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The Renaissance in Italy
(Reading Handout)
The term Renaissance translates as “rebirth”. What was it the rebirth of? (2
The Renaissance is the rebirth of thinking and learning in our world. It looks back to
rediscover the knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans. It questions our world and
our place in the world. It is shown in art, architecture, literature and music – as well as
2. Describe some of the reasons that allowed the Renaissance to begin in Italy first?
The Renaissance begins in Italy first because:
1) Italy had the remains of the old Roman Empire – this is inspire people to look to the
past and to seek greatness again
2) Wealthy Merchants/trade – Some people were very wealthy and wanted to show off
their wealth by sponsoring artists
3) City-States – Italy had strong individual city states, people could share ideas. It was
never really feudal like other areas of Europe
4) Center of European Trade – Italy had many different people from different areas
trading with it, so new ideas came in as well.
3. Who was the powerful family in Florence that influenced politics, culture and art
in Florence?
The Medici family – the were like the ‘godfathers’ of the Renaissance
4. New ways of looking at the world emerge during the Renaissance (‘the isms’).
Define each of the ‘isms’ in words that make sense to you.
a) Humanism – the idea that humans have great powers to think and be creative.
We have the ability of choice and are not just ‘puppets’ of a god.
b) Secularism – the idea of looking to this life and earth for answers instead of
completely relying on heaven for answers. Living this life to the fullest
c) Individualism – not treating people as just part of a group or class, but each
person is unique and has different skills
d) Classicism – looking back for inspiration to the ancient Greeks and Romans for
inspiration and knowledge
5. The Renaissance is well known for the art and architecture. Describe 3 ways that
art changed during the Renaissance. What was the focus of this art?
Art had more detail and realism, more vivid and bright colours. There was more
depth through the use of prespective. Subjects showed more emotion. They
focus of the art was still religious, but also began to show people as individuals.
6. LIST some of the great works of art of the Renaissance and the artist who created
Leonardo Da Vinci – Mona Lisa, The Last Supper
Raphael – The School of Athens, The Madonna,
Michelangelo - Statue of David, The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
7. Who was Niccolo Machiavelli? Describe his accomplishments (what he did).
He was a diplomat for the Medici family. He was thrown into prison where he wrote
the book “The Prince” – It describes politics of the 1300s and that a ruler had to be
ruthless to keep their power. “It is better to be feared than loved” “The end justifies the
8. How did Gutenberg’s invention change life and learning in Europe?
The printing press allows for things to be printed much more quickly and cheaply. This
means information was easier to share. More people will start to learn to read. Society
as a whole becomes much smarter. News will spread quicker and without changing. It
will fuel people’s desire for change.
Now for the BIG QUESTION....
..... What was the Renaissance and why was it such an important change it history?
(This is the question that I will be definitely marking. Put some thought into it as it will
be marked on a rubric. You are aiming for a paragraph of 4-5 sentences)
Things I was looking for include:
The idea of the change in values and worldview of the people. (secularism,
individualism, humanism
The idea and belief in human potential
The idea of questioning the world and your place in it –
Questioning authority
A desire to discover new things and learn
It breaks from the old rigid feudal system and allows for social mobility
It is expressed through art, architecture, music, literature