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Test Objectives: Measurement
Know the steps of the Scientific Method: observation, hypothesis, procedure
experiment, conclusion
Know the difference between theory & law
Recall the rules for rounding numbers
Be able to measure length, mass & volume using SI units
Be able to perform one-step conversions within the metric system
o examples: convert meters to centimeters or liters to cm3
Know how to derive other units from the fundamental SI units
o Example: volume from length, width & height
Figure out the calibration of a measuring devise
Know how to determine the number of significant figures (sig figs) in a measurement
Be able to determine the correct number of sig figs in a calculation involving
Know how to measure the mass & volume of various objects as well as calculate density
for each
Be able to rearrange the density equation to solve for M or V, given values for 2 of
the 3 variables
Be able to perform percentage of error calculations
Know the volume-mass relationship for water. (One liter of water has a mass of 1 kg;
one mL or cm3 of water has a mass of 1 g)
Understand the relationship between sig figs and the calibration of the measuring
Understand the difference between accuracy & precision
Be able to convert from conventional to scientific notation and the reverse
Be able to perform calculations using scientific notation
Know the definitions of temperature & absolute zero
Be able to convert from °C to K and from K to °C
Know the characteristics of a good graph and be able to graph simple data
Test Objectives:
Matter & Energy
Be able to define Matter
Be able to explain the three states of matter in terms of organization, volume & shape
Describe the movement of particles in the solid, liquid & gaseous states
Be able to define & distinguish between chemical properties & physical properties
Distinguish between chemical change & physical change
o Know why changes of state & dissolving are examples of physical change
o Know that chemical changes involve a change of identity
Be able to explain & apply the law of conservation of matter
Given the mass of reactants or products be able to determine the unknown mass
Be able to define what forms of matter are known as pure substances
Be able to distinguish between elements, compounds, & mixtures in terms of their
ability to be broken down or separated by physical or chemical means
Be able to name & describe the typical separation techniques for pure substances &
o Mixtures can be separated into their components by a physical process
o Separation techniques may rely on differences in density, solubility, magnetism,
size (filtration), appearance, boiling point (distillation), or adhesion to paper
o Given a sample of several substances you must be able to explain how these
substances can be separated
Identify a chemical formula as representing either an element or a compound
Distinguish between homogeneous & heterogeneous material
 Know the definition of energy
 Know the SI unit for energy
 Know the definitions of potential & kinetic energy
 Be able to give several examples of each type of energy
o Know that PE resides in a chemical bond
 Describe the relationship between potential energy & stability
 Be able to explain the law of conservation of energy
 Know the names of all phase changes: melting, fusion, freezing, solidification,
vaporization, condensation, sublimation & deposition
 Describe phase changes in terms of whether they are endothermic or exothermic
energy processes
 Distinguish between heat content & the temperature of a substances
o Know the direction of heat flow
 State & apply the law of conservation of energy
 Use particle diagrams to illustrate phase changes
 Calculate energy absorbed or released in a calorimetry experiment using the formula
Q = mc∆T
 Rearrange the equation to solve for m or ∆T
 Determine final or initial temperatures using ∆T = Tf - Ti
Heating & Cooling Curves
Test Objectives:
The Mole
Know the definition of the mole
Know Avogadro’s number and what it signifies
Determine the atomic mass of an element using the periodic table
Using subscripts, determine the number of atoms of each element in a chemical
Recognize binary compounds
Determine the formula mass (gram formula mass, molecular mass, molar mass) of a
Determine the formula mass of a hydrated salt
Determine the percent composition of the elements in a compound, given the formula
of the compound
o determine the percent composition of elements in a compound from measured
elemental mass data
Determine the percent water in a hydrate, given the formula of the hydrate
Determine the number of atoms of each element in a formula when the formula is
preceded by a coefficient
Recognize that subscripts & coefficients in chemical formulas can refer to atom
ratios or mole ratios, depending on the context
Given the formula of a compound, determine the number of moles of each element (or
water) present in one mole of the compound
Given the formula of a substance, perform a variety of 1-step mole conversions:
o moles to grams
o grams to moles
o moles to number of particles
o particles to number of moles
Use a mole map to perform 2 step mole conversions
o grams to number of particles
o number of particles to grams
Define the terms: empirical formula and molecular formula
o distinguish between the two types of formulas
Given the empirical formula and the formula mass of a covalent compound, determine
its molecular formula
Test Objectives: The Gas Laws
List the properties of gases
List the 5 assumptions of the Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Gases
Be able to convert between the different units of pressure measurement: Torr, atm,
kPa, & mmHg
Be able to express Boyle’s Law, Charles’ Law and Gay-Lussac’s Law verbally,
mathematically & graphically
Solve problems using all the individual laws as well as the combined gas law
Know when solving gas law problems that all temperatures must be expressed in Kelvin
Define STP (standard temperature and pressure) in SI units as well as in atm & °C
Know how to convert temperature between the Celsius & Kelvin temperature scales
Know the definition of temperature
Describe the relationship between temperature & molecular velocity
Distinguish between real & ideal gases
o Know how temperature & pressure can be changed to make real gases behave
more like ideal gases
List conditions under which the gas laws break down
State Avogadro’s Hypothesis
Define molar volume of a gas at STP
Calculate the density of a gas from molar volume & molar mass
Determine the formula mass of a gas from the experimental density
Know Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
o be able to solve partial pressure problems
Be able to describe the difference between effusion & diffusion
o understand the dependence of effusion & diffusion of gases on mass &
Test Objectives: Atomic Structure I
Define the term atom
Distinguish between protons, neutrons & electrons
o know that protons & neutrons are collectively called nucleons
 Define atomic number & atomic mass
o Know that C-12 is the standard used to determine the atomic mass of all other
atoms in amu’s
o Know that the mass of C-12 in amu’s is exactly 12
 Use a periodic table to determine the correct number of protons, neutrons &
electrons in a particular atom
 Be able to define an isotope
o Distinguish between isotopes of an element
 Interpret notation for isotopes of an element (ex: C-14 or 6C)
 Determine the average atomic mass of an element, given isotopic abundances &
 Define the terms ion, cation & anion
 Calculate the number of protons, neutrons & electrons in ions
Atomic Theory:
 List the basic ideas of Dalton’s atomic theory
 Describe Thomson’s model of the atom
 Describe Rutherford’s model of the atom & interpret his famous experiment
o Be able to discuss Rutherford’s conclusion regarding the structure of the
 Describe the Bohr model of the atom
 In the modern or quantum theory of the atom, know what the term orbital means &
how it differs from an orbit
Nuclear Chemistry:
 Define radioactivity
 List the characteristics (mass, charge & penetration power) & symbols of the
major nuclear emanations: alpha particle, beta particle, positron, gamma
radiation, proton, neutron & electron
 Be able to write equations for the generation of alpha particles, beta particles &
positron particles
 Be able to describe towards which electrode (+/-) particles will move when a
radioactive beam is passed between them
 Be able to determine the decay mode of a specific isotope using your reference
Test Objectives: Atomic Structure II – The Electron
 Use the Periodic Table to determine the correct number of protons & electrons in a
particular atom
Know the basic features of the Bohr model of the atom
Know what is meant by the valence level of electrons
Using the reference tables, determine the correct number of valence electrons for
the representative elements
Distinguish between valence electrons & kernel electrons (inner shell electrons)
Recognize the ground state configuration of an element
Distinguish between ground state & excited state configurations of an atom
Explain the cause of spectral lines in terms of electrons & energy levels. Spectral
lines are produced when electrons jump down from a high energy level to a low energy
Understand that electrons absorb heat, light, or electric energy when they move to an
excited state (endothermic process) and release light energy when they return to the
ground state configuration (exothermic process)
Recognize that each line in the bright-light spectrum of an element can be used to
calculate the energy of a particular electron “jump” or transition
Understand that the bright line spectrum of an element can be used to determine if a
given element is present in a sample, by matching the spectral lines in the emission
Know how to draw Lewis Dot structures for atoms and their ions
Describe the modern model of the atom (orbital model)
Define the term principal energy level
Know the maximum number of electrons (2n2) in a given principal energy level
Know the number of sublevels for a given principle energy level
Know how many orbitals in a given sublevel
Define orbital (a region of space in the modern model that holds two electrons); know
the difference between orbit and orbital
Test Objectives: The Periodic Table
List the elements that are liquids & gases at STP
List the 7 diatomic elements
List the properties of metals, non-metals & metalloids
Identify an element as a metal, non-metal or metalloid based upon its properties
Memorize: “Metals are Losers, Are you sure? Yes, I’m Positive” and be able to explain
what it means
Predict the size & charge of ions relative to the parent atom
Define the term allotrope and list some common examples (for Carbon & Oxygen)
Know how the modern periodic table was developed
Identify the common groups on the PT: alkali metals, alkaline earth metals,
transition metals, inner transition metals (lanthanides & actinides), halogens &
noble gases
Define the term “metallic character”
Identify the most active metal
Explain how the reactivity of non-metals is defined
Identify the most active non-metal
Define the terms electronegativity & ionization energy
Explain how the atomic radius, ionic radius, electronegativity, first ionization energy
& metallic or non-metallic properties change as you go down a group on the PT
Explain how the atomic radius, ionic radius, electronegativity, first ionization energy
& metallic or non-metallic properties change as you go across a period on the PT
Correlate changes in atomic radii with changes in ionization energy & changes in
Recognize that elements in the same group have the same number of valence electrons
& therefore similar chemical properties
Correlate changes in the number of valence electrons with typical bonding behavior
Predict the properties of the A-group (Main groups – 1,2, 13-18) elements from the
positions of the elements in the PT
Test Objectives: Bonding, IMFs, & VSEPR Theory
o Know the definition of a chemical bond
o Recognize that the driving force of chemical bond formation is the formation of an octet
(stable valence electron configuration just like a noble gas)
Ionic Bonding
o Know that the attraction of opposite charges is the force of attraction in an ionic bond
o Be able to describe ionic bond formation in terms of an electron transfer process
o Metals transferring electrons to non-metals
o “Metals are losers. Are you sure? Yes, I’m positive!”
o Be able to explain why energy is absorbed when a bond is broken & energy is
released when a bond is formed
o Ionic reactions are exothermic
o Bond breaking is endothermic
o Know that metals tend to form cations (+ ions) & non-metals tend to form anions
(- ions) & together they form ionic compounds
o Know that ionic compounds form crystal lattice structures and be able to
explain in general terms what these are
o Be able to calculate which of several compounds is more ionic than the others based on
electronegativity differences
o Know that bonds having an electronegativity difference greater than 1.7 are
considered to be ionic
o the higher the electronegativity difference the greater the ionic character
o less than 1.7 the compound is not considered to be ionic
o Be able to discuss the physical properties of ionic compounds
o Be able to explain why ionic compounds will not conduct electricity in the solid
(crystalline) phase but will conduct electricity in the molten state or in solution
Metallic Bonding
o be able to explain how metallic bonds are formed in terms of valence electrons &
temporary cations
o freely flowing valence electrons moving from one overlapping valence shell to the
o be able to explain what is meant by the term “sea of mobile electrons”
o be able to discuss the physical properties of metals
o explain the properties of metals in terms of delocalized electrons
o know why metals are malleable & ductile while ionic compounds are not
o ionic compounds from crystals that will shatter if struck hard
Covalent Bonding
o know that when a bond is broken, energy is absorbed; when a bond is made,
energy is released
o define the term covalent bond and list the properties of covalent substances
o know how to draw Lewis Dot structures for covalent compounds
o distinguish between non-polar & polar covalent bonds
o be able to determine the bond type of a chemical substance by knowing its
chemical properties and/or its electronegativity data
o Electronegativity difference of 0-0.4 represents a non-polar covalent bond
o Electronegativity difference of 0.5-1.6 represents a polar covalent bond
o Electronegativity difference 1.7 and greater represents an ionic bond
o The higher the electronegativity difference the greater the ionic character of
the bond
o The lower the electronegativity difference the greater the covalent character
of the bond
 predict the bond type of a chemical substance from its chemical formula
 know how many pairs of electrons are shared in single & multiple covalent bond
o Single bond: one pair shared
o Double bond: two pairs shared
o Triple bond: three pairs shared
Intermolecular Forces & Vapor Pressure
The phase of a substance at room temperature depends on the strength of the
attractions between its particles. List 3 kinds of intermolecular attractions; desribe
their origins & relative strengths.
Define vapor pressure.
Interpret graphs of vapor pressure & temperature (Table H).
Know the differences between evaporation & boiling of a substance.
Understand the relationships between IMFs, vapor pressure, and boiling point
VSEPR Theory
predict 3-D Shapes of simple molecules from the Lewis Dot structure
predict the polarity of a molecule by using its molecular geometry, derived from the
Lewis Dot structure