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HP Level C GM pg. 193-
Present Perfect Tense Verbs
Ex.) I have experienced peer mediation first hand in
another school.
This sentence shows an action occurred in the past and
may still be continuing. The present perfect tense uses the
helping verb “has” or “have” followed by the past
participle of the verb. See HP handbook pg. 450-451 for a
list of irregular past participles. The verb must agree with
the subject.
Mr. Jones has arranged a visit.
Ben and Nora have visited many schools already.
Directions: re-copy the paragraph changing the verbs into
the present perfect tense.
Dina visited three schools. She and Marc watched a
program there. They reported back to us.
Dina has visited three schools. She and Marc have
watched a program there. They have reported back to us.
Practice Book pg. 82