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Physics 11
Final Exam Outline
-Identify the frame of reference for a given motion and to distinguish fixed and moving frames
-Identify and investigate questions that arise from practical problems/issues involving motion
define distance, displacement, speed, and velocity
define operationally constant velocity
define acceleration
define operationally constant acceleration
create pictorial representations to analyse practical problems involving motion
differentiate between scalar and vector quantities
create motion diagrams for various motions
use motion diagrams to draw velocity and acceleration vectors for various motions
-Use vectors to represent position, displacement, velocity, and acceleration
define scalar and vector
identify scalars and vectors
multiple a vector by a scalar
resolve a vector into two orthogonal components using a diagram and/or trigonometry
write equations describing the addition of two or more vectors
write equations describing the subtraction of two vectors
add or subtract vectors using scaled vector diagrams and/or trigonometry
identify the resultant vector on a vector diagram
-Analyse word problems, solve algebraically for unknowns, and interpret patterns in data
-Analyse and describe vertical motion using the principles of kinematics
 solve a range of problems for objects with constant acceleration due to gravity involving
 displacement  time
 initial velocity  final velocity
 acceleration
 construct displacement-versus-time graphs for constant velocity and constant acceleration situations
 solve problems involving
 displacement
 time
 average velocity
 solve a range of problems for objects with constant acceleration involving
 displacement  time
 initial velocity  final velocity
 acceleration
 use a displacement-versus-time graph to determine
 displacement and distance
 average velocity and
 instantaneous velocity
and speed
 construct velocity-versus-time graphs, based on data from various sources
 use velocity-versus-time graphs to determine
 velocity
 displacement
 average velocity
 use velocity-versus-time graphs to determine acceleration, given appropriate data
-Apply Newton's laws of motion to explain inertia and the relationships among force, mass, and acceleration
-Analyze natural and technological systems to interpret and explain their structure and dynamics
state Newton’s 1st law of motion
illustrate Newton’s 1st law with examples
define inertia
differentiate between inertial and non-inertial frames of reference
state Newton’s 2nd law of motion
illustrate Newton’s 2nd law with examples
use Newton’s second law to solve problems that involve
 net force
 mass
 acceleration
 apply Newton’s laws and the concepts of kinematics to solve problems
 differentiate between contact and non-contact forces
 define weight
 define acceleration due to gravity
 compare different accelerations due to gravity on different planets
 define static friction
 define kinetic friction
 define normal force
 define coefficient of friction
 recognize the relationship between force due to friction and the strengths of normal force and
coefficient of friction
 solve problems with objects sliding on horizontal surfaces, involving
 force of
 coefficient of
 normal
 create free-body diagrams for use in solving problems
-Use vectors to represent forces
describe force as a vector quantity
resolve a force into two orthogonal components
determine the magnitude and direction of a force, given its two orthogonal components
use a vector component of a force to solve problems involving Newton’s 2 nd law of motion and the
concepts of kinematics
determine the net force from two or more forces
solve a variety of problems related to unbalanced forces (e.g. sliding objects)
solve a variety of problems related to unbalanced forces (e.g. Atwood’s machine)
solve a variety of problems related to unbalanced forces (e.g. inclined planes)
Momentum & Collisions
-Apply quantitatively the law of conservation of momentum to one-dimensional collisions and explosions
-Determine which laws of conservation, momentum, and energy are best used to analyse and solve particular
real-life problems in elastic and inelastic interactions
state Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion
Illustrate Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion with examples
define momentum
solve a variety of problems involving
 momentum  mass  velocity
define impulse (i.e., change in momentum)
solve a variety of problems involving
 momentum  impulse  net
 time
recognize that momentum and impulse are vector quantities
identify and compare momenta of common objects
give examples of situations involving momentum and impulse
define the term closed, isolated system
state the law of conservation of momentum for closed, isolated systems
solve problems, using the law of conservation of momentum in one dimension (e.g., inelastic collisions and
explosions) to determine
 momentum  impulse  velocity  mass
analyse conservation of momentum in two dimensions for situations involving two objects in an oblique
collision or an object exploding into no more than three fragments, solve problems to determine
 momentum  mass  velocity  impulse
draw scaled vector diagrams that represent conservation of momentum for situations involving two objects in
a collision or an object exploding into no more than three fragments
-Recognize the main forms of energy and be able to perform calculations involving the law of conservation of
 define work in terms of force and displacement
 solve a variety of problems involving
 work  force  displacement
 determine graphically the amount of work done on objects by constant or linearly varying forces
 define energy
 define kinetic energy
 solve a variety of problems involving
 kinetic
 mass  velocity
 define gravitational potential energy
 solve a variety of problems involving
 gravitational potential
 mass  acceleration due to
 height above reference
 differentiate between kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy, and give examples of each
 relate energy change to work done (i.e. work-kinetic energy theorem)
 state the law of conservation of energy
 solve problems involving a variety of situations (e.g., falling objects, sliding objects, roller coasters), using
the law of conservation of energy to determine
 gravitational potential
 total mechanical
 kinetic
 determine which laws of conservation, momentum, and energy are best used to analyse and solve
particular real-life problems in elastic and inelastic interactions
-Describe the production, characteristics, and behaviours of longitudinal and transverse mechanical waves
-Explain qualitatively and quantitatively the phenomena of wave interference, diffraction, reflection and
refraction, and the Doppler-Fizeau effect
-Compare and describe the properties of electromagnetic radiation and sound
-Describe how sound and electromagnetic radiation, as forms of energy transfer, are produced and transmitted
 define three types of waves, particularly
 mechanical
 electromagnetic
define three types of mechanical waves, providing examples, particularly
 transverse
 longitudinal
 surface
describe the properties associated with waves, including
 amplitude
 frequency
 period
 wavelength
 phase
 speed
describe and give examples of the following wave phenomena and the conditions that produce them:
 reflection
 refraction
 diffraction
 interference
 Doppler(superpositio
n principle)
 polarization
in addition to other forms of electromagnetic waves, identify from an appropriate diagram the visible light portion
of the electromagnetic spectrum
define compression and rarefaction of a sound wave
-Apply the universal wave equation to explain and predict the behaviour of waves
-Apply the laws of reflection and the laws of refraction to predict wave behaviour
 use the universal wave equation to solve problems involving
 speed  frequency (period)  wavelength
 use Snell’s law to solve problems involving
 angle of incidence
 angle of refraction
 indices of refraction
 define critical angle.
 calculate the speed of light in a particular medium.