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Name: _____________________________Date: _______________________Period: _____
Assignment #_____
Chapter 12 Test Review Sheet
12-1: Deoxyribonucleic Acid
1. What type of macromolecule is DNA? _______________What does DNA stand for: _______________
2. What are the building blocks on DNA called? _____________________ What are the three parts of those building
blocks? ___________________, ___________________ and ____________________
3. The structure of DNA was discovered by ______________________ and ______________________ in the year
__________. The discovery would have been nearly impossible without the help of _________________________
and _______________________ who provided x-ray crystallography pictures of DNA.
4. What is Chargaff’s rule? _______________________________________________________
5. Using Chargaff’s rule determine the approximate percentage of thymine, adenine and guanine in a DNA molecule if
28% of the nucleotides contain cytosine.
a. Thymine: _________
b. Adenine: __________
c. Guanine: __________
6. Explain how Chargaff’s rules helped Watson and Crick model DNA:
7. What is base pairing? _______________________________________________________________
8. How are the bases of the double helix in DNA held together? _________________________________________
9. What is the backbone of DNA made of: ______________________________What kind of bond holds these
backbone molecules together? _______________________
12-2: Chromosomes and DNA Replication
1. Where is DNA found in prokaryotic cells? ______________________
2. DNA wraps around proteins called _______________________ to form _________________________.
3. At the beginning of cell division, the DNA and proteins pack together even tighter to form individual structures called
4. DNA copies itself during a process called ___________________________, which occurs during the ___ phase
during _____________________ of the cell cycle.
5. Describe the steps of DNA replication:
a. The two strands of DNA are separated by the enzyme______________________
b. ___________________________ then adds new complimentary _______________ to each strand of DNA.
This process is said to be semi-_________________________because one half of the original DNA double
helix is a part of each of the two new strands.
c. ________________ is the enzyme that helps glue the backbone together on the lagging strand of DNA
6. A gene is _________________________________________________________________________
12-3: RNA and Protein Synthesis
1. How are DNA and RNA different?
a. ____________________________b. _________________________c. ____________________
2. What are the different types of RNA and what is their function:
Type of RNA
Full Name
3. Copying part of a sequence of DNA into a complementary strand of mRNA is called: ________________. During this
process the enzyme that binds to DNA to make the copy is called ______________________________. Where does
this process take place in the cell? _________________
4. Before mRNA leaves the nucleus, segments called __________________ are cut out in a process called
______________________________. After this process only the ________________ are left, which make up the
____ RNA that is ready to travel into the cytoplasm in search of a ribosome.
5. A group of 3 nucleotides of mRNA that code for a specific amino acid is called a ___________________.
6. The universal start codon is ______________ which codes for the amino acid __________________.
7. The 3 stop codons are __________, ____________, and ___________. What amino acid do these stop codons code
for? _____________________________________________________________
8. What amino acid will be coded for by each of the following mRNA codons:
a. UCA ____________________ b. CAC _____________________ c. AUU _______________
9. What are the possible codons for the following amino acids:
a. Proline: ______________________________ b. Aspartic Acid: _______________________
10. During _____________________ the information carried by the mRNA is used to produce a protein.
11. The monomer of a protein is a(n): ___________________________________.
12. A polypeptide chain is a _______________________________. It is sometimes called a polypeptide chain because
the amino acids are held together by ______________________ bonds.
13. A chain of amino acids is called a ____________________________
14. Where does translation take place in the cell? ____________________________________________
15. The three bases on a tRNA molecule are called ________________________________
16. What is the amino acid sequence that is coded for by the following DNA sequence?
a. DNA: C T T A T A C T C C G C T A T G C C C A T C
b. RNA: ____________________________________________________________
c. Amino Acid Sequence: ________________________________________________________
17. What does protein synthesis mean? ____________________________________________________
18. What kind of macromolecule is DNA polymerase? ______________________ More specifically it is a catalyst in
living things so it is called a(n) ______________________.
19. __________ is the genetic material found in each cell in your body. One segment of this molecule is called a
_______________. Every gene expresses itself as a _________________. Many proteins put together make up all of
your _____________________.
12-4: Mutations
1. A mutation is _________________________________________________________________
2. Mutations that affect a single nucleotide are called __________________________mutations. Mutations that shift the
reading frames (codons) are called: _________________________mutations.
3. Substituting one nucleotide in a codon for another nucleotide would cause a ____________ mutation.
4. Adding one nucleotide into a sequence would cause a ____________________________ mutation.
5. Taking always one nucleotide from a codon would cause a _______________________mutation.
6. Compare the following two sequences of DNA to determine what type of mutation has occurred:
b. Mutant DNA:
c. Circle the mutant DNA where it is different from the Original
d. What kind of mutations has occurred? ____________________________________________
e. How do you know? ___________________________________________________________
7. A change in the location or number of genes on a chromosome is called a ____________________
8. Will a point mutation always affect the amino acid sequence of a protein? ___Explain ____________
12-5: Gene Regulation
1. Explain what an operon is and how it works using these words: operator, active repressor protein, inactive repressor
protein, promoter, lactose, and lactase. ____________________________________________________
2. How does a repressor protein work? __________________________________________________________
3. What does the TATA box do?
4. What is the importance of HOX genes? _______________________________________________________