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Gandhigram Rural University and WASH Institute are eager to
bring to limelight the impact of climate change on poor and
indigenous communities, and to arrive at practical solutions that
could be recommended to policy makers, of the Government,
development workers and community at large.
20-21 March 2009
Supported by
Coordinated by
Global warming has taken the world’s attention with people from
every walk of life becoming sensitive to the issue. Scientists warn
of erratic climate change in many parts of the world. Scientific
findings reveal that it would take at least another millennium to
reverse the atmospheric temperature and carbon dioxide levels
back to those of pre industrial era.
While the National Academy of Sciences emphasize the need for
quick and aggressive acts to curb the effects of climate change, the
UNDP has warned that “Changes in average temperatures, rainfall
patterns and monsoon timings will affect India's entire
environment, especially the nation's water resources, sea-levels
and biodiversity, impacting a wide range of sectors, particularly
agriculture.” It is the poorest of the poor who will be severely
In India, Farmers, rural and indigenous communities have already
become the victims of climate change due to erratic climate
change, degrading mountain ecosystems and resource depletion. It
is also posing serious questions to the Governments, Educational
Institutions and Researchers all over the world as to: How to
counter the climate change?
There are no detailed studies on vulnerability and adaptive
capacity of our farmers and indigenous communities. Even the
social dimensions of climate change have not been given
importance for research on climate change. The ordinary farmer is
unable to explain the reasons for the erratic climate change, leave
alone countering it for his livelihood. But it is unfortunate that it is
these poor communities that are the front line victims of climate
In this context, a seminar titled ISSUES AND IMPACTS OF CLIMATE
CHANGE ON COMMUNITY is organized to discuss various
dimensions of climate change and its effects, sustainable means to
mitigate the ill effects of climate change, to help the communities
in developing agriculture, food security, land use, forestry, human
health, water supply and sanitation and also to take a closer look at
the dynamics of observation, projection, adaptation, vulnerability
and sustainable development in mitigation of climate change.
Objectives of the Seminar
To gather and disseminate knowledge on climate change for
sustainable development
To bring awareness among various organizations in the
country working for development
To create a common platform for researchers, academicians,
development workers and policy makers to enrich their
knowledge and seek solutions to the issue
To identify and know the strategies for mitigating the ill effects
of climate change in agriculture, land use, food security,
forestry, human health, water supply and sanitation
To pave ways for realizing the 7th MDG goal of ensuring
environmental sustainability
Technical Sessions
Food and water security under changing climatic conditions
and global warming: Developing acclimatization capacity
Sustainable land use and farming systems, forestry and
biodiversity conservation strategies in changing climatic
Vulnerability on Mountain and River ecosystems and their
management by stronger involvement of forest communities
in conservation of ecosystems
Vulnerability on water supply, sanitation and human health
due to climate change and ways to meet the challenges
Disaster management strategies in coastal areas in response to
climate change
Renewable Energy – New and alternative sources to reduce
the emissions
About WASH Institute
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Institute is a non profit
training and development organization dedicated to provide
practical solutions to a wide range of water, sanitation, hygiene
and environmental issues in India and the neighboring countries.
Core activities of WASH Institute are training programs to groom
middle level professionals on the ground in water, sanitation,
hygiene and environment sectors.
The WASH Institute has Governance and activities by Committee
members from organization such as Water and Engineering
Development Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University, UK;
International Resource Centre Delft (IRC), The Netherlands;
Stockholm International Water Institute, Stockholm, Sweden;
Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI), Stockholm, Sweden;
Water Aid (WA), London, UK; Winrock International (WI), New
Delhi, India; Plan India, New Delhi, India; UNICEF India Country
Office, Water and Environmental Sanitation Network (WES-Net
India); Water for People, India; Water Partner International (WPI),
India; Wherever the Needs (WTN), UK; and AFPRO,
About the University
Gandhigram was born in 1947 as a dream realized of dedicated
disciples of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr.T.S.Soundaram and
Dr.G.Ramachandran. Home of many rural oriented programs, it
extended its services to rural higher education through
Gandhigram Rural Institute which was founded in 1956. The three
dimensional approach of teaching, research and extension became
a pioneering model which earned appreciation from all over the
country and the work of the institution invited national attention.
The Government of India (Ministry of Education) conferred the
status of Deemed University to this institution in 1976 and recently
it was recognized as Gandhigram Rural University (GRU).
Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, the coordinating unit
of the seminar was established in 1956 and it is one among the
seven faculties in Gandhigram Rural University.
Participation is open to academicians, researchers, professionals,
scientists, policy makers, central and state government officials,
management cadres from water, sanitation, agriculture, forestry,
horticulture and animal husbandry sectors, industries, NGOs and
CBOs and students, youth and stake holders having interest in the
Organizing Committee
Call for abstract and full paper
The abstracts for oral / poster presentation not exceeding 200
words are invited by e-mail to [email protected]. The title of the
abstract followed by Name(s) of the author(s) with initials at the
end of each name and their affiliation. The name of the author
presenting the abstract should be bold. Printed abstracts should be
submitted with duly filled registration form and prescribed
registration fee by way of Demand Draft on or before 13.03.2009.
Sri A.Kalimuthu, Managing Trustee, WASH Institute
Arrangements have been made to publish the full papers of the
seminar as a book by May 2009. Hence the participants are
requested to send full papers in a CD / e-mail (As per Indian Journal
of Agricultural Sciences research article format) on
or before
15.04 2009.
Dr.T.T.Ranganathan, GRU
Dr.M.Sundaramari, GRU
Dr.A Ramanathan, GRU
Registration fee
All delegates
Scholars / Students
Payments should be made in advance by demand draft drawn in
favour of WASH Institute, Kodaikanal payable at Canara Bank,
Kodaikanal and sent to the following address
Oral Presentation
Technical sessions shall consist of invited lectures by eminent
experts and contributory presentations by professionals. Selected
abstracts will be accepted for oral presentation. The presented
papers will be published in the proceedings.
Poster presentation
Poster sessions shall provide an opportunity to Scientists,
Technologists and Students to present their original research and
technological findings. The size of the poster will be 3’ X 4’
Free accommodation will be offered on first come first served basis
on twin sharing basis at University Guest House. For those who
like to stay outside, hotel accommodation will be arranged on
request on payment basis at Dindigul:
Hotel A Grade
Rs. 1500/day
B Grade
Rs. 600/day
Rs. 250-400/day (Double bed)
Rs. 150-250/day (Single bed)
Professor of Agriculture
Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram – 624 302
Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu
For all communications mail to
E-mail: [email protected]
Dates to Remember
Last date for submission of abstracts: 13th March 2009
Last date for submission of full paper: 15thApril 2009
Dates of Seminar
: 20th– 21st March 2009
Registration form can also be downloaded from
Registration Form
(20-21 March 2009)
Full Name
Organization /
Student / Scholar / Teacher / Professional
Complete Postal Address:
(with Pin code)
Phone/Mobile No.
E-Mail / Fax
Presenting a paper
: Yes / No
If yes, give the title of the paper
Registration fee detail
D.D. No.
Accommodation required
If Yes, details
Yes / No.
(The duly filled in Registration form along with fee should be sent to Dr.T.T.Ranganathan, Professor of
Agriculture and Coordinator, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Gandhigram Rural University,
Gandhigram – 624 302, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu)