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Chapter 6 Outline
Metabolism of Microorganisms
6.1 Enzymes and Energy in Metabolism
• Enzymes Catalyze All Cellular Reactions
• Enzymes increase the probability that chemical reactions will occur
• Enzymes are not changed by the reactions and can be reused
• Enzyme activity is highly specific
• Enzymes act on substrates
• Enzymes Act through Enzyme-Substrate Complexes
• Enzymes align substrate molecules in such a way that a reaction is
energetically favorable
• Substrates bind to the enzyme at the active site, which is specific to the
• Enzymes lower the activation energy so a reaction is more likely to occur
• Enzymes weaken chemical bonds in the substrate
• Enzymes can
• be made entirely of protein or contain a complementing substance,
such as:
– a metal ion (cofactor)
– an organic molecule (coenzyme)
• Enzymes Often Team Up in Metabolic Pathways
• A metabolic pathway is a sequence of chemical reactions
• each reaction is catalyzed by a different enzyme
• the product of one reaction serves as the substrate for the next
• Enzyme Activity Is Regulated and Can Be Inhibited
• Feedback inhibition hinders metabolic pathways
• It inhibits an enzyme in the pathway so no product is available to
feed the next reaction
• Other types of inhibition include
• changing the shape of an active site (noncompetitive inhibition)
• blocking an active site (competitive inhibition)
• Energy in the Form of ATP is Required for Metabolism
• ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the cellular “energy currency,” providing
energy for:
• movement
• cell division
• protein synthesis, etc.
• Energy is released from ATP when the bond holding the last phosphate
group on the molecule is broken, producing:
• adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
• a free phosphate group
• Adding a phosphate group to a molecule is called phosphorylation
• ATP cannot be stored because it is relatively unstable
energy must be stored in more stable forms like glycogen or lipids
(in prokaryotes)
6.2 The Catabolism of Glucose
• Glucose Contains Stored Energy That Can Be Extracted
• Energy in glucose is released slowly by converting to ATP through
metabolic pathways
• Cellular Respiration Is a Series of Catabolic Pathways for the Production of ATP
• Cells make ATP by harvesting energy through cellular respiration
• If oxygen is consumed while making ATP, it is aerobic respiration
• if not, it is anaerobic respiration
• Glycolysis Is the First Stage of Energy Extraction
• Glycolysis is the splitting of 1 glucose molecule into 2 pyruvate molecules
• This releases 6 ATP and 2 NADH molecules
• The Krebs Cycle Extracts More Energy from Pyruvate
• The Krebs cycle is also called the citric acid cycle
• Before entering the Krebs cycle, enzymes
• remove a carbon from each pyruvate molecule
• combine the carbon with coenzyme A (CoA) to form acetyl-CoA
– This releases 2 NADH and 2 CO2
• The Krebs cycle is like a constantly turning wheel
• picking up pyruvate molecules from glycolysis
• spitting out carbon dioxide, ATP, NADH, and FADH2
• For each two pyruvate molecules that enter the cycle, the following
molecules are formed
• 4 CO2
• 2 ATP
• 6 NADH
• 2 FADH2
• Oxidative Phosphorylation Is the Process by Which Most ATP Molecules Form
• Pairs of electrons are passed from one chemical substance to another
(electron transport), releasing energy
• The energy released is used to combine phosphate with ADP to form ATP
• The electron transport chain is composed of electron carriers called
• NADH and FADH2 provide the source electrons for oxidative
• Oxygen accepts the electron pair at the end of the chain, acquires 2
protons, and becomes water
• As the electrons move down the chain they use energy, which is harnessed
to pump protons out of the cell (chemiosmosis)
• The protons outside the membrane build up a concentration gradient
• A channel opens and the protons flow in through a channel in ATP
• ATP synthase harnesses the energy from the flowing protons to
phosphorylate ADP into ATP
6.3 Other Aspects of Catabolism
Other Nutrients Represent Potential Energy Sources
• Many mono-, di-, and polysaccharides can be energy sources for
• They must all be prepared before being processed by
• glycolysis
• the Krebs cycle
• oxidative phosphorylation
• Chemical bonds in fats store large amounts of energy, making fats good
energy sources
• Cells use proteins for energy when fats and carbohydrates are lacking
• Deamination is the replacement of the amino group in a protein with a
carbonyl group in protein breakdown
• Fatty acids are broken down through beta oxidation
• Anaerobic Respiration Produces ATP Using Other Final Electron Acceptors
• In anaerobic respiration, anaerobes use molecules other than oxygen as the
final electron receptor in the electron transport chain
• Anaerobic respiration produces less ATP than aerobic respiration
• Fermentation Produces ATP Using an Organic Final Electron Receptor
• Fermentation is used when oxygen and other alternative electron acceptors
are unavailable
• Pyruvate can be converted to lactic acid to reform NAD+ coenzymes so
glycolysis can produce ATP from glucose
• Eukaryotes also perform fermentation, such as the yeast used in alcoholic
fermentation to create alcoholic beverages
6.4 The Anabolism of Carbohydrates
• Photosynthesis Is a Process to Acquire Chemical Energy
• In photosynthesis, light energy is converted to chemical energy, which is
stored as an organic compound
• In prokaryotes, it is carried out in the cell membrane, in eukaryotes in
organelles called chloroplasts
• The green pigment chlorophyll a absorbs light energy
• Some bacteria use other pigments, such as bacteriochlorophylls
• Some archaea use bacteriorhodopsin Photosynthesis is divided into two
sets of reactions:
• energy-fixing reactions
• carbon-fixing reactions
6.5 Patterns of Metabolism
• Autotrophs and Heterotrophs Get Their Energy and Carbon in Different Ways
• Autotrophs synthesize their own foods from simple carbon sources like
carbon dioxide
• Photoautotrophs use light as their energy source
• Chemoautotrophs use inorganic compounds as their energy source
• Heterotrophs gain energy and carbon from outside sources
• Photoheterotrophs use light as their energy source and organic
compounds as their source of carbon
Chemoheterotrophs use organic compounds both for energy and
carbon sources
Saprobes feed exclusively on dead organic matter
Parasites feed on living organic matter