businesses involving
identifying [insights to address consumer needs / competition / new product development /
category management / growth opportunities / packaging / pricing / other: _________________].
Identify core consumers and the means by which to successfully reach them including
_________________________________________________________ [what means?].
Translate [client / firm] [advertising / marketing] strategies and goals into specific project plans
using ___________________________ [what methods?] and resulting in [successful brand
implementations / effective solutions / other: ____________________________].
Developed comprehensive Product Marketing Plans for the _________________ [which?] brand(s)
in the _________________ [which?] product line(s) which obtained [management endorsement /
company-wide implementation / significant market presence / other: _____________________]
due to its _____________________________ [what benefits?].
Brand Development and Establishment
Provide leadership and direction in brand development and packaged goods marketing for the
__________________ [which?] product line consisting of ______________, ______________,
and _______________ brands.
Develop and execute [branding / consumer marketing / other: ___________] strategies and
programs to [achieve market leadership / increase market share / enhance profitability / increase
customer loyalty / meet sales projections / other: _________________________].
Formulate and implement the successful integration of various marketing strategies and tactics
including [positioning / pricing / packaging / communication / merchandising / promotion /
distribution / other: __________________] using fact-based data.
© 2006 Creative Image Builders.
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Manage all aspects of the marketing mix including [communication / promotion / marketing /
advertising / public relations / sales programs / consumer awareness / education / other:
Drive the execution of the __________________ [which?] brand-extension strategy including
[identifying potential partners / creating product and marketing concepts / developing new
business / negotiating licensing agreements / creating consumer programs / growing the business
/ other: ____________________________].
Identify, develop, and execute new product and packaging platforms across core businesses.
Spearheaded the ___________________ [name of] [brand / company] to be recognized as the
[largest / prominent / most profitable / other: _____________] ________________ [name of]
product [in the nation / in the world / in its class / within the ______________ (which?) industry /
other: ________________] by [hiring and developing a talented, action-oriented staff with
exceptional minds and extensive skill sets who are passionate about the business and expect to
win / other: _____________________________].
Developed and executed the _______________________ [type of] [promotional / advertising /
direct marketing / trade marketing / on-line marketing / public relations / distribution / other:
_____________] activities for the ____________________ [type of] [products / brands] which
resulted in annual [sales / revenues / profits] of $__________.
Develop and implement [market research / new products / marketing strategy / packaging /
advertising / promotion / other: ________________] activities for ________________ [what?] to
effectively reach customers, communicate product value proposition, and influence consumer
Business Missions Support
Establish and direct the Company’s long-term [advertising missions / brand management / public
relations goals / other: __________________] to accomplish business objectives.
Successfully support the business missions and goals of the firm by leading and managing the
development and implementation of _________________________ [what initiatives?].
Assist in establishing [departmental goals / action plans / other: ________________] to support
business vision and corporate objectives.
Brand Visibility
Drive brand awareness and positioning by creating opportunities for [brand exposure and
involvement / brand visibility / increased consumer awareness and need / new business
development / brand’s equity with targeted consumers / other: __________________].
Created brand visibility with targeted consumers by determining and executing the optimal
communication channels for _________________ [which?] brand through _________________,
________________, and _______________ [type of] advertising and __________________
______________________ [other endeavors].
Expanded [brand / product] visibility by ____% in just ______ [#] months through [market
research / marketing campaigns / attendance of trade shows and events in the industry / other
achievement: ___________________________________________].
Through regimented disciplines including [frequently reviewing product lines / enhancing computer
programs / consistent client and vendor interface / other: ________________], increased
_______________ [which?] service levels from ____% to ____% efficiency.
© 2006 Creative Image Builders.
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Budget Development and Control
Manage a $___________ brand development budget including brand [plans / promotions /
implementation / business growth development / other: _______________________].
Develop and maintain a corporate advertising budget of $___________ and all statistics on
advertising generation.
Effectively [develop and] manage advertising budgets of over $_________ monthly in the
promotion of ______________________________ [what?] ensuring all [expenses / brand
expenditures / other: _______________] remain within budgetary and company guidelines.
Prepare monthly budget variance analyses for all projections versus actual expenditures; and
provide explanations for any budgetary deviations.
Manage and oversee [the advertising budget of $________ / all brand marketing spending /
other: ________________] to ensure spending is within budget and properly allocated.
Perform month-end close of business to ensure all [revenues / expenses / reserves / other:
___________________] are accurately reflected in the firm’s financial statements.
Primary Marketing Relationships
Work effectively with [large / medium / small] client companies in a variety of industries from
_______________ and _______________ [industries] to _______________ and
_______________ [industries] with [clients / customers] located [throughout the country /
globally] in the [northeast / northwest / midwest / southeast / southwest / west coast / east coast
/ ____________ (which?) region / other: _____________________].
Partner with _________________________ [whom?] in the development and execution of
___________________________ [type of] initiatives encompassing the entire brand such as
____________________________________ [what endeavors?].
Work closely with [Product Marketing / Senior Management / Public Relations / key sales force /
cross-functional areas / outside agencies / Operations / Accounting / Risk / regulatory compliance
/ international colleagues / key external developers / other: _____________________] in
spearheading [product launches / strategic initiatives / the agency’s direction / all components of
the PMP / other: _____________] including the firm’s _________________ [which?] initiatives.
Create and maintain [external talent / licensing relationships / other: _______________] with
___________________ [whom?] for the promotion of the ________________ [which?] brand.
Interact directly with _______________________ [whom?] to [develop brand positioning /
identify product strategy / develop product / create brand content / execute brand efforts /
identify trade marketing initiatives / develop marketing plans / determine retail merchandising
requirements / design communications materials / other: ____________] and ensure brand
strategies and marketing programs support [customer direct and indirect needs / business vision
and goals / other: ___________________________].
Work collaboratively with [Product Development Direct / Product Manager / other: ____________]
to create families of products that complement each other.
Strategic Brand Marketing
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Designed and executed the _____________________________ [marketing / advertising / sales /
direct mail / other: ____________________] campaign which [established brand recognition /
increased firm’s competitive edge in the marketplace / developed consumer awareness / increased
sales by $__________ / other results: _____________________].
Implemented _____________________ [type of] [product launch strategy / innovative incentive
marketing strategies / annual marketing plan / other: _________________________] for
_______________________ [type of] consumer products, which achieved a _____% increase in
annual sales revenues.
Created and launched the “_____________________” [title] marketing program to market the
____________________ [type of] [product / brand] which [brought customer base up to a new
level / resulted in increased annual sales of $_________ / other benefit: ________________].
Played a major role in the creation of the ___________________ [type of] campaign involving
______________________________________ [what process or actions?], and resulting in
______________________________________ [what company benefits?].
Spearheaded ________________ [type of] promotional campaign, which included [presentations
/ corporate logos / marketing incentive programs / brochures and presentation materials / other:
____________] designed to _______________________ [do what?], which resulted in
__________________________ [what measurable benefits?].
Developed and implemented ___________________ [type of] [direct mail marketing campaign /
other program: ________________] targeting __________________ [which?] market through
_________________________________________ [what avenues?] resulting in
__________________________________________ [what measurable benefits?].
Ensure all [advertising / sales / product / marketing / other: _______________________]
promotions are implemented and promotional funding allocated in a timely manner.
Developed and executed a _____________________ [type of] marketing incentive program
which focused on ______________________________________ [what?], and resulted in
________________________________________________ [what benefits?].
Instrumental in [creating / designing / formulating / managing / coordinating / executing /
implementing] the _______________________ [what initiative?], which significantly improved
____________________________________________ [what?].
Initiated and implemented the ________________________ [what?], initiative, which generated
volume sales in ____________________________ [what areas?] by ______________________
_______________________________ [doing what?].
Launched and aggressively promoted the “_____________________________ Program” by
________________________________________________ [doing what?], which resulted in
_________________________________________________ [what benefits?].
Advertising Projects Initiation and Coordination
Determine best design implementation strategies and approaches to set advertising projects in
motion and obtain expected deliverables by _______________________________ [doing what?].
Effectively coordinate audience, message and medium to establish a visible image and presence in
the marketplace and maximize reach for each client by _____________________ [doing what?].
Successfully plan and manage advertising projects to achieve [business / advertising / client /
other: _______________] objectives; and utilize resource capabilities within project parameters
of scope, cost, time, and quality.
© 2006 Creative Image Builders.
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Translate advertising strategies and goals into specific project plans using ________________,
__________________, and ___________________ [what methods?] and resulting in [effective
solutions / successful project completions / other: _______________________________].
Create and execute [strategic advertising / marketing plans / copy coordination / editorials / direct
mail campaigns / other: _________________________________].
Formulate and define project plans that consider project [strategy / scope / goals / objectives /
deliverables / needs identification / costs / required skill sets / tasks / resource allocations / work
assignments / scheduling / technical scope / timeline check points / other: _________________]
using project management planning and scheduling techniques.
Synthesize input from a variety of sources to design attention-getting ads to meet the budget,
time frames, and marketing objectives of ___________________________ [what or whom?].
Advertising Campaigns and Initiatives
Developed and implemented innovative ______________________ [type of] advertising and
marketing materials for the __________________________ [which?] brand and key strategic
products, which resulted in __________________________________ [what achievements?].
Spearheaded and directed a [television / radio / other: __________] [commercial / infomercial /
e-commerce / other: ______________] for ________________ [whom or what?] which involved
_____________________ [what?] and resulted in __________________________________
[what benefits?].
Participated in national sales blitzes during extensive targeted advertising campaigns and
represented [international / national / regional / other: ____________] divisions at [major trade
show functions / sales conventions / other: _____________________].
Created and executed ______________ [type of] advertising campaigns including [presentations /
corporate logos / brochures and presentation materials / other: _______________] designed to
_________________________________ [do what?], which resulted in ___________________
________________ [what measurable benefits?].
Designed and implemented advertising and promotional campaigns including _______________,
______________, and ____________, which resulted in _______________________ [benefits].
Managed the coordination and production of [an integral project for / a joint advertising effort
with] ___________________ [company name or type] including [layout and design / production /
advertising sales / distribution / other: _____________] creating $__________ in new business.
Develop and implement successful [direct mail / advertising / website / other: _______________]
advertising campaigns for ________________ [what?].
Project Resources and Staffing Requirements
Determine required skill sets and define roles and responsibilities based on creative team talents
and skills by ______________________________________ [doing what?].
Effectively assign and delegate design and production projects by [prioritizing deadline-sensitive
jobs / using effective time management / effective communication / keeping abreast of all client
needs / other: __________________________________________].
© 2006 Creative Image Builders.
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Assess and identify [project resources / staffing requirements / training needs / other:
___________________________] to meet design project objectives and deliverables.
Direct the activities of a creative project team of _____ [#] with the necessary skill sets to take
_______________ [type of] projects from inception through implementation and delivery.
Product Packaging
Develop and implement the packaging process for ________________ [what brand?] including
[design / copy / size and shape / product name clearance / product photography / other:
Create and implement compelling, consistent packaging for all branded products, [using
environmentally-sound packaging materials / ensuring compliance with national standards and
safety organizations / other: ____________________________].
Engineered a new ______________________ [type of] packaging development process of
____________________ [what?] by __________________________________ [doing what?],
which resulted in _________________________________ [what benefits?].
Write packing specifications, and act as the primary technical support person for all specification
and palletizing programs in the development of packaging for ___________________________
[which brand(s)?].
Support Package Development in [new product development / line extensions / establishing
aesthetics and quality limits / other: _________________] for _______________’s [company
name] _________________ [which?] Division.
Organize, oversee and/or perform [line tests / product and package compatibility studies / product
stability / package machinability testing / various product packaging laboratory testing / other:
Wrote local specs on over _______ [#] new __________________ [type of] brands, supporting
the relaunch of _______ [#] programs, and providing packaging specs at 100% accuracy.
Working primarily with ________________, ________________, and _________________
[which?] packaging processes, coordinate and evaluate processing, and ensure finished goods’
quality for ____________________________________ [what products or brands?].
Interface with all business units, including [Package Development group / component suppliers /
facility personnel / other: ________________] by troubleshooting, evaluating functionality, and
resolving package development production errors to ensure 100% accuracy.
Approve all [finished goods / component issues] verifying specification and billing of materials and
ensuring that [finished goods / packer / label specifications / cube data / other: _____________]
requirements are met in a timely and consistent manner.
Gather and input all technical and environmental packaging specifications into the [Product
Definition Specification / other: _____________________] System.
Assist Package Engineering staff in launching new __________________ [type of] [products / line
extension / cost improvement projects / other: ____________________].
Work closely with [Equipment / Industrial / Process Engineering / Purchasing / other:
_____________] groups for _________________________________________ [what?].
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Provided global support for the conversion to harmonized packages, which required
_____________________________________________ [what actions?] and resulted in
__________________________________________________________ [what benefits?].
Key Brand Performance Indicators
Review and evaluate all marketing programs for key brand performance indicators including
[new product launches / brand promotions / advertising campaigns / pricing strategy / other:
_____________________________] and make changes, as indicated.
Conduct [monthly / annual / periodic / other: _________________] reviews of [brand sales and
profitability index against budget and prior year’s performance / competitors’ product, pricing, and
communication strategies / marketing performance through retail audit data / other:
________________________________] to build stronger brand strategies.
Market Presence / Leadership Establishment
Positioned firm as a market leader in _____________________________ [what?] to the
____________________ [which?] market by _____________________________________
[doing what?], which derived ____________________________________ [what benefits?].
Spearheaded company’s entrance into the _________________ [type of] market environment
through successful development of _________________________________ [what methods?].
Increased annual sales in the ________________________ [which?] marketplace by ____%
[from $__________ to $___________] and profits from $_________ to $_________ by creating
a _______________ [type of] program that enabled ________________________ [benefits].
Grew a previously untapped _______________________________ [type of] market in the
______________________________ [what?] area, increasing sales of ___________________
[what items?] by $_________ annually.
Increased Market Share
Increased market share by ____% / $_________ in the ___________________ [which?] market,
bringing annual sales to $_________ by _________________________________ [doing what?].
Grew a previously untapped ___________________________ [type of] market in the
______________________ [which?] area, resulting in increased annual sales of $________.
Successfully managed and fulfilled mission to develop company into a major full-service
________________ [type of] firm by penetrating the ________________ [type of] marketplaces
and ________________________________________ [doing what?].
Spearheaded Company’s entrance into the ____________________________ [which?] market
environment by _______________________________________ [doing what?].
Increased sales in the ______________________ [which?] marketplace by ___% [from
$___________ to $__________] and profits from $________ to $________ by creating a
___________________ [type of] program enabling _______________________ [what?].
Recruiting and Developing a Winning Team
© 2006 Creative Image Builders.
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Recruit, train, and develop the most qualified candidates to meet the firm's [advertising / design /
branding / marketing / public relations / other: ________________] needs by building talented,
creative teams with a passion for excellence.
Attract, develop, reward, and retain [outstanding / entrepreneurial / success-driven / talented /
other: _________________] people who demand to be the best.
Train, develop, inspire, and motivate a creative team of ________ [#] and act as a source of
[inspiration / expertise / support / other: ___________________________] for all team members
to enhance their skills and design highly creative and effective projects.
Oversee all facets of creative staff hiring, coaching, training and development in the areas of
__________________________________ [what genres?].
Brand Team Leadership and Direction
Proactively provide strategic, comprehensive [leadership / direction / guidance / assistance /
support / staff management] to the Branding staff in all areas of brand [development / strategy /
tactical initiatives / other: ____________________].
Lead a team of ________ [#] Branding professionals ensuring [the highest quality work /
all functions are performed in a timely, cost-effective manner / measurable staff participation and
progress / other: ____________________].
Provide leadership and direction to [multifunctional / cross-organizational / other: ____________]
teams created to spearhead and manage [new product development / brand improvement /
promotional campaigns / marketing projects / cost reduction programs / other: ____________] to
grow market share and profitability.
Plan, assign, and direct work of a creative team of _______ [#], and evaluate their performance
against stated goals, addressing [strengths and weaknesses / identified training needs and plans /
possible career paths / other: _____________________].
Provide team leadership to a creative brand staff of ____ [#] by [offering feedback concerning
creative projects / providing methods to increase productivity / other: ____________________].
Lead and direct cross-functional teams in strategic [interactive] marketing including [consumer
brand planning / business analysis / e-promotions / insight development / website creation / online content development / Internet marketing initiatives / other: ________________________]
to their successful implementation as a profit center.
Art Direction and Project Oversight
Manage [art direction / layout and design / production / other: _____________________] and
handle [project and staff scheduling / quality control / staff training / other: _______________]
of the Art Department.
Oversee Art Department staff of _______ [#] including [Graphic Designers / Production Artists /
Illustrators / Copy Writers / Freelancers / other: ___________________] in the creation and
production of [logos / brochures / direct mail / publications / ads / stationery / websites / other:
______________] and other communication media for this [multimillion-dollar / $_________
[advertising agency / other firm: ________________].
Direct [Graphic Designers / Production Artists / Illustrators / Photographers / Copy Writers /
Freelancers / other: __________________] in the layout, design, copy writing, and illustration
phases of all visual communication projects.
© 2006 Creative Image Builders.
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Supervise ________ [#] employees in the [design / production / prepress / printing / other:
______________] of ______________________________________ [what?].
Manage and direct the design and production of [ads / packaging / brochures / annual reports /
newsletters / publications / logos / flyers / catalogs / direct mail campaigns / websites / other:
_____________] using [QuarkXpress / Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop / Macromedia
Dreamweaver / other: _______________] for this __________________ [type of] company.
Supervise and coordinate day-to-day ________________________ [which?] tasks of the Art
Department team, including ______ [#] directly and _______ [#] indirectly to ensure all creative
projects are completely on time and within budget.
Oversee the [layout / design / production / prepress / other: ________________] of all marketing
communications including [film output / matchprints / press checks / other: ____________] to
ensure the integrity of the design and final output of the piece.
Plan, schedule, coordinate, and delegate all Art Department projects and functions by effectively
____________________________________________ [doing what?] to ensure
________________________________________________________________ [what?].
Supervise and oversee the daily activities of the Art Department team including [assignment
delegating / creative guidance / technical support / other: ____________________] ensuring
quality performance in all areas.
Coordinate [photographers / writers / service bureaus / printing / website development / other:
___________________] in the design, production and delivery of [creative visual communications
/ innovative marketing campaigns / other: _______________________].
Staff Development
Train and develop a [bright / creative / energetic / skilled / talented / action-oriented /
knowledgeable / other: _____________________] staff that shares a passion for creating
___________________________ [what?] and a commitment to excellence.
Hired and developed a talented, action-oriented staff with exceptional minds and extensive skill
sets who are passionate about the business and branding, which resulted in _______________
______________________________________ [what measurable achievements?].
Ensure all reporting personnel have [goals / objectives / measurements] that are aligned with the
vision and priorities of the business, that [their performance is measured against those priorities /
they are accountable for expected deliverables / other: _________________________].
Creative Talent
Synthesize input from a variety of sources to design attention-getting ___________________
[type of] communication medium to meet the budget, time frames, and [advertising / marketing /
direct mail / other: ______________] objectives of ____________________ [type of] clients.
Develop high-end, visually-appealing design concepts and new image manipulation techniques for
[print / website] communications utilizing [various Photoshop filters and effects / creative
photography / other: _____________] to create ___________________________ [what?].
Conceptualize layouts and design [corporate identity / direct mail / ads / other: _____________]
in [QuarkXpress / MultiAd Creator / Quark Publishing System / Adobe Illustrator / Adobe
Photoshop / Microsoft Publisher / other: ___________________].
© 2006 Creative Image Builders.
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Layout and design [marketing brochures / promotional displays / distinctive company logos /
attention-getting signs / other: _____________________] for ___________________ [type of]
Research and select high-impact [photographs / illustrations / other: _______________] and
incorporate various [design techniques / printing effects / other: ________________] to make the
most of the visual impact of each project.
Increased Sales and Profitability
Increased sales by $________ by designing and implementing successful ______________ [type
of] promotions which received [significant business / rave reviews / other: ______________] and
resulted in __________________________________ [what benefits?].
Build revenue by [increasing sales and profits / controlling expenses / ensuring a consistent,
quality retail experience for customers / other: _______________________].
Increased profitability by $_________ annually by seeking out high quality, and lower cost vendor
pricing for [film output / printing / photography / illustration / other: ______________].
Generated annual sales of $__________ through [attractive visual presentations / threedimensional models / attaining referrals through word of mouth from satisfied clients / other:
Elevated advertising sales with many [national / regional / local] ___________________ [type of]
retail accounts by more than $________ million annually by upselling and promoting
_________________________ [what?].
Increased revenue by $__________ by [implementing hands-on training / assessing territories /
upselling to appropriate customers / other: __________________________].
Reduced Overhead Costs and Maximized ROI
Successfully cut _____________________ [which?] costs by $_________ and increased revenues
by $_________ by [introducing a new ___________________ (type of) concept / implementing
cost-reduction methods / reducing turnover / other: ____________________________].
Reduced total [operating expenses / overhead costs] by ____% annually by establishing a
_______________ [type of] initiative which _______________________ [does what?].
Implemented a cost-effective method to ______________________________ [do what?], which
improved ____________________________________ [what process?] and reduced operating
expenses by $___________ / _____%.
Decreased __________________________________ [what?] costs by $___________ / ____%
annually by [successfully ____________________ (doing what?) / eliminating the need for
_____________________ (what process?) / coming in $_________ under budget on
_____________________ (what?) / other means: ___________________________].
Successfully spearheaded a ____________________________ [type of] cost-reduction program
by [evaluating business bottlenecks and turning them into assets / other method:
© 2006 Creative Image Builders.
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Maximized return on investment by purchasing ________________________ [type of]
[computers / programs / materials / other: _________________________] to produce
____________________________________ [what?] more effectively and in less time.
Staff Motivation
Energize and motivate the creative staff of ____ [#] to [produce high-quality corporate ID
products / meet high levels of customer service / meet difficult deadlines / other:
__________________] by __________________________________ [doing what?].
Developed and implemented a ________________________ [type of] employee incentive
program to ____________________________________________ [accomplish what?], which
resulted in _____________________________________________ [what benefits?].
Increased Employee Morale and Creativity
Increased morale and minimized turnover through [mutual respect / honesty / effective two-way
communication / other: _________________________], which provided a healthy and positive
environment for [creativity / employees to succeed / the company to grow / other benefits:
Through effective use of ___________________________________________ [strategies used or
initiatives put in place], increased morale and minimized turnover, which resulted in
____________________________________________________ [what achievements?].
Minimized turnover by _____% by increasing employee morale and staff loyalty through effective
means of [creating a positive and creative atmosphere / developing reachable but challenging
goals / treating all employees fairly / offering praise when due / providing equal opportunity for
promotion / other: ______________________________________].
Staff Management
Provide strategic [leadership / direction / guidance / assistance / support] to the [art department /
brand management / production / prepress / printing / other: _____________________] staff(s)
in all areas of ________________, ________________, and ________________ [areas].
Manage a _____________________________ [type of] team ensuring [the highest quality
creative work / all projects stay on schedule and within budget / timely development and
completion of all creative projects / quality standards / adherence to all client objectives / other:
Lead and guide a [creative / prepress / printing / other: ____________] team of ____ [#] to
[analyze _________________ (type of) client needs / establish strategy / determine creative
methods to achieve goals / develop high-quality, cost-effective visual communications / ensure
quality deliverables / other: ____________] [to meet client needs / achieve business objectives].
Performance Recognition Leadership
Develop clear and specific performance objectives, career paths, and reward recognition for a staff
of ________ [#] ____________________________________ [titles / functions] and [write /
oversee] annual performance evaluations against those objectives.
© 2006 Creative Image Builders.
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Provide leadership and guidance to the Art Department staff in the [delegation of assignments /
monitoring of work performance / development of performance evaluations / performance
improvement coaching / other methods: _____________________________].
Facilitate performance recognition leadership via [proactively managing staff / establishing goals /
setting a positive attitude example / rewarding achievements / being consistent / sharing
information / providing training needs / establishing credibility / demonstrating a strong work
ethic and teamwork / effectively communicating with staff / identifying and removing all road
blocks to success / exhibiting a commitment to excellence / other: ________________] to create
and maintain an environment conducive to creative development and production of quality client
advertising projects.
Effective Project Communication
Effectively communicate with all creative team members including [brand / product / marketing /
advertising / other: ________________] staffs regarding project scope, tasks, expected
deliverables, and milestones [during all project phases / from concept to delivery / other:
Optimized communication between Account [Executives / Representatives] and [Creative / Art /
Production / Prepress / other: _____________] Departments to more closely meet promotional
needs, resulting in __________________________________ [what benefits?].
Keep creative team members informed about project scope, status, issues, and expected
deliverables by [establishing effective means of communication / adapting communication style to
meet recipient needs / providing clear, concise information / other: ___________________].
Handling Multiple Projects Simultaneously / Balancing Workload
Simultaneously manage and tackle __________________________ [type of] projects in varying
stages by successfully _______________________________________ [doing what?].
Successfully coordinate and support various ____________________ [type of] projects with
multiple interaction points and deadlines by ____________________________ [doing what?].
Effectively balance and coordinate a workload of multiple projects simultaneously by
________________________________________________________ [methods you use].
Successfully and efficiently worked in a fast-paced [advertising / printing / prepress / other:
________________] environment with ability to change direction midstream as needed.
Tackling Challenges and Overcoming Obstacles
Successfully turned around _________________________________ [what challenge?] by
_________________________________________________ [doing what?], which resulted in
_________________________________________________________ [what benefits?].
Successfully met difficult challenges faced by _________________________ [what obstacles?]
by _____________________________________________ [doing what?] which resulted in
______________________________________________ [what benefits?].
Simultaneously manage and tackle ___________________________ [type of] projects in varying
stages by successfully [facilitating conflict resolution / increasing productivity and performance /
tackling change management / clarifying technology changes / other: ____________________].
© 2006 Creative Image Builders.
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Other Brand Achievements
Reversed ________ [#] years of business decline on _____________________ [which?] core
business(es) by ___________________________________ [doing what?], which resulted in
_________________________________________________ [what measurable benefits?].
Evolved ________________ [which?] core business(es) and built upon __________________
[what brand’s?] success by ________________________________________ [doing what?] to
make products more salient to consumers.
Recommended _______________ [type of] [product enhancements / new product lines / pricing
strategies / product launch schedules / other: ___________________], which resulted in
______________________________________ [what achievement?].
Achieved [sales / gross margin] goals of _______ [#] for assigned businesses through successful
[promotions / merchandising concepts / field communications / new product launches / other:
© 2006 Creative Image Builders.
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