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Science Kit & Boreal Laboratories
Karyotyping With a Plain English Map of Chromosomes
Karyotype Lab Procedure
Part I: In-class Lab
To better understand "What makes you unique?", you will assume the role of mother or father and
contribute one set of chromosomes to your "offspring." Your partner will contribute a second set of
chromosomes to your "offspring." In this way, you will simulate the events that contributed to the
formation of the unique individual that is you!
1. The envelope that you received contains paternal (male) or maternal (female) chromosomes. If
your chromosomes are pink, you are the mother. If your chromosomes are blue, you are the father.
2. To begin karyotyping, spread out the contents of your envelope. Your partner should do the same
with the contents of his/her envelope. Mix the contents of the two envelopes together. Now, match
up the sets of chromosomes by number, size, banding, etc., until all the chromosomes have been
paired off. (NOTE: Occasionally, there may be a missing or an extra chromosome; in this instance,
you will have a chromosome that will not join with another to create a matching set.) Next, place
the chromosomes that are marked with an X or a Y together. (Again, note that in some instances
there may be an extra X or Y chromosome, or one of these chromosomes may be missing.) Then
arrange the remaining sets of chromosomes in order by number, size and banding. Place the X and
Y chromosomes at the end the set.
3. Answer questions 1-10 on the Student Worksheet.
Part 2: Mini-Research Report
After you complete the karyotyping lab you will discover that your "baby" has inherited a
combination of genes that result in a genetic disease. Your assignment is to find information on
your baby's genetic disease, and then write a report summarizing your findings. (Be sure to address
the questions listed in Part II of the Worksheet, and to list your sources of information.)
A Blood Type
Huntingtons’s Disease
B Blood Type
Maran Syndrome
O Blood Type
Negative Rh Factor
Positive Rh Factor
Cystic Fibrosis
Blond Hair
r and/or
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Red Hair
Sickle Cell Anemia
Brown Hair
Tay-Sach’s Disease
Blue Eyes
g or b
Color Blindness
Brown Eyes **
Duchenne Muscular
Green Eyes
** The gene for brown eyes has not yet been located. However, if one of the chromosomes in the packet does not
have a gene for eye color, brown eyes will be expressed.
*** Chromosome 13
NOTE: Capital letters for diseases mean that the disease will be expressed with only one allele. They are
dominant diseases.
CP Biology
Scorese 12
Period _____
Karyotype Lab: Data Sheet
Karyotype Kit #______________
Partner’s Name _________________________________________
Part 1: Karyotype. Answer the Following Questions
1. Normally, how many chromosomes are found in a human sperm? _______________
2. Normally, how many chromosomes are found in a human egg? __________________
3. Normally, how many chromosomes are found in a human baby? _________________
4. How many chromosomes are found in the "baby" you created in this lab? ________________
5. What form of cell division creates the sperm and egg? __________________________________
6. Note the two chromosomes that are not numbered. (Refer to your map for chromosome
numbers.) If these chromosomes are __________
and ___________ , your baby is a boy.
If they are -_________ and _______________your baby is a girl. What is the sex of your baby?
7. Is the sex of your baby readily obvious? __________Occasionally, complications exist which
make it difficult to determine the sex of a baby. What do you think these complications might be,
and how could they occur? Explain your answer.
8. Note the arrangement of your baby's chromosomes. Study them carefully and compare them to
the chromosomes represented on Human Chromosome map. What TWO features about them
are used to put them in order in the assigned numbers #1-22 to the chromosomes?
9. Note the genes that are found within your baby's chromosomes. Letters are assigned to represent
some of those genetic traits. If your baby has a combination of dominant gene, shown by a capital
letter, and a recessive gone, shown by a lower case letter, the dominant gene prevents expression of
the recessive trait. Based on this information, try to determine your baby's genetic traits. List them
below. (These should include any genetic diseases your baby has, any genetic diseases your baby is
a carrier of, your baby's blood type, your baby's hair color, and your baby's eye color. Remember, if
there is no eye color trait on your chromosomes, brown eye color is expressed.)
Sex: _______________________________________________
Hair Color: _________________________________________
Eye Color: _________________________________________
Blood Type: ________________________________________
RH Factor: (+/-)______________________________________
Genetic Disease that your baby HAS: ___________________________________
Genetic Disease that your baby IS CARRYING:_ ____________________________
10. What genetic disease or diseases is/are carried by the sperm
11. What genetic disease or diseases is/are carried by the egg?
12. Based on the "Law of Dominance", what genetic disease has your baby inherited, if any?
Part 2: Research/Report on the disease baby has (not the one s/he is carrying)
After you complete the Karyotype Lab you will discover that your baby has inherited a
combination of genes that result in a genetic disease. Your assignment is to find information on
your baby's genetic disease. There is a couple links on my website that are helpful but you may use
any CREDIBLE site you find. Cite your sources, and include a bibliography at the end of this
report. Use “Noodle tools” to help you with this.
1. What is the name of your baby's genetic disease?
2. What is the mode of inheritance for this disease? Is the disease dominant, recessive, sexlinked or due to non-disjunction?
3. What chromosome has been determined to carry this gene (consult your "Human Chromosome
Map" or the "Human Chromosome Map" on the bulletin board).
What are the symptoms of this disease?
When is the disease usually birth or later in life?
What is the frequency of the disease in the population?
7. What treatment, if any, is used for this disease? How does the treatment affect the disease?
8.What is the prognosis or outlook for your baby's life?
9.Discuss in detail what difficulties, if any, a parent would encounter in raising a child with this
Citations: Include Name of website, name of article, date you retrieved info, date info
was published and the website. (Use noodle tools on the library web site to help you)
Genetic Diseases
iMovie: A interview with a Genetic Counselor Info and RUBRIC
Couple Names:
Using the information you just researched, develop a short film that would display how a
couple would find out this information from a genetic counselor.
The film should present the following information in a creative yet realistic way:
How disease is inherited with pedigree chart
Probability of having a “normal” child in the future
Genetic counselors advice for the parents