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Early Roman History (753-265 BC)
De Blois, pp. 141-167
1. The Western Mediterranean (141-144)
a. How does the history of the civilization of the western Mediterranean differ from that of
the ancient Near East?
b. What three civilizations arose in the western Mediterranean during this period?
c. The Etruscans
i. What is unique about what little of the Etruscan language we know?
ii. When did the Etruscan civilization reach its height?
iii. Who conquered northern Italy (the Po valley) from the Etruscans after 500 BC?
d. Carthage
i. Who founded Carthage and when?
ii. What two factors contributed to Carthage’s wealth?
iii. What was the Carthage’s primary strength?
iv. How did Carthage defend her position in the Western Mediterranean?
v. Who governed Carthage?
2. The Origins of Rome (145-148)
a. Who were the first people to have settled the site that became Rome?
b. According to tradition, when was Rome founded and by whom?
c. The earliest Roman population was probably a mixture of what three peoples?
Early Roman History (753-265 BC)
De Blois, pp. 141-167
d. When did Rome begin to expand into a large city?
e. How was Rome favorably located?
f. State and society in early Rome
i. Identify
1. Clients2. Patroni3. Plebians4. Patriciansii. Describe the responsibilities and power of early Roman kings.
iii. Describe the elements that assisted the kings.
1. Senate2. Comitia Curiata3. Curiae4. Gentes5. Familiae6. Pater Familias7. Res publica8. Res privatag. A note on Roman names: identify the three names each Roman had.
h. The Army and the Comitia Centuriata
i. What was the original basis for Roman military organization?
ii. When and how did Roman military tactics change?
Early Roman History (753-265 BC)
De Blois, pp. 141-167
iii. What were the wealthiest citizens (patricians and wealthiest plebians) called and
where did they serve?
iv. Where did the wealthy peasants and lower classes serve, respectively?
v. Where did the poorest people without property serve?
vi. What other two functions were based on this property classification?
vii. Identify centuriae.
viii. Identify proletarians.
3. The Early Republic (509-265 B.C.) (148-158)
a. State and society
i. When was the last king of Rome expelled (traditional date)?
ii. What were the “Latin rights?”
iii. Who assumed executive power after kingship was abolished, what were they
called, and how was their power limited?
iv. Why did the Senate’s power increase?
v. Who took over the religious authority from the kings?
Early Roman History (753-265 BC)
De Blois, pp. 141-167
vi. Who was appointed as absolute ruler in times of emergency such as war, by
whom, and for how long?
vii. How did the patricians come to dominate politics?
viii. What two historical processes dominated the history of the Roman republic for
the next 300 years?
b. Roman expansion in Italy (509-265 BC)
i. Rome’s conquest of Italy could be described in three phases. Briefly date and
summarize each phase.
ii. What was the relationship between Rome and her ‘allies” after she subjected
c. Colonization
i. Identify coloniae Latinae –
ii. Identify coloniae Romanae –
iii. What rights did the colonists have?
iv. How was the land distributed by Rome?
v. How did Rome benefit from colonization?
d. Municipia
i. Identify municipium –
Early Roman History (753-265 BC)
De Blois, pp. 141-167
ii. Identify Romanization –
iii. Describe the four different types of rights and citizenship of peoples bound to
Rome by 265 BC.
iv. Why did the majority of Italian city states and tribes never join forces against
e. The military character of Roman society
i. Briefly describe the nature of Rome’s wars in the fifth and fourth centuries BC.
ii. How did Roman citizens come to regard warfare?
iii. What constituted ‘just’ wars to the Romans?
f. The struggle of the orders (c. 500-287 BC)
i. Describe the three groups of plebeians.
ii. Identify the demands of the plebeians (by group if applicable).
iii. Why were the plebeians in a powerful position versus the patricians?
g. History of the struggle of the orders
i. Summarize the cycle of struggles between the plebeians and the patricians.
ii. Summarize the four most important concessions that the patricians made to the
plebeians (when and what).
Early Roman History (753-265 BC)
De Blois, pp. 141-167
494 BC:
451 BC:
367 BC:
4. 287 BC:
iii. When and how did the struggle of the orders end?
4. The Institutions of the Roman Republic at the End of the Struggle of the Orders (158-167)
a. The Magistrates
i. If the citizenry had embodied Athenian democracy, who embodied the Roman
ii. What was the most important safeguard for the plebs against arbitrary acts?
iii. Identify:
1. Consuls-
2. Praetors-
3. Tribunes of the plebs-
Early Roman History (753-265 BC)
De Blois, pp. 141-167
4. Dictator-
5. Censors-
iv. Which offices had imperium?
v. How was imperium limited within the city limits of Rome? outside Rome?
vi. What restrictions applied to armed soldiers within the city limits of Rome?
b. The Senate
i. What was the most important body of the Roman state?
ii. Over what areas did this body exercise complete control?
iii. Who presided over this body?
iv. Who had seniority to speak first and therefore were the effective rulers of the
Roman republic?
c. Nobiles, senators and equites
i. Distinguish each of the following:
1. Nobiles-
2. Senators-
3. Equites-
ii. Who was a homo novus?
d. Increasing differentiation within the Roman elite
i. What restrictions did the law passed in 218 BC place on senators?
Early Roman History (753-265 BC)
De Blois, pp. 141-167
ii. How did this law affect the control of these enterprises?
iii. How did the cavalry change after 300 BC?
e. The popular assemblies
i. What popular assemblies remained in effect after the struggle of orders?
ii. What took place at the popular assemblies?
iii. Describe the actions of the officer who presided over a popular assembly.
iv. Who presided over the respective popular assemblies?
v. After 287 BC, what were the purposes of the respective popular assemblies?
1. Comitia Centuriata2. Comitia Tributa (or Concilium Plebis)vi. Briefly describe the class subdivisions of the Comitia Centuriata. How were the
votes allocated?
vii. Briefly describe the subdivisions of the Comitia Tributa. How were its votes
viii. What other function did the Comitia Tributa assume after 287 BC?
f. An oligarchic government
i. Describe the Roman republic constitution and laws.
ii. What type (Aristotle’s classifications) of government was the Roman republic in
1. Why- who dominated the government?
2. How did the dominate (influence) the government?
Early Roman History (753-265 BC)
De Blois, pp. 141-167
iii. Why did Rome not have political parties?
g. A new type of client
i. Describe the reciprocal client-patron relationship after 300 BC.
h. Some demographic data
i. What is the primary demographic reason that Rome never became a democracy
comparable to that of Athens?
ii. Identify two factors that contributed to the tremendous increase in Rome’s