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Bikini Bottom Genetics Practice #1
Name ___________________________
Scientists at Bikini Bottoms have been investigating the genetic makeup of the organisms in this community. Use the
information provided and your knowledge of genetics to answer each question.
1. For each genotype below, indicate whether it is a heterozygous (He) OR homozygous (Ho).
TT _____ Bb _____ DD _____ Ff _____ tt _____ dd _____ Dd _____ ff _____ Tt _____ bb _____
Which of the genotypes in #1 would be considered purebred? _______________________________
Which of the genotypes in #1 would be hybrids? __________________________________________
2. Determine the phenotype for each genotype using the information provided about SpongeBob.
Yellow body color is dominant to blue. YY ______________ Yy _____________ yy _______________
Square shape is dominant to round.
SS ______________ Ss _____________ ss _______________
3. For each phenotype, give the genotypes that are possible for Patrick.
A tall head (T) is dominant to short (t).
Tall = __________________ Short = __________________
Pink body color (P) is dominant to yellow (p). Pink body = __________ Yellow body = _____________
Genetics Reading Guide: Use your biology textbook to answer the following questions.
Concept 10.1 Genetics developed from curiosity about inheritance. (p.206-207)
_________________ is the study of heredity. One of the first scientists to use experiments to investigate inheritance
patterns was _________ __________. He developed the particulate hypothesis of inheritance, which states that parents pass
to their offspring separate and distinct factors that are responsible for inherited traits. Today, Mendel’s factors are called
___________. Mendel used true-breeding ________ plants in his experiments. When self-fertilized, these plants always
produce offspring _____________ to the parent. To test his theory, Mendel used the sperm from one true-breeding plant
to fertilize the eggs of another true-breeding plant with a different trait. This process is called ________- _____________.
Bikini Bottom Genetics Practice #1
Name ___________________________
Scientists at Bikini Bottoms have been investigating the genetic makeup of the organisms in this community. Use the
information provided and your knowledge of genetics to answer each question.
1. For each genotype below, indicate whether it is a heterozygous (He) OR homozygous (Ho).
TT _____ Bb _____ DD _____ Ff _____ tt _____ dd _____ Dd _____ ff _____ Tt _____ bb _____
Which of the genotypes in #1 would be considered purebred? _______________________________
Which of the genotypes in #1 would be hybrids? __________________________________________
2. Determine the phenotype for each genotype using the information provided about SpongeBob.
Yellow body color is dominant to blue. YY ______________ Yy _____________ yy _______________
Square shape is dominant to round.
SS ______________ Ss _____________ ss _______________
3. For each phenotype, give the genotypes that are possible for Patrick.
A tall head (T) is dominant to short (t).
Tall = __________________ Short = __________________
Pink body color (P) is dominant to yellow (p). Pink body = __________ Yellow body = _____________
Genetics Reading Guide: Use your biology textbook to answer the following questions.
Concept 10.1 Genetics developed from curiosity about inheritance. (p.206-207)
_________________ is the study of heredity. One of the first scientists to use experiments to investigate inheritance
patterns was _________ __________. He developed the particulate hypothesis of inheritance, which states that parents pass
to their offspring separate and distinct factors that are responsible for inherited traits. Today, Mendel’s factors are called
___________. Mendel used true-breeding ________ plants in his experiments. When self-fertilized, these plants always
produce offspring _____________ to the parent. To test his theory, Mendel used the sperm from one true-breeding plant
to fertilize the eggs of another true-breeding plant with a different trait. This process is called ________- _____________.
Concept 10.2 Mendel discovered that inheritance follows rules of chance. (p. 208-214)
The offspring of 2 true-breeding plants are called ______________. Mendel performed _______________ crosses,
which are matings between plants that differ in only one character. Mendel developed the following 4 hypotheses about
inheritance patterns:
1. There are alternate forms of genes, called _______________.
2. For each inherited character, an organism has 2 alleles, one from each _____________. A
______________individual has 2 of the SAME alleles for a character. A ________________ individual has different
alleles for that character.
3. When only one of the 2 different alleles seems to affect a trait, that allele is called the ________________ allele and
is written as an upper case letter. The allele that does NOT appear to affect a trait is called the ________________
allele and is written as a lower case letter.
4. When ____________ form, the alleles separate. Each gamete carries one allele for each trait. This is called the
_______________ of __________________.
A ______________ ______________ is a diagram that shows the different possible combinations of alleles and the
probability that each combination will occur. The genetic makeup of an individual is its _________________. An
observable trait, such as eye color, is a _________________. If an organism shows the recessive phenotype, its genotype is
_________________ recessive. If the organism shows the dominant phenotype, it could be _______________ or
________________ dominant. A _______________ breeds an individual with the dominant phenotype with a homozygous
recessive individual to determine the dominate individual’s genotype.
Mendel also studied ______________ _____________, crosses of individual’s with 2 differing characters. His results led
him to develop the principle of _______________ ______________, which states that the alleles for different genes are
sorted into gametes independently.
Concept 10.2 Mendel discovered that inheritance follows rules of chance. (p. 208-214)
The offspring of 2 true-breeding plants are called ______________. Mendel performed _______________ crosses,
which are matings between plants that differ in only one character. Mendel developed the following 4 hypotheses about
inheritance patterns:
1. There are alternate forms of genes, called _______________.
2. For each inherited character, an organism has 2 alleles, one from each _____________. A
______________individual has 2 of the SAME alleles for a character. A ________________ individual has different
alleles for that character.
3. When only one of the 2 different alleles seems to affect a trait, that allele is called the ________________ allele and
is written as an upper case letter. The allele that does NOT appear to affect a trait is called the ________________
allele and is written as a lower case letter.
4. When ____________ form, the alleles separate. Each gamete carries one allele for each trait. This is called the
_______________ of __________________.
A ______________ ______________ is a diagram that shows the different possible combinations of alleles and the
probability that each combination will occur. The genetic makeup of an individual is its _________________. An
observable trait, such as eye color, is a _________________. If an organism shows the recessive phenotype, its genotype is
_________________ recessive. If the organism shows the dominant phenotype, it could be _______________ or
________________ dominant. A _______________ breeds an individual with the dominant phenotype with a homozygous
recessive individual to determine the dominate individual’s genotype.
Mendel also studied ______________ _____________, crosses of individual’s with 2 differing characters. His results led
him to develop the principle of _______________ ______________, which states that the alleles for different genes are
sorted into gametes independently.