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Considered a world authority on barnacles and earthworms, also known for his
research and theory of natural selection.
Charles Darwin was an English naturalist, who travelled thousands of miles to get hold
of factual evidence to support the theory of evolution.
Charles Darwin came from a prosperous family. Charles Darwin’s father ,Robert Darwin
was a doctor in Shrewsbury. His grandfathers were Erasmus Darwin, who was an
author, philosopher and scientist and Josiah Wedgwood the famous potter.
He was educated at Shrewsbury School and Edinburgh University where he read
medicine. Darwin did not complete his studies at Edinburgh and went to Cambridge to
read theology. While he was at Edinburgh he developed an interest in natural history
which was to continue during his time at Cambridge and for the rest of his life.
In 1831 he obtained his degree from Cambridge and in the same year set out as a
naturalist on a survey ship called the Beagle. He did not return home until 1836.
Charles Darwin is seen as the scientist who developed the modern theory of evolution
and together with Alfred Russel Wallace proposed the principle of natural selection.
Darwin eventually published his findings in, The Origin of the Species by Natural
What is this book, natural selection?
According to Charles Darwin, animals with variations better suited to their environment
would have a better chance of survival and ability to breed. They would then pass on
the favorable characteristics to their offspring.
This publication caused a great deal of controversy at the time, because it disagreed
with the literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis in the Bible.
Charles Darwin found out about natural selection due to him sailing, from Plymouth on
the 27 December 1831 on a journey that was to take him many thousands of miles. He
sailed in a ship called the Beagle. The Beagle was not a big ship, it was only about 28
metres long and had to be home to 74 people for the whole voyage.
Darwin took with him a copy of the bible and books by Milton, Humboldt as well as a
copy of Lyell's first volume on Principles Of Geology. He also took binoculars, a
geological magnifying glass and jars of spirit for preserving specimens. He was
equipped for the journey, of research and experience.
They reached the Galapagos Islands in September 1835 and stayed for two months.
These isolated islands had only a very small human population and life had stayed
unchanged for thousands of years. On the islands Darwin found huge turtles, tortoises
and lizards.
He discovered that the animals on the Galapagos Islands had different features, then
the animals in South America. They had similarities, but many differences.
Darwin also observed this to be the same with the many different types of finches on
the islands, also different to the ones he had seen in South America.
Darwin’s observed that by looking at the shell of a tortoise or the beak of a finch you
could tell which island it had come from. The similarities were that all the finches had
dull colored feathers and short tails. They all laid four pink and white eggs in nests with
small roofs
The differences were that all of the finches had different beaks. On one island they had
strong thick beaks for cracking open nuts and seeds, on another island eighty
kilometers away they had long thin beaks for catching insects. On returning to England,
Darwin and an ornithologist associate identified 13 species of finches that he had
collected on the Galápagos Islands.
To sum up his research on the Galápagos finches , these species provide information
concluding that among the birds that ended up in arid environments, the ones with
beaks better suited for eating cactus got more food. As a result, they were in better
condition to mate. Similarly, those with beak shapes that were better suited to getting
nectar from flowers or eating hard seeds in other environments were at an advantage
there. In a very real sense, nature selected the best adapted varieties to survive and to
reproduce. This process has come to be known as natural selection, which Darwin
wrote about in his book, origin of species.
Nineteenth century critics of Darwin thought that he had misinterpreted the Galápagos
finch data. They said that God had created the 13 different species as they are and that
no evolution in beak shape has ever occurred. It was difficult to conclusively refute
such counter arguments at that time. However, extensive field research since the early
1970's has proven Darwin to be correct.
With the creation of his books, and of his research going viral, one could conclude that
Darwin, was indeed a ‘radical, trouble maker’. This close minded, two worded phrase,
could be stretched out into more defined context. Yes, Darwin did spark controversial
events, riots and prosecutions, but he educated the world on this origin of species, and
his theories on natural selection. Without knowing this evolutionary knowledge, what we
think, learn and address humanity with could be different, as could are perspectives and
beliefs on human existence. Without his research, we wouldn’t know what theories to be
against, or what options there are besides Christianity. We wouldn’t know what theories
to disagree about, and we wouldn’t know or have a finalized outlook on the evolution of
mankind. Yes, evolution was discussed before Darwin, but there wasn’t research to
back up previous theories. Without Darwin, we wouldn’t have any evidence on human
species or evolution, therefore there wouldn’t be any continued research on mankind,
because all we would have been exposed to was the Bible’s theories, and views.
In my opinion, Charles Darwin is a scientific genius who exposed us to the world of
evolution, and without controversy, and troublemaking, there wouldn’t be things to
follow, we would all follow the same information and evidence. With that, the world
wouldn’t be as knowledgeable, and us humans wouldn’t know about where our species
originated from. Charles Darwin never intended on causing controversy, but intended on
educating us.
On poster
Interviewer- Charles, what are your views on evolution?
Charles- You know my views on the human species, and how we were created,
through the evolving of man; but I do have a view on the word evolution itself and it is
that I want to educate you and tell you that when you are thinking about evolution, it is
important to take a further step and ask, 'What is evolving?', and with this question in
mind, make sure you understand what you’re asking, and what your learning from this
Interviewer- Oh , so your views are to always be open-minded, when learning about
Charles- Yes, of course. Without a open-mind, you are not learning or hearing anything,
except for what you want to learn and hear. Don’t just learn about what interests you,
learn about what has made and created you, and with that, you will learn about
Interviewer- that’s interesting, so are you saying, that we have all evolved from
Charles- Yes, and that topic is brought up, in my book ‘Origin of Species.’ We all evolve
from something, it’s your choice to believe what it is.
Based on many years of research in the fields of biology and comparative anatomy, that
anatomically similar species such as humans, apes, and monkeys probably evolved,
over a period of many thousands of years, from a common, ape-like ancestor, now
Interviewer- Wow, well I’ll look into that theory, and question mine; because you really
do have the evidence!
Charles- Yes, I do have lots of evidence, due to my five year journey around the world
and my experiences after, too! You should also read my book, for more information!