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1. Darwin and Captain Fitzroy stop in a village in South America to purchase what?
2. T
(circle one)
Darwin’s idea of evolution was widely accepted by Britain
3. Upon his return, Darwin presented a tortoise to his brother that he had
collected from where? (One of the stops on his journey aboard the Beagle.)
4. T
Darwin was comfortable in sharing his ideas with other scientists.
5. In his speech, Darwin explains how he found _______________ remains at the top of the
Andes Mountains – specimens he didn’t expect to see up there.
6. Richard Owen, an anatomist, offers to do what for Darwin?
7. The birds that Darwin collected on the Galapagos Islands were all identified as what
8. How did Darwin believe the birds arrived at these islands?
9. Darwin hypothesized that, since the globe had changed geologically, all living creatures
had to change with it to _________________ to the new changes.
10. How did there come to be so many different types of birds on the individual islands,
according to Darwin?
11. Darwin hypothesized that new species sprung from the tree of life with some becoming
extinct and other continuing to develop, but they all came from a _________________
____________________ (the base of the tree).
12. Darwin was not the first to state this hypothesis. Who else had thought of this?
13. Chris Schneider and his colleagues were collecting animals at the base and top of the
Andes Mountains to understand how a changing environment can do what?
14. Modifications made to praying mantises that looked more like leaves provided them with
a better opportunity to do what?
15. What is the new tool available to modern researchers that was not available in Darwin’s
16. What factors can keep the human population in check and not allow it to overpopulate?
17. When a population competes for a limited amount of resources, which individuals will
tend to survive?
18. Why is HIV considered an example of natural selection?
19. How does natural selection favor mutated HIV?
20. Why was the wild-type virus “more fit” in the patient after 3 months without drugs?
21. When Darwin visited the anatomist Richard Owen and studied the chimpanzee specimen,
Darwin said the similarity of bone structure Owen found between the different species
was an indicator of _________________________________.
22. Modern scientists have studied the evolution of a specific organ through stages of
increasing complexity. What is that organ?
23. What was the effect on Darwin of his daughter Anne’s death?
24. What evidence has been uncovered since Darwin’s time to support the link between
humans and apes?
25. T
Evolution favored the natural selection of an organism’s ability to
communicate, manipulate symbols, and construct language.
26. Do you agree with the way other members of the scientific community treated Darwin?
Why or why not?
27. How would you have presented the idea of natural selection to those scientists?