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Ancient Rome Worksheet #1
[40 pts]
Chap. 6, Sect. 1, pp. 163
1. The Founding of Rome
According to legend the city of Rome was founded by twins _______________and __________________.
The boys were raised by a ________________. The brothers decided to build a city on the ____________
River. The brothers fought over the details of the city and eventually ______________ killed
______________. __________________ then named the city __________after himself.
2. Describe how Geography influenced Rome’s development. (2pts)
3.The city of Rome was founded in ______BC by the ________________ people on a river in the center of
Italy. Two other groups lived in what is now Italy: the __Greeks___ in the south, and the
___________________ in the north.
4. The Etruscans influenced the Romans. List three examples of this
5. A government in which citizens have the right to select their own leader is called: _________________
6. Two groups struggled for power in the new Roman republic. Circle the group that held the most power.
Aristocratic landowners belonged to the group called the ____________________.
Farmers, artisans, and merchants belonged to a group called the __________________.
7. An official who helped the plebeians protect their rights were called _________________.
8. a. What were the Twelve Tables ?
b.Why was the creation of the Twelve Tables significant?
9. The government in the Roman Republic was broken down into three parts. They were the following:
a) Two government officials who were elected each year and led the government and army were called ___
b) The 300 members who were chosen from the upper classes and passed laws were called the _________
c) The group of people organized to make laws for a community were called _________________
10. What did the Roman’s consider “balanced government?”(2pts)
11. In your own words summarize the 3 branches of Roman Government (1 pt each)
12. a. What was the “heart of the city” during the Roman Republic?
b. What types of activities took place here?
13. A Roman leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army for a brief period was
called: ____________________
14. Any citizen who owned property had to serve in the army. Roman soldiers were organized into military
units called ______________. These military units were made up of about ____________ heavily armed
foot soldiers.
15. The series of wars fought between Rome and Carthage were called the ________________ Wars.
16. What Carthaginian general crossed the Alps with elephants and attacked northern Italy?
17. How did the conquest of Greece by Rome lead to major change in Roman society? (2 pt
From Republic to Empire Chap. 6, Sect. 2
1. A conflict between two groups in the same country is called a ___________ war.
2. Who were Tiberius & Gaius Gracchus and what happened to them?
3. Rome’s expansion widened the gap between the rich and the poor. Explain how this happened.
4. Who was Gaius Marius & Lucius Sulla?
How did Gaius Marius change the way the military was
5. Leading generals fought for power in the Roman Republic. Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey united
and formed a government called a __________________, which lasted about ten years.
6. Julius Caesar gained fame with several victories in battle and Pompey feared Caesar’s popularity. As a
result the
two fought a civil war that lasted several years. Who won this civil war? JULIUS CAESAR or POMPEY?
List and explain changes Caesar made as dictator.
7. What happened to Julius Caesar during the March of Ides?
8. List the members of the Second Triumvirate
9. Who became the leader of the Roman Republic after Julius Caesar? ___________________. What title
did he bestow upon himself? ______________________
10. What usually happed to the people in territories conquered by the Roman army?
11. Who was Rome’s ablest emperor? ________________. What (4) things did he accomplish as emperor?
a) ________________________________ b) ________________________________
c) ________________________________ d) ________________________________
13. Describe the Pax Romana
Rome Worksheet #2
Rise of Christianity p.183-187
Name _________
1. How did the Jews come under Roman rule?
2. What did Rome do to bring about order in Judea?
3. How did the Zealots react to Roman rule?
According to Jewish tradition, God promised that the ______________ would restore the kingdom of the Jews.
4. One Jew named, ________________ came to be known as Christ and was believed to be a savior.
5. How did other Jews react to Roman rule?
6. What was the main message of Jesus’s teaching?
A close follower of Jesus was called a _______________.
8. Which disciple is/was responsible for spreading Christianity?
9. At first Jesus’ followers were all Jewish. Later, under one apostle named ____________, Christians began to look
to all people, even non-Jews, to join the Church.
10. How does Paul begin to distinguish Christianity from Judaism?
11. Who were the martyrs and why were they persecuted?
12. What were the (5) reasons why Christianity spread and appealed to so many people?
a) ________________________________________________________________________
b) ________________________________________________________________________
c) ________________________________________________________________________
d) ________________________________________________________________________
e) ________________________________________________________________________
13. Who was Constantine and why is he historically significant?
14. What is the Edict of Milan?
15. What type of officials developed in the early Christian Church?
16. As the Church grew it became more organized. Priests were in charge of small churches, ____________ were in
charge of all the churches in one area, and the _____________ was the head of the Christian Church
17. Why did the pope, as the bishop of Rome claim to have authority over all other bishops?
18. How did the Christian church change as it grew?
19. Use your notes to identify the sequence of events in the spread of Christianity start with 6 AD end at 391. (at least
five dates should be listed
Roman Society and Culture
p. 177 – 182
Use the word web to take notes on Roman life and culture.
Roman Society and
1. What was the name of the culture that developed from the blending of Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman cultures
called? ____________________________
2. The type of art in which designs are made using tiny tiles is called ___________________
3. In both literature and philosophy, the Romans were inspired by the Greeks. The poet ________ wrote the Aeneid.
4. The Roman Language called ____________ became the official language of the Roman Catholic Church into the
20th century. Many European languages developed from this language including; _____________, ___________,
______________, ________________, and Romanian.
5. The Romans also became famous for their skill at engineering. They used ____________ and _____________ to
build large and impressive buildings. They also built a system that carried water from distant lakes and rivers to
large cities called __________________.
6. In Roman society, the head of the family was typically _____________________________
7. Priests known as augurs were important members of Roman society because________________________
8. The Roman engineering achievement that made large public structures possible was ______________________
9. The language of ancient Rome—Latin—lives on in_____________________________