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Chapter 7 Section 1:
Founding the Roman Republic
Geography: Positive
 ____________ to north: protection against _____________
 _______________ location in the ____________________
o Control __________ and ____________
 _____________ Mountains:
o Did not prevent _________________
Geography: Negative
 Alps separate ___________ from ______________
 _______________ through the Alps
o Enemies could ____________.
 Long _________________:
o Italy _________________________________
Founding of Rome
 __________________________: (Late 600’s BC)
o Came from the __________
o Ruled __________
 Brought ________________________________________________
 Influenced ______________________
 Built ____________ into large city
 _____________________________?
The Greeks and Rome
 _________________: Settled in Southern _________ and ________
 Influenced Roman _________________
o Same ________________ with different _______
 ________________ – __________________
 ________________ – __________________
Strategic Location
 Rome built on ______________ along the ___________________________.
o ______________ from the coast
 Protected from ___________________
 Located at ___________________________ of river.
o ___________________________________________
Early Roman Republic
 509 BC: _______________________ overthrew _______________________
 Established a ________________:
o form of government in which ____________________________________
 Only _________ citizens could vote
The Senate could…
Controlled _________________________________
Decided _______________________________________
__________________________: could propose for a
__________________ - ruled for _________-months & had total control of __________
and courts
__________________ – two elected officials who served _______ year terms
Governed with advice from __________________
Consuls powers: Ran ______________________, commanded _______________,
appointed ________________________________
Had ___________ power –“I Forbid”
____________________ – assisted the consuls
Commanded armies in times of __________________
Oversaw Roman _________________________________
• Interpreted __________________________
__________________________: Became Powerful
_____________________ citizens according to _______________________
Appointed candidates to the ______________________
• Oversaw ______________________________
of citizens
Made up of ___________________________________
Voted on _______________________
Elected officials including the _______________________
Served as courts
• Elected _________________________: had power over Senate.
•could refuse actions of the _________________________.
Conflict of Orders
 Struggle ______________________ to gain more _____ in the ______________
 Rome = ______ classes
 Powerful, noble ____________________
 Controlled ______________________
 Inherited _____________________
 _________________ of the population
 ____________ and _______________
 Few rights: __________ but could not hold _______________
 Could not serve as _____________
 Laws: ______________________________
Plebeians Gain Rights
 Gained rights to:
o __________________________________
o __________________________________
o __________________________________
o __________________________________
 ________________________ 450 B.C. - ____________Roman Law placed in the
___________ for all to read
Nobility in the Republic
 By 342 B.C. – A _____________ always held one __________ position.
o Some became_____________: ________________________________
o __________________ faded btw. two classes
 _______________ controlled the Republic.
o Public officials: _________________
The Republic Grows
 By 265 B.C. Roman control- _________________________________________
The Role of the Roman Army
 __________ male citizens who owned ___________: ____________________
 Strict Discipline:
o enforced by _____________________________
o Well trained with _________________________
Roman Army
 Legion:
o __________________________________
o 4,500 – 6,000 soldiers
 Auxilia:
o __________________________________
Ruling the conquered
 Romans ruled conquered people _______
o Wanted ___________________________________
o Full __________________ to ________________________
o _____________ citizenship to people of __________________________.
 ex. Greece
 Conquered people expected to:
o ________________________
o ________________________
 Conquering spread:
o ________________________
o ________________________
o ________________________
Chapter 7 Section 2: Rome Expands its Borders
Rome Fights Carthage
• Mid 200’s B.C. – _____________________________________
• Carthage – __________________________________________
• _______________________
• _______________________
• Feared Rome wanted Sicily
• Rome feared Carthaginian navy wanted to ________________________________
Carthage vs. Rome
• Conflict over Sicily led to the Punic Wars
– _______________________
– ________________________
First Punic War
• Began 264 B.C.lasted 23 yrs.
• Rome – ___________________________________
• Quickly developed navy from captured Carthaginian boat
• Added ________________________________________
First Punic War: Results
• Carthage asked for _______________________
• Rome forced Carthage to _____________________________ (repay money)
• Romans _________________________
Second Punic War
• 218 – 202 B.C.
• Hannibal: _________________________________
• Assembled huge army in Spain
– Included soldiers, _______________________________
• Marched through Alps Italy
– ______________________________
Second Punic War
• Roman Legions no match for _____________: _______________
• Hannibal: not equipped to attack Roman cities
– __________________________________
– Romans: ________________________________
Second Punic War
• Rome invades _____________ and threatens ____________________
– Hannibal ordered home
• ______________ – Great Roman General
• Defeated Hannibal: ____________________________
Second Punic War: Results
• Punishment of Carthage
– pay ____________________________________
– Had to give up _______________________________
– Lost majority of its power to Rome
• Rome: most powerful _______________________________
Third Punic War
• Carthage: ________________________________________
– still hated
• 149 B.C. – Roman Senate decides to crush Carthage
– ____________________________
Third Punic War: Results
• 146 B.C. – ___________________________
• Rome: Superpower of the Med. Sea
Problems with Expansion
• Expanding size of Rome = _____________________________
• Senate: controls ________________________________
• New provinces ______________________________________
Problems with Expansion
• Conquered people: __________________________
– not citizens
• ___________________________
• ___________________________
• ___________________________
Domestic Problems
• B/c of Punic Wars: __________________________
– Import_______________________________
• Farmers: No money: sold farms and moved to the city
– ________________________________
Domestic Problems
• Equites – new ____________________
– Business people: gain ______________________
• _________________:
– Rich=richer
– Poor=poorer
• ________________ who lead a revolt in 73 B.C.
• 70,000 Slaves participated
• Romans: _______________________________
• Spartacus: _________________________
Chapter 7 Section 3: Caesar and the Emperors
The Rule of Caesar
 Gave the ___________ food and his ____________ land.
 Caesar _______________ size of Senate to _________
Reduced the power of the ______________
Wanted to be elected _______________ for life.
___________ many Senators
Conspiracy to kill Caesar
 Many ______________ formed a _______________ to kill Caesar
o Feared Caesar’s _______________ and _______________
o Felt he must be stopped.
The Assassins
 Gaius _________________ and Marcus __________________
–2 members of the conspiracy
–________________ and ____________ of Caesar
March 15, 44 B.C. –
–Caesar _____________ to ____________ in the Senate
–_________of March
Rome in Chaos
 ______________: Caesar’s grandnephew
–Chosen to be his _________________
–Creates a struggle for _________________
The Second Triumvirate
Power Struggle
 ______________ took part of the army
–moved to _____________ to join with ________________
 Octavian forced out _____________ and ruled __________.
The Division of Rome
 _________________– took eastern Rome
 ________________ – took western Rome
The Power Struggle Ends
______________ convinced Roman _______ to declare war on __________
Octavian captured _________________
Antony and Cleopatra ________________ _____________.
Octavian: The First Augustus
“_________ _____________” – avoid Julius’ fate
Took the name _________________.
–“The _____________ One”
– _____________ Augustus
First Roman________________ :
–Never called himself emperor
Won over the __________ through food, fresh ___________ and ________.
Greatly expanded _____________
–West:___________, East: ____________, South: __________,
__________/Danube rivers
Pax Romana – _____________ ____________
Began with the Reign of ___________________
Offered the people ____________ and _____________
Price for peace: ______________________________________________.
Julio-Claudian Emperors
- Relatives of ______________ ________________
__________________: 14 – 37 AD
- Good ruler but _____________ with the people
Caligula: 37 – 41 AD
- Brutal and____________, literally
- Eventually ______________
_____________: 41 – 54 AD
- intelligent gimp
Inexperienced at first
- Good _______________
- Conquered ____________________
Poisoned by wife – _____________________
- Put her Son ______________ in power
________________: 54 – 68 A.D.
- Also insane and brutal
Blamed for _________________ _______________of Rome
Had his mother Agrippina ________________
Killed _______________ instead of being murdered by the ____________
Last ____________-____________Emperor
Five Good Emperors
____________________: 17 – 138 A.D.
- Romanized _________________
Built forts and boundaries along_____________
- Ex: Hadrian’s Wall in ________________
____________ _______________: 161 – 180 A.D.
- last of 5 Good Emperors
Preferred to Study ____________ philosophy over ____________
- Forced to Defend empire against _____________
Chapter 7 Section 4: Roman Culture and Society
3 Factors of Roman Strength:
 _________________ unifying force in the empire
 ________________ ran government
o Made all ____________ decisions
o ___________________officials/governors
 _________________ governors
o ________________for provinces
 Needed __________ that fit the needs of a huge empire.
 _____________ ____________ altered:
o New laws could be ____________
o Judges could ______________ old laws to fit new circumstances
 Policies encouraged ____________
 _________________ most important occupation
 _____________ trade:
o Everyday goods
 ______________ trade:
o Luxury goods
 ______________ and _______________
o 60,000 miles all _____________
 Built by Roman ______________
 Promoted_____________, travel, and ________________.
o Quick ________________ throughout the Empire.
Roman Army
 Strengthened empire by keeping the _____________
o _______-_______ years service for citizens
 Maintain ________ on the ___________
o ______________ camps
o Defeated _____________ ex. Britain
Life in the Empire
 ______________________Period:
o Great ________________ in empire
 Wealth ________________ distributed
 ___________ poor – __________ rich
 Poor: farmers, laborers, city dwellers, and slaves
Daily Life: Rich
 ________ home and _____________ home
 Conveniences –_______________________
 Much _______________ time: Baths
 Extravagant _________________
Daily Life: Poor
 Crowed multi-story __________________________
 Government provided _________________
 _________________ to make decent living
 ______________________: No ________ protecting them
________/_________ slaves treated harshly
o ___________________ slaves: easier life
Could buy _________________
Owning slaves gave a person ________________ and ______________
 Achieve harmony with the ______________
o Influenced by ___________________
 State religion: promote loyalty to state
 Sacrifices common to please the gods
 Romans used _________ knowledge on city _______________.
 Master builders of ________, ___________ and ___________.
 Accomplishments: ___________, Arches, Vaulted Domes, and use of ________
Language and Literature
 __________ Alphabet
o What we use today minus J,Y,W
o Adopted by _______________________.
 ____________: Famous poet
o Wrote epic poem ______________
 _____________: Famous Historian
o Wrote _______________, Rome under ________________ Emperors