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Vocabulary/Concepts for the Heredity Unit
Mitosis: cell division in body cells which produces 2 identical cells.
Steps in Mitosis:
o Interphase: hereditary information (chromosomes) copied/doubled.
o Prophase: Nuclear membrane dissolves, centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell, and spindle
fibers begin to form.
o Metaphase: Pairs of chromatids line up across the cell.
o Anaphase: chromatids separate and move to opposite ends of the cell.
o Telophase: Spindle fibers disappear and cytoplasm separates. Cell membrane pinches off to
form 2 new cells.
Meiosis: Cell division in sex cells which produces 4 cells with ½ the chromosomes (original cell has 46
chromosomes or 23 pairs, new cells only have 23 chromosomes)
Zygote: cell formed from fertilization.
DNA & Genes: Carry our genetic information/traits.
Genetic Mutations
Gregor Mendel: Father of Genetics
Dominant Trait: stronger trait, trait that is most often expressed or seen
Recessive Trait: weaker trait often hidden by the dominant trait.
Hybrid: Two different traits
Purebred: Two same traits
Homozygous: Purebred (Ex – TT or tt)
Heterozygous: Hybrid (Ex – Tt)
Punnett Square: Chart used to make predictions about possible traits/characteristics of offspring.
Genotype: genetic make-up of an organism (the letters used to represent the trait)
Phenotype: physical appearance, the trait that is expressed.
Allele: each individual trait/characteristic and the letter used to represent that trait (different forms of a trait
that make up a gene pair).
Incomplete Dominance: the heterozygous appears to be a blend of the two characteristics/traits.
(Ex – Red 4 O’clock flowers crossed with White 4 O’clock flowers produce pink 4 O’clock flower
Multiple Alleles: traits controlled by more that two alleles (Ex – Blood Type A, B, and O)
Polygenic Inheritance: a group of gene pairs that act together to produce a trait (Ex – different shades of eye
or hair color).
Chromosome Disorders
Genetic Mutations
Sex-Linked Disorders: carried on the sex chromosomes (Ex – Colorblindness)
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