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Supplement for Exam #1
Possible short answer questions for Zoology
1. In the 1950’s the giant Nile perch was introduced into Lake Victoria in
Africa. How did this affect the native cichlid population and what
ecological affects occurred?
Chapter 4.
2. There is a wealth of evidence of evolution. In your own words, describe
the theory of evolution and its evidence.
Chapter 5.
3. How does speciation occur? Describe and give examples of allopatric
speciation and sympatric speciation.
4. Define reproductive isolation and give five examples.
Selected items from Chapter 7.
5. Describe the evolution of tissue starting from a unicellular organism to
triploblastic pattern of organization. Be sure to include the different
forms of triploblastic patterns.
6. What is meant by protostomes and deuterostomes?
Some Key terms
Chapter 1. Zoology, Binomial nomenclature, Organic evolution, Endangered
species, ecological niche
Chapter 4. Analogy, Adaptation, adaptive radiation, biogeographical,
comparative anatomy, homology, convergent evolution, natural selection
theory, organic evolution, Galapagos Island, Paleontology, phylogenetic tree,
phylogeny, macroevolution, microevolution
Chapter 5. Allopatric speciation, gene flow, gene pool, bottleneck effect,
directional selection, genetic drift, reproductive isolation- examples of,
speciation, species, sympatric speciation.
Selected items from Chapter 7. Bilateral symmetry, cladogram, class,
coelom, domain, evolutionary conservation, evolutionary systematics, family,
genus, kingdom, monophyletic group, nomenclature, order, phylogenetic
sytematics, phylum, species, and systematics