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TOPIC: CH. 14.2: The Nucleus (pp. 415-423)
Important Terms:
Atomic Number (415):
Isotopes (415):
Mass Number (416):
Radioactive Decay (416):
Transmutation (416):
Alpha Particle (417):
Beta Particle (418):
Half-Life (418):
Reading Ch. 14.2 (pp. 415-423)
Main Idea for Section 2 (p. 402):
Identifying Numbers:
1. How does the nucleus in the atom of one element differ
from the nucleus of an atom of another element?
2. The smallest of the atoms is: ______________
Number of protons in nucleus: ________
Atomic Number: ______
3. The heaviest of the atoms is: ______________
Number of protons in nucleus: __________
Atomic Number: __________
Number of Neutrons:
4. Most atoms of carbon have ______ neutrons, but some have
______ and some have _______.
5. They are all carbon atoms because they all have six protons.
These three kinds of carbon atoms are called _____________.
6. The isotopes of carbon are called _________________,
______________ and ________________.
7. The numbers tell
Mass Number:
8. You can find the number of neutrons in an isotope by
subtracting the _______________from the ________________.
Strong Nuclear Force:
10. What is strong nuclear force?
9. The strong nuclear force can hold the protons together
only when__________________________________________.
Radioactive Decay:
10. Most atomic nuclei are stable when they have about the
same number of ____________ and ____________.
11. Some are unstable because they have too many or too few
12. Heavier elements like _____________ and ____________ have
_____________ _____________.
13. The nucleus __________ particles and becomes __________
14. When particles are released, __________ is given off.
15. When the particles ejected from the nucleus include
__________, the atomic number of the nucleus changes and one
__________ changes into another.
16. Changing of one element into another through radioactive
decay is _____________________.
Loss of Alpha Particles:
17. Smoke detectors contain ________________, which
undergoes transmutation by ejecting _____________ and an
______________ ____________ (consists of two protons and two
18. The energy and particles are called __________ __________.
19. In the smoke detector, the fast-moving alpha particles
allow the air to conduct an _____________ _____________.
20. As long as the ____________ __________ is flowing, the
smoke detector is silent. The alarm is set off when the flow of
electric current is interrupted by __________ entering the
Changed Identity
Loss of Beta Particles:
21. Some elements undergo transmutation by releasing an
electron, called a beta particle from their __________.
22. The happens when a neutron becomes ___________, and
splits into an ___________ and a _____________.
23. The electron is released with a lot of ______________, while
the proton remains in the _________________.
Rate of Decay:
24. Radioactive decay is _______________.
Calculating Half-Life:
25. The radioactive decay of unstable atoms goes on at a
steady pace, unaffected by conditions such as _______________,
______________, _______________ or ______________
_____________, and even ______________ reactions.
Carbon Dating:
26. The study of radioactive decay is useful in determining the
age of ______________ and ____________.
27. ___________ is used to determine the age of dead animals,
plants and humans.
28. The half-life of carbon-14 is __________ years.
29. Animals take in carbon from food such as plants and
release carbon as _____________ _____________.
30. While life processes go on, any carbon -14 nucleus that
decays is _____________ by one in the ______________. When the
plant or animal dies, the decaying ____________ no longer can be
31. When archeologists find an ancient item, they can find out
how much carbon-14 it has and compare with
32. By knowing the _________ __________ of carbon-14, they can
calculate when an animal lived.
33. Carbon dating is only used for things that are or have been
alive, while examining the decay of ______________ is used to
study the age of _____________.
Making Synthetic Elements:
34. Synthetic elements are _________ by humans. Alpha and
beta particles are ______________ in particle ________________ to
speeds fast enough that they can smash into a large
____________ and can be _____________ on impact. The
absorbed particle converts the target __________ into another
__________ with a higher _____________ ____________.
Uses of Radioactive Isotopes:
35. The process of artificial transmutation has been adapted
so that radioactive isotopes of normally _____________
__________ can be used in _______________ and __________.
36. These ____________ ___________ are used to diagnose
disease and study environmental conditions.
37. The isotopes chosen for medical purposes have short
________ __________, which allows them to be used without risk
of exposing living organisms to _______________
Medical Uses/Environmental Uses:
What are 2 facts that you learned from these sections?