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In the name of God
:‫ صفحه‬91-92 ‫ سواالت امتحاني دبيرستان نمونه دولتي شهيد باكري در نيمسال اول سالتحصيلي‬-‫بسمه تعالي‬
:‫مدت ازمون‬
:‫كالس و رشته‬
:‫ماده درسي‬
:‫نام و نام خانوادگي‬
:‫نام طراح‬
:‫شماره داوطلب‬
:‫ساعت امتحان‬
:‫روز و تاريخ امتحان‬
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. Vocabulary
A:Fill in the blanks with the words given. There is one extra word.(4)
Explanation –commonest –effects-location –audience –environment - movement –exactly-involvement 1.He left the meeting suddenly and did not give us a reasonable……………….for his behavior.
2.Recycling paper and cars is one easy way to preserve the………………….. .
3.The main problem for engineers was the exact…………….of underground water in the area.
4.Heart disease is one of the…………….causes of death.
5.Scientists are doing experiment to learn more about the…………..of alcohol on the brain.
6.They want to make their birthday party a truly memorable day for the……………………… .
7.The police have been looking for Harris’s possible……………….with a series of robberies .
8.It’s a tragic situation and one will ever know……………….what happened.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B:Match the following definitions column (A) with the words in column (B).There is one extra item in column
----------------------------------------------------------9.move sth. with a sound.
a. fuel
10.the air, water or land in which living things live.
b. confidence
11.material which is burnt to produce energy.
C .emergencies
12.a belief in your own ability.
d. environment event needing immediate action.
e. fat
f. rattle
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C:Choose the correct word.(1.5)
14. a. locate
b. estimate
c. guess
d .predict
15. a. release
b. relaxed
c. confident
d. comfortable
16. a. heart
b. vessel
c .bone
d .lung
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D:Put the following words in order to make meaningful sentences.(2)
17.know /do / need /emergencies /what /in / to / children / to.
………………………………………………………………. .
18.from / exercise / keeps / safe / some /us / injuries .
……………………………………………………………… .
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II. Grammar
A:Choose the correct answer.(3)
19. It is important to be polite to people……………………in the same office.
a. are working
b. working
c. work
d. who works
20. ………………..we were riding up the hill I lost my balance and fell off the bicycle.
a. Because
b. while
c. since
d. whether
21.They were made…………………the class immediately.
a. leave
b .left
c .to leave
d .leaving
22.They didn’t let us……………………..the film on TV.
a. watch
b. to watch
c. watching
d. watched
23.The weather was ………………...cold for us to stay out late.
a. so
b. such a
c. enough
d. too
24.Follow the instructions………………… the user’s guide to use your DVD player.
a. giving
b .to give
c. given
d. gave
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.(1)
25.I will never allow my students…………………in the class. (to talk)
26.When we passed by the shop, my son made me………….him a toy gun. (to buy)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C. Rewrite the following sentences using the reduced form of the underlined parts.(2)
27.The boy who was injured in the accident is now in the hospital.
--------------------------------------28.The car which caused the crash was going very fast.
---------------------------D. Fill in the blanks with so, such(a/an), too and enough in the following sentences.(3)
29. The student is……………..polite that all the teachers like him dearly.
30. These are …………………small shoes that I can’t wear them.
31. Mary has……………….sever headache that she is going to stay at home.
32. The boy is……………..small to ride the bicycle himself.
33. The food was…………………..delicious that I helped myself to eat more.
34. The car isn’t big …………………for all of us to go in.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------III. Sentence function: Match the items in column (A) with the appropriate phrase in column (B) to make meaningful
sentences. There is one extra item in column (B).(3)
35.Clean up dangerous………………………. .
a .it makes our muscles stronger and sometimes larger.
36.As your muscles get stronger…………….. .
b. we can stop harmful chemicals.
37.Trash refers to……………………………. .
c .you can do more active things.
38.To make the audience feel excited………. .
d. provide first aid and check for injuries.
39.Aerobic exercise is useful……………….. .
e. chemicals off the floor.
40.After an earthquake…………………….. .
f. change the speed of your words.
g. the waste or extra materials that we don’t need any more.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IV. Comprehension: A:Sentece comprehension: Read the following sentences and choose the correct choice.(4)
41.Driving cars that use less fuel can help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the air. we understand from the
sentence that……………………….
a. cars use fuels much more than expected.
b. cars don’t have a significant role in pollution.
c. cars have reduced the amount of greenhouse gases.
d. cars release greenhouse gases into the air.
42.Exercise helps keep you at a weight that is right for your height ,by burning up extra calories. We understand from
this sentence that………………………………………. .
a. we can gain a lot of weight gradually.
B .we can become physically fit by exercising.
c. our weight should be the same as our height
d .we should always try to burn calories
43.When scientists talk about the climate change ,they are concerned about global warming caused by human
activities. According to this sentence scientists who are…………………………
a. talking about global warming are concerned about climate change.
b. responsible for global warming talk about climate change.
C excited about climate change talk about global warming.
d. interested in global warming talk about climate change.
44.Just as the weather organizations now forecast floods and strong storms ,the national earthquake information
center may one day predict earthquake .It is understood from this sentence that…………………………….. .
A .weather organizations can predict earthquake.
b. earthquake are predicted nowadays by some agencies.
c.earthquake prediction is a future possibility. d.national earthquake information centers can predict floods and storms.
B:Cloze test: Fill in the blanks with the words from the list below. There is one extra word.(4)
Winter –include –mainly –average –region –mild –patters –change – condition Climate is the average of a …….45……’s weather over a period of time. For example ,it is possible that a……46.
…… in a city could be sunny and ……47……….but the …….48…… tells us that its winters will
……..49………….be cold and ……..50………snow and rain. Climate ………51……….is a change in these general
weather ……..52……… .
C:Reading Comprehension:(5)
Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault.
This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two
plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little. They do not just slide smoothly; the rocks catch on each other.
The rocks are still pushing against each other, but not moving. After a while, the rocks break because of all the pressure
that is built up. When the rocks break ,the earthquake occurs. During the earthquake and afteward, the plates or blocks
of rock start moving and they continue to move until they get again. The spot Underground where the rock breaks is
called the focus of the earthquake. The place right above the focus on the surface of the earth is called the epicenter of
53.The paragraph states that the seismic waves………………….. .
a. move very fast
b. shake the ground
c. release energy
d. break rock along a fault
54.It is mentioned in the passage that the rocks break because………………………… .
a. a block hits another
b. they catch on eachother
c. they release a lot of energy
d. the pressure increases
55.According to the passage, earthquake cause………………………
a. the sudden release of energy
b. destruction in large cities
c. huge waves in oceans
d.t he movement of blocks of rock
56.What is the focus of the earthquake?
a. the underground rocks
b. the point of origin of an earthquake
c. the place that quake occurs
d. a place on the surface of the earth
57.The pronoun “they” in line 3 refers to……………………….
a. seismic
b. two plates
c. energy
d. earthquakes
D. Read the following article and match each paragraph with one of the headings.(5)
A. What caused NASA to be stablished .
B. what the size of the first artificial satellite was.
C. What aim NASA had.
D. When Americans started their space traveling.
E. who the first astronaut was.
G. Why Americans couldn’t go around the moon at first.
58.ON APRIL 12,1961 THE Russian Yuri Gagarin became the first human being to orbit the planet in a space.
59.Soviet scientists scored the first victory on October 4,1957.they launched the beach ball sized artificial satellite
"Sputnik" in to orbit around the earth.
60.Just a few weeks later. on May 5, The United States launched its first spacecraft in which astronaut Alan B
Shephered, made subordinate flight.
61.NASA grew out of what became known as the "Space race" between the U.S and form-er soviet union.
62.NASA wanted to create a rocket that could reach space and finally the moon and Mars.
:‫ صفحه‬91-92 ‫پاسخنامه سواالت امتحاني دبيرستان نمونه دولتي شهيد باكري در نيمسال اول سالتحصيلي‬-‫بسمه تعالي‬
95 m. :‫مدت ازمون‬
:‫ماده درسي‬
:‫نام و نام خانوادگي‬
--------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------I. Vocabulary: A:Fill in the blanks with the words given. There is one extra word.(4)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B:Match the following definitions column (A) with the words in column (B).There is one extra item in column (B).(2.5)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: Choose the correct word.(1.5)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D:Put the following words in order to make meaningful sentences.(2)
17)………………………………………………………………….. .
18)………………………………………………………………….. .
II. Grammar :A:Choose the correct answer.(3)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.(1)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C:Rewrite the following sentences using the reduced form of the underlined parts.(2)
27)……………………………………………………………………………….. .
28)……………………………………………………………………………….. .
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D. Fill in the blanks with so, such(a/an), too and enough in the following sentences.(3)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------III. Sentence function: Match the items in column (A) with the appropriate phrase in column (B) to make meaningful
sentences. There is one extra item in column (B).(3)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Comprehension : A:Sentece comprehension: Read the following sentences and choose the correct choice.(4)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B:Cloze test: Fill in the blanks with the words from the list below. There is one extra word.(4)
C:Reading Comprehension:(5)
D. Read the following article and match each paragraph with one of the headings.(5)
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