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Grade 10 Applied Science – Biology Practice Test
Part A – Multiple Choice
1. When you breathe in, your lungs expand. For the lungs to expand, the diaphragm and
ribs move. In which direction do the diaphragm and ribs move to make the lungs
a. Diaphragm contracts and moves downward while the rib cage moves down and
b. Diaphragm relaxes and moves upwards while the rib cage moves down and in
c. Diaphragm contracts and moves downward while the rig cage moves up and out
d. Diaphragm relaxes and moves upwards while the rib cage moves up and out
2. Which organ is NOT part of the digestive system?
a. Liver
b. Stomach
c. Small intestine
d. Lung
3. Which of the following is NOT a blood vessel?
a. Heart
b. Artery
c. Capillary
d. Vein
4. What is NOT a function of a vacuole in a cell
a. Waste storage
b. Make energy
c. Store food
d. Store water
5. What organelle is found in a plant cell but not in an animal cell?
a. Vacuole
b. Nucleus
c. Golgi body
d. Chloroplast
6. This cellular organelle makes energy available to the cell?
a. Mitochondria
b. Vacuole
c. Nucleus
d. Chromosome
7. Which of the following is NOT part of the Cell Theory?
a. All cells come from pre-existing cells
b. All living things are made up of one or more cells
c. All cells are the same size
d. Cells are the basic unit of life
8. During which stage of the Cell Cycle does replication of the DNA occur?
a. Interphase
b. Mitosis
c. Cytokinesis
d. Meiosis
9. This type of blood cell fights infection?
a. Plasma
b. White Blood Cell
c. Platelet
d. Red Blood Cell
10. Which phase of mitosis is shown in the “lighter circle” of the
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
11. Which organ system in the human body is responsible for
transporting substances throughout the body?
a. Respiration System
b. Nervous System
c. Digestive System
d. Circulatory System
12. Which is the phase of Mitosis when the chromosomes line up across the centre of the
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
13. What is another name for the eyepiece on a Compound Light Microscope?
a. Diaphragm
b. Objective Lens
c. Revolving Nose Piece
d. Ocular Lens
14. Which single-celled thin blood vessel allows for the exchange of gases, nutrients and
a. Heart
b. Artery
c. Capillary
d. Vein
15. Which of the following is CONNECTIVE TISSUE?
a. Muscle
b. Bone
c. Skin
d. Nerve
16. Adult humans have 300 million air sacs inside their lungs. These sacs have a total
surface area about the size of half a tennis court. What are the sacs called?
a. Alveoli
b. Bronchioles
c. Trachea
d. Ciliated epithelial cells
17. What cell organelle is the CONTROL centre of the cell?
a. Mitochondria
b. Lysosome
c. Chloroplast
d. Nucleus
18. Which of the following is Primary Organ of the human NERVOUS system?
a. Stomach
b. Brain
c. Lungs
d. Heart
19. Three features typically distinguish a plant cell from an animal cell. Which of the
following is NOT one of the distinguishing features?
a. Plant cells have cell walls and cell membranes while animal cells have cell
b. Plant cells have one large vacuole while animal cells have many small vacuoles
c. Plant cells have cell membranes while animal cells have cell walls and cell
d. Plant cells have chloroplasts while animal cells do not have chloroplasts
20. Which form of transport at a cellular level requires energy?
a. Active Transport
b. Diffusion
c. Osmosis
d. Cellular Respiration
21. Which phase of Mitosis is shown in the diagram?
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
22. Where do humans get their sugar energy from?
a. Breathing in oxygen
b. Drinking water
c. Eating plants or other animals that ate plants
d. Undergoing photosynthesis in the cells
23. A drug is any substance, natural or artificial (…and other than food…) by its chemical
nature that alters structure or function in a living organism. Psychoactive drugs are mood
altering. These drugs are typically used for recreation or self-medication. The most
common categories are depressants, (i.e., downers), stimulants (i.e., uppers) and
hallucinogens. What is alcohol classified as?
a. Depressant
b. Stimulant
c. Hallucinogen
d. None of the above – alcohol is not a drug
24. What is “…a group of cells with similar structure and function…” called?
a. Cell
b. Organ
c. Organ System
d. Tissue
25. What do drugs of misuse (e.g., marijuana, cocaine, meth ecstasy) – uppers or downers –
do in your brain?
a. Mimic the structure of neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain that give you
b. Slow the pace of your breathing so the brain gets less oxygen, and thus, the
brain functions slower
c. Make immediate cravings for food
d. Increase blood flow to the brain so there is greater arousal and awareness
26. What is the function of MUSCLE TISSUE?
a. Contract to permit movement
b. Carry electric signals to control body functions
c. Support and connect the body
d. Cover body and body parts
27. What is CANCER?
a. A mass of cells
b. A broad group of diseases that result from uncontrolled cell division
c. Any environmental factor that causes disease
d. Tumours found only in humans
28. What is a MUTATION?
a. A mass of cells
b. Cell structure that performs a specific cell function
c. Material in the nucleus of a cell the contains genetic information
d. Random change in the cell’s genetic information
29. What is the stage of the cell cycle during which two copies of the cell’s DNA separate to
opposite ends of the cell?
a. Interphase
b. Mitosis
c. Cytokinesis
d. Cellular Division
30. Which is PULSE RATE?
a. A beat that causes muscles to fatigue and cramp
b. A respiration process that produces lactic acid
c. The number of times the heart contracts per minute
d. The process by which ventricles fill up with blood
Part B – Short Answer
31. With the support of a diagram, explain OSMOSIS?
32. What is CYTOKINESIS?
33. Why is there a limit to cell size?
34. What are the three primary functions of a cell?
35. What is the difference between AEROBIC RESPIRATION and ANAEORBIC
36. Fill in the following table by identifying the cell part that performs the function described
Organelle Function
Your Answer
Possible Organelles
(Not the Right Answer)
Control other organelles
Make energy and provide
Contain genetic information
Where photosynthesis in plant
cells occurs
Digestion and Transport of
unused materials
Storage and disposal of
38. Why do humans need to be eating constantly
39. Cells need a constant supply of oxygen. Describe the steps that are needed to get the
oxygen from the external environment to (…and into…) the cell.
40. Why do you make a wet mount slide?
41. What is the product of Mitosis?
Part C – Diagram
42. Draw AND label the four phase of Mitosis. Correctly label each phase.
Biology Practice Test
Part A – Multiple Choice
1. When you breathe in, your lungs expand. For the lungs to expand, the diaphragm and
ribs move. In which direction do the diaphragm and ribs move to make the lungs
a. Diaphragm contracts and moves downward while the rib cage moves down and
b. Diaphragm relaxes and moves upwards while the rib cage moves down and in
c. Diaphragm contracts and moves downward while the rig cage moves up
and out
d. Diaphragm relaxes and moves upwards while the rib cage moves up and out
2. Which organ is NOT part of the digestive system?
a. Liver
b. Stomach
c. Small intestine
d. Lung
3. Which of the following is NOT a blood vessel?
a. Heart
b. Artery
c. Capillary
d. Vein
4. What is NOT a function of a vacuole in a cell
a. Waste storage
b. Make energy
c. Store food
d. Store water
5. What organelle is found in a plant cell but not in an animal cell?
a. Vacuole
b. Nucleus
c. Mitochondria
d. Chloroplast
6. This cellular organelle makes energy available to the cell?
a. Mitochondria
b. Vacuole
c. Nucleus
d. Chromosomes
7. Which of the following is NOT part of the Cell Theory?
e. All cells come from pre-existing cells
f. All living things are made up of one or more cells
g. All cells are the same size
h. Cells are the basic unit of life
8. During which stage of the Cell Cycle does replication of the DNA occur?
a. Interphase
b. Mitosis
c. Cytokinesis
d. Meiosis
9. This type of blood cell fights infection?
a. Plasma
b. White Blood Cell
c. Platelet
d. Red Blood Cell
10. Which phase of mitosis is shown in the “lighter circle” of the
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
11. Which organ system in the human body is responsible for
transporting substances throughout the body?
a. Respiration System
b. Nervous System
c. Digestive System
d. Circulatory System
12. Which is the phase of Mitosis when the chromosomes line up across the centre of the
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
13. What is another name for the eyepiece on a Compound Light Microscope?
a. Diaphragm
b. Objective Lens
c. Revolving Nose Piece
d. Ocular Lens
14. Which single-celled thin blood vessel allows for the exchange of gases, nutrients and
a. Heart
b. Artery
c. Capillary
d. Vein
15. Which of the following is a CONNCECTIVE TISSUE?
a. Muscle
b. Bone
c. Skin
d. Nerve
16. Adult humans have 300 million air sacs inside their lungs. These sacs have a total
surface area about the size of half a tennis court. What are the sacs called?
a. Alveoli
b. Bronchioles
c. Trachea
d. Ciliated epithelial cells
17. What cell organelle is the CONTROL centre of the cell?
a. Vacuole
b. Lysosome
c. Mitochondria
d. Nucleus
18. Which of the following is Primary Organ of the human NERVOUS system?
a. Stomach
b. Brain
c. Lungs
d. Heart
19. Three features typically distinguish a plant cell from an animal cell. Which of the
following is NOT one of the distinguishing features?
a. Plant cells have cell walls and cell membranes while animal cells have cell
b. Plant cells have one large vacuole while animal cells have many small vacuoles
c. Plant cells have cell membranes while animal cells have cell walls and cell
d. Plant cells have chloroplasts while animal cells do not have chloroplasts
20. Which form of transport at a cellular level requires energy?
a. Active Transport
b. Diffusion
c. Osmosis
d. Cellular Respiration
21. Which phase of Mitosis is shown in the diagram?
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
22. Where do humans get their sugar energy from?
a. Breathing in oxygen
b. Drinking water
c. Eating plants or other animals that ate plants
d. Undergoing photosynthesis in the cells
23. A drug is any substance, natural or artificial (…and other than food…) by its chemical
nature that alters structure or function in a living organism. Psychoactive drugs are mood
altering. These drugs are typically used for recreation or self-medication. The most
common categories are depressants, (i.e., downers), stimulants (i.e., uppers) and
hallucinogens. What is alcohol classified as?
a. Depressant
b. Stimulant
c. Hallucinogen
d. None of the above – alcohol is not a drug
24. What is “…a group of cells with similar structure and function…” called?
a. Cell
b. Organ
c. Organ System
d. Tissue
25. What do drugs of misuse (e.g., marijuana, cocaine, meth ecstasy) – uppers or downers –
do in your brain?
a. Mimic the structure of neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain that give you
b. Slow the pace of your breathing so the brain gets less oxygen, and thus, the
brain functions slower
c. Make immediate cravings for food
d. Increase blood flow to the brain so there is greater arousal and awareness
26. What is the function of MUSCLE TISSUE?
a. Contract to permit movement
b. Carry electric signals to control body functions
c. Support and connect the body
d. Cover body and body parts
27. What is CANCER?
a. A mass of cells
b. A broad group of diseases that result from uncontrolled cell division
c. Any environmental factor that causes disease
d. Tumours found only in humans
28. What is a MUTATION?
a. A mass of cells
b. Cell structure that performs a specific cell function
c. Material in the nucleus of a cell the contains genetic information
d. Random change in the cell’s genetic information
29. What is the stage of the cell cycle during which two copies of the cell’s DNA separate to
opposite ends of the cell?
a. Interphase
b. Mitosis
c. Cytokinesis
d. Cellular Division
30. Which is PULSE RATE?
a. A beat that causes muscles to fatigue and cramp
b. A respiration process that produces lactic acid
c. The number of times the heart contracts per minute
d. The process by which ventricles fill up with blood
Part B – Short Answer
31. With the support of a diagram, explain OSMOSIS?
 The movement of water that does not require energy across a cell
membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower
32. What is CYTOKINESIS?
 The stage of the Cell Cycle following mitosis when two daughter cells are
33. Why is there a limit to cell size?
 Cells need a constant supply of nutrients, water and oxygen. As well,
wastes must be removed from the cell. The processes of “entering and
exiting” a cell are (1) osmosis, (2) diffusion and (3) active transport. If a cell
was large, it would require more supplies and removal. The cell would not
operate efficiently.
Cells must communicate internally. The nucleus must efficiently receive
signals from the surrounding environment, and then, quickly communicate
messages to other cell organelles to react to changes in the environment.
34. What are the three primary functions of a cell?
 Grow
 Reproduce
 Repair
35. What is the difference between AEROBIC RESPIRATION and ANAEORBIC
 Aerobic is cellular respiration that uses oxygen
36. Fill in the following table by identifying the cell part that performs the function described
Organelle Function
Your Answer
Possible Organelles
(Not the Right Answer)
Control other organelles
Make energy and provide
Contain genetic information
Where photosynthesis in plant
cells occurs
Digestion and Transport of
unused materials
Storage and disposal of
 The one litre of air remaining in the lungs after air is exhaled from the lungs
38. Why do humans need to be eating constantly
 Our cells require a constant supply of nutrients
 Our cells are poor stores of energy
 Our cells are constantly using energy, and it must be replaced
39. Cells need a constant supply of oxygen. Describe the steps that are needed to get the
oxygen from the external environment to (…and into…) the cell.
 Oxygen enters the body via the nose and mouth and travels down the
trachea to the lungs. Oxygen in the lungs diffuses into the circulatory
system, and then, red blood cells of the circulatory system (heart) carry it
to the cells. At the cells, the oxygen diffuses across the cell membrane and
enters the cell
40. Why do you make a wet mount slide?
 To observe live cells
41. What is the product of Mitosis?
 Two identical daughter cells