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Running head: Role of Ethics in Computer Engineering
Ethics has many definitions. However, a common and easily understandable meaning of
ethics is; the specific morals, principles, regulations and agreements human beings adopt for
their daily live progress. Ethics is a fundamental requirement for human nature (Michael, 1998).
It entails our variant modes of decision making. Minus ethics, then our actions are unscrupulous.
Progress and prosperity is propelled by ethics. Without ethics working towards set goals is a
target that is unachievable since we are unable to choose among limitless number of targets
(Michael, 1998). This report seeks to study the importance of ethics in computer engineering
field. It aims to discuss, some of the common ethical behaviors that at least can help an
organization achieve its objectives, indentify some unethical practices commonly practiced in a
certain company and the importance of ethics in computer engineering department.
Ethical behavior refers to the moral standards hold by individuals and organizations. It
consists of respecting some basic moral values like: honesty, integrity, equality, fairness,
empathy , respecting the dignity, diversity and rights of other people. Fairness and equity in
allocation of resources in every field is an essential ethical practice. For example rewarding
employees respectively to the volume of work they give to an organization. Honesty refers to
indulging in the clean ways to gain what is legally yours. Rendering your skill and services
genuinely without supervision is an ethical quality that each worker should posses (Chadwick,
1998). Respect is acknowledging the authority and adhering to a certain organizational culture
fully. Subordinating to those in power and honoring colleagues in your work place. Taking
seriously the instructions given by the management as well as considering advice from your
work mates is an important practice (Chadwick, 1998). Accountability and credibility are crucial
moral behaviors that many organizations fail to practice. For example, a senior accountant failing
to clearly indicate the total expenditure of an organization falls short of accountability. The
accountant in turn collaborates with the finance manager to embezzle the unaccounted money
hence falling short of credibility.
Treating people in respect to their actions is known as justice. This virtue applies the
principle of identity to individuals. It acknowledges the fact that all people are not equal and bear
Role of Ethics in Computer Engineering
different abilities that is why we have ranks in any aspect of life. Integrity entails the practicing
of what we advocate for. Abiding by the stipulated mode of grooming as per the regulations of
an organization; like wearing name tags for identification purposes by managers’ shows how
realistic a manager is. According to Kelly, Benevolence is a dynamic hunt of the colossal value
that we can acquire by relating to others. Eventually, ethics is a vast discipline that cannot be
exhaustively be discussed since it behaves similar to technology. Every new technology leads to
development of a new ethical behavior (Chadwick, 1998).
In my computer-engineering field, ethics has been neglected to a very hazardous level.
Hacking for example, is an unacceptable vicious practice that fellow engineers are lucratively
earning from. However, it is very crucial to advocate for moral behaviors in this technological
field. Unfair competition will be completely stopped and hence healthy relations will be
enhanced between the players in the industry (Tibor, 2010). The main importance of ethics in
computer engineering is bringing equity and fairness such that every participant will be given the
rightful region according to the skill and knowledge. Morton Thiokol, unethically launched a
rocket in the year 1986 despite the advice by vice president engineer Robert Lund on the
repercussions the rocket could pose to the ecosystem incase it explode before its intended
destination (Michael, 1998).
Role of Ethics in Computer Engineering
Chadwick, R.T. (1998). Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics. Vol 3, San Diego, CA. Academic Press
Michael,D. (1998). Thinking Like an engineer: studies in the Ethics of a Profession. New York.
Oxford University Press.
Tibor, V. (2010). Knowledge and Computing: A Course on Computer Epistemology. Budapest.
Central European University Press.