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Chapter 3: The Biosphere
3-1 What is ecology?
• Ecology: ____________________________________________________
 Interdependence- dependence of every form of life on other living things
and natural resources (air, water, land) in its environment
Levels of Organization
• Biosphere: ___________________________________________________
– _________ above to _________ below
• Biome: group of ecosystems with same climate (temp. and rainfall)
• Ecosystem: collection of all organisms in a particular place together with
the abiotic (physical) environment.
• Community: _________________________________________________
• Population: groups of individuals of same species in same area.
• Species: _____________________________________________________
Biotic and Abiotic Factors
• Biotic – ___________
Ex: ________________________________________________
• Abiotic – __________
Ex: ________________________________________________
Habitat – the area where an organism lives; includes both biotic and abiotic
Ecological Methods
__________________ – 1st step to designing an experiment
__________________ – test hypotheses; imitate & manipulate
__________________ – make models based on observation &
Helps make ______________ predictions
3-2 Energy Flow
• One of the most important factors to determine __________ to sustain life
is _________________
____________ (producers)
• Can trap _________________ to produce _________ (organic molecules)
– Plants
– Some ____________
– Some ____________
• Photosynthesis: _______________________________________________
_______ + ______
______ + ______
• Chemosynthesis – ____________________________________________
• Can’t trap energy directly; must acquire it from other ____________
Herbivores – _______________
Carnivores – _______________
Omnivores – _______________
Detritivores – _________________________________________________
Decomposers – ________________________________________________
Food Chains and Food Webs
Feeding Relationships
Feeding Relationships
• Trophic Levels: ______________________________________________
Ex: producers, then _____________
Ecological Pyramids – ___________________________________________
•Biomass – _________________________________________________
3-3 BioGeoChemical Cycles
*Recycle Matter*
Carbon Cycle
• Photosynthesis: _____ CO2 from
– Happens in the _______________
• Respiration: _________ CO2 to
– Happens in the _______________
Water Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
The Phosphate Cycle
Phosphate: __________________________________________________
Found in __________ that are worn down
Washes into ________________________________ for marine organisms
Taken in by ___________ and turned into _______________ compounds
Nutrient Limitation
• Primary Productivity: _________________________________________
• If nutrients are in short supply, they are called ______________________
Ex: Nitrogen is often ___________ in water; if there is suddenly an input
of N (_________________), organisms can grow rapidly (____________)