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Sickle Cell Disease Lesson Plan
This lesson takes place after the students have studied inheritance and DNA
structure. The students have been introduced to DNA mutations throughout the course;
however this lesson will go into more detail. Yesterday, the students read about and
practices incomplete dominance problems (pg 514-515). They used both Snapdragon and
sickle cell disease examples. The learned the three possible genotypes for hemoglobin.
They were also introduced to many of the medical implications of sickle cell disease and
sickle cell trait. Today, the students will read more detail about the disease and start
constructing a poster. They will work on boxes 1, 2, 6, 7, and 8 today. 1 is the genotype,
6 is the behavior of hemoglobin, 7 is the shape of the red blood cells under low oxygen
conditions, and 8 is the medical implications. Later in the week, I will teach the students
about protein synthesis. They will then return to the poster and add box 3=the structure of
mRNA, 4=the structure of the polypeptide, and 5=the shape of the hemoglobin molecule.
Content Standard:
Genetics 4.Genes are a set of instructions encoded in the DNA sequence of each organism
that specify the sequence of amino acids in proteins characteristic of that organism. As a
basis for understanding this concept: c. Students know how mutations in the DNA sequence
of a gene may or may not affect the expression of the gene or the sequence of amino acids in
an encoded protein.
Instructional Objective:
1. Students will be able to diagram the shape of red blood cells and behavior of the
hemoglobin molecules for each of the 3 hemoglobin genotype conditions.
2. Students will be able to describe the important medical implications for each of the 3
hemoglobin conditions.
3. Students will be able to explain how the shape of a protein (hemoglobin) can be
altered by a mutation in DNA.
Theoretical Foundation:
1. Multiple intelligences. A. Spatial=DVD clip, 3D models, graphic organizer B.
Bodily Kinesthetic= moving different cell shapes around with regard to the
capillary, creating poster and drawing diagrams C. Linguistic= writing
descriptions about medical implications, reading about sickle cell disease/trait. D.
Interpersonal=working in groups
2. Total physical response (TPR). Manipulating cell and capillary models and
drawing diagrams on poster graphic organizer
3. Zone of proximal development (ZPD). Working with others increases each
individual’s ability level.
4. Scaffolding. Demonstrating how to use critical reading skills to deconstruct a text
and then having students practice and share how they would use the same process
on the next paragraph. Also, studying a real disease that students may be familiar
with so that the information is meaningful to them.
5. “Catch factor.” Using a 3D video to catch the students’ attention and increase
their motivation.
Evidence for Understanding/Assessment:
Summative Assessment:
1. Poster and partnered quiz-worth a total of 90 points. 60 points will be available
for the row the person completed on their own and 30 will be possible on the
shared sickle cell trait row. The poster will be assessed on completion and
accuracy of each box on the poster graphic organizer. See rubric for details.
2. Free writing warm-up and Exit Slip- Listing 3 things they learned about sickle
cell and 1 thing they are still confused/curious about. Worth 5 points.
Formative Assessment
1. Extracting important information for texts-explaining what to underline and circle
2. Ability to answer questions posed by the teacher as she circles the classroom
Learning Experiences:
Introduction: The class will begin with an anticipatory set to get the students
thinking about mutations and genetic diseases (see warm-up). The students will then have
an opportunity to share what they wrote with the rest of the class.
I will then show a short overview video clip from the DNA interactive DVD. This clip
gives a general description of the mutation that takes place, how it affects protein
synthesis, and how the shape of the red blood cells affect the human body.
Instructional activities: Next, I will have the students turn to pg. 462 in their
books and I will hand out the photo copy of page 463. I have two volunteers read the
introduction under gene expression. Next, I will model how to critically read by reading
the first paragraph of the “Need to know” box on page 463. I will annotate and underline
on the passage. Then I will have 2 volunteers finish reading the passage. I will have
volunteers tell me what they would underline or circle from the remainder of the passage.
Next I will introduce the poster project. I will tell the students that they will be working
in groups of 2 with the person next to them. I will show them the model of the poster and
tell them that each student must complete one row on their own and they can work on the
sickle cell trait row together. I will tell them exactly how I will be grading the project-a
total of 87 points, 58 from their own row and 29 from the shared row. They will need
titles on every box, diagrams for boxes 5, 6, and 7 with accompanying explanations. I
will refer them to the directions on pg. 464 and remind them to refer to the need to know
box, as well as the reading on pg. 514-515. I will post key reminders on the document
Close: I will end this activity by first have the students clean up the paper
materials and then complete an exit slip. They will have to list 3 things they learned about
sickle cell disease and 1 thing they are still confused/curious about.
Differentiation and Academic Language:
Academic language: Academic language is supported in this lesson through my
use of modeling and guided practice. I will model for the students how to annotate an
article on a scientific topic. I will then have them practice these skills and share their
ideas with the class. I will also support language acquisition by adding new terminology
to the vocabulary chart and writing definitions. The students will also practice their
academic language by using previous vocabulary, such as genotype and phenotype, on
their posters.
Differentiation: This lesson will be differentiated for ELLs, special education
students, and advances students. The ELLs and special education students will be able to
use the models and diagram drawing to illustrate their understanding of the subject (TPR).
They will also be provided with appropriate sentence frames for their linguistic abilities
(See sentence frames).
If the advanced students finish early, they can start to read the next “Need to
know” box on page 466. This will serve as an introduction to amino acids and the affect
of the DNA mutation on the protein structure. They can then begin to work on box 5 on
their poster. They can also use the computers to look up why sickle cell trait (the
heterozygous condition) provides an advantage in areas with malaria.
Instructional Materials:
BSCS biology text book
Document camera
DNA interactive DVD
Pens/paper/markers/colored paper/poster board
Photo copy of page 463
Model of normal and sickle cells and capillary
Sentence frames of ELL/special education students
Exit slip
graphic organizer
What is a mutation? How can a mutation cause disease? List and describe any genetic
diseases that you know.
Graphic organizer
1. Genotype
5. Shape of
6. Behavior of
2. DNA Structure
(highlight all mutations)
(drawing and
(drawing and
7. Shape of the
blood cells
8. Medical
3. mRNA Structure
(highlight mutation)
4. Structure of the
(highlight mutation)
Sickle cell trait
1. Genotype
5. Shape of
6. Behavior of
2. DNA Structure
(highlight all mutations)
(drawing and
(drawing and
1. Genotype
5. Shape of
6. Behavior of
2. DNA Structure
(highlight all mutations)
(drawing and
(drawing and
7. Shape of the
blood cells
8. Medical
7. Shape of the
blood cells
8. Medical
3. mRNA Structure
(highlight mutation)
4. Structure of the
(highlight mutation)
Sickle cell disease
3. mRNA Structure
(highlight mutation)
4. Structure of the
(highlight mutation)
Medical implicationsBeginning ELL
Normal Cells:
The genotype for normal hemoglobin is
, therefore an individual with this
have sickle cell disease. Individuals in this state will therefore
medical problems. They will not have decreased
to the muscles and
Heterozygous-Sickle cell trait:
Individuals in this condition have
They may experience
conditions. This will result in mild
condition is beneficial in
condition can live long enough to
versions of the sickle cell disease problems.
of their blood cells in
. This
environments because individuals with this
Homozygous-Sickle cell disease:
Individuals in this condition will have
delivery of oxygen to the muscles and
. Individuals may also eventually
red blood cells resulting in
. This condition causes
Intermediate ELL
Normal Cells:
Individuals with this type of hemoglobin…
They will not experience…
They will have normal oxygen delivery to…
Heterozygous-Sickle cell trait:
Individuals with this type of hemoglobin will have mild…
They will experience symptoms in…
Sickle cell trait is beneficial in… because…
Homozygous-Sickle cell disease:
Individuals in this condition will experience…
There symptoms will include…
They may eventually…
Exit Slip
List 3 important things you learned about sickle cell disease and 1 thing you are still
confused/curious about.
Sickle Cell Poster Rubric
Possible points
Title =1 point
2 points
Title =1 point
DNA Structure=
2 points
Mutation identified=
1st Row
2nd Row
2 points
Title =1 point
Correct mRNA=
6 points
Mutation identified=
2 points
Title =1 point
Correct protein sequence=
6 points
Mutation identified=
2 points
Title =1 point
Correct drawing of hemogloblin=
2 points
Correct explanation=
6 points
Title =1 point
Correct drawing of hemoglobin
behavior=2 points
Correct explanation=
6 points
Title =1 point
Correct drawing of red blood cell=
2 points
Title =1 point
Proper identification of medical
implications=10 points
Poster title=1 point
Type of mutation 1 point