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Honors Biology Reading Guide – Chapter 6 Metabolism: energy and Enzymes
6.1 Life and the Flow of Energy
1. How do cells and living thing use energy?
Forms of Energy
2. Compare potential and kinetic energy. Give examples.
3. What is chemical energy?
Two Laws of Thermodynamics
4. Energy flows through an ecosystem, but most energy dissipates as _______________.
5. State the first law of thermodynamics.
6. Give examples of the first law of thermodynamics.
7. State the second law of thermodynamics.
8. Explain the second law of thermodynamics.
Cells and Entropy
9. Restate the second law of thermodynamics.
10. What is entropy?
11. Explain entropy and the second law of thermodynamics in terms of cellular processes.
12. Discuss entropy and the second law of thermodynamic in terms of the neatness of your locker.
6.2 Energy Transformations and Metabolism
13. Define metabolism, catabolism, and anabolism.
14. What is free energy?
15. How is free energy calculated?
16. What does it mean for a reaction to produce negative free energy?
17. Which bodily chemical reactions are endergonic?
18. Where do endergonic reactions get their energy?
19. What role does ATP play in endergonic and exergonic reactions?
ATP: energy for Cells
20. Where do cells get the energy to build ATP?
Structure of ATP
21. Describe the structure of ATP.
Coupled Reactions
22. What are coupled reactions?
23. Describe how ATP is involved in coupled reactions.
24. Explain how ATP and muscle contractions are coupled.
Functions of ATP
25. Describe the three uses of ATP in living systems.
6.3 Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways
26. What is a metabolic pathway?
27. List two benefits of metabolic pathways.
28. Enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions. What other molecule can also speed up chemical
29. Enzymes increase the rate of a chemical reaction (catalyst). Do they determine if a reaction moves forward?
30. What is a substrate?
31. What letter is the substrate for E5?
Energy of Activation
32. Why would you heat a reaction flask?
33. What is Energy of Activation (Ea)? Give an example.
34. What happens to a reaction with a negative ∆G?
35. Do the products and reactants differ in a catalyzed vs an uncatalyzed reaction?
How Enzymes Function
36. Where is the active site?
37. What is the function of the active site?
38. Describe the induced-fit model.
39. Why does a cell need only a small amount of enzymes?
Factors Affecting Enzymatic Activity
40. What is the name of the enzyme that catalyzes H2O2? Write the equation.
41. List the five factors that can affect the rate of an enzymatic reaction.
Substrate Concentration
42. What is the explanation for the increase in enzymatic activity as the amount of substrate increases?
43. Can maximum rate of reaction be achieved? Explain.
Temperature and pH
44. Explain why temperature affects enzymatic activity.
45. Will enzymatic activity continue to increase with an increase in temperature? Explain.
46. What happens to an enzyme when it become denatured?
47. Draw the rate of reaction curves for pepsin and trypsin.
48. What is the optimal pH for pepsin? ______ For trypsin?______
49. What happens to enzymatic activity when pH falls outside the preferred value? Explain.
Enzymatic Activation
50. How does a cell control the amount of an enzyme?
51. Identify three ways enzymes become activated.
52. Describe how kinases and phosphatases interact with enzymes.
Enzyme Inhibition
53. What is enzyme inhibiton?
54. Describe what happens in feedback inhibition.
55. Why is feedback inhibition important?
56. Describe a more common mechanism of feedback inhibition.
57. Describe how cyanide and penicillin are enzyme inhibitors.
Enzyme Cofactors
58. What are cofactors?
59. What are coenzymes?
60. How are vitamins related to coenzymes?
61. Describe examples of vitamin deficiencies.
6.4 Oxidation-Reduction and Metabolism
62. What is the difference between oxidation and reduction?
63. How does oxidation and reduction apply to covalent bonds in cells?
Chloroplasts and Photosynthesis
64. Write the overall equation for photosynthesis.
65. In this reaction, which substance is reduced? How?
66. In this reaction which substance is oxidized? How?
67. Where does the energy come from to reduce CO2 to glucose?
68. Is ATP formed in chloroplasts? Explain.
69. One mole of glucose stores _____kcal of energy which is then utilized by living things when carbohydrates are
oxidized in ______________________________________________.
Mitochondria and Cellular Respiration
70. Write the overall equation for cellular respiration.
71. What substance is oxidized? Explain.
72. Which substance is reduced? Explain.
73. The complete oxidation of 1 mole of glucose releases ____ kcal of energy.
74. Why is it important that the oxidation of glucose is a gradual process?
75. How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration involved in a cycle?
76. What does not cycle between photosynthesis and cellular respiration? Explain
Cellular Respiration and Humans
77. In what ways are humans dependent on plants?
78. Discuss the metabolism of a piece of pizza.
Biological molecule
Metabolism Process
Fatty acids
Amino acids
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