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1. How is most of the energy of an earthquake transported through the Earth's
2. An earthquake that releases more energy is likely to do more damage. What
other factors influence how much damage will be done by an earthquake?
I. the distance of the region from the epicenter
II. the distance of the region from a seismic detection station
III. the type of construction in the region
3. The point below ground from which an earthquake's energy is released is called
the focus. An earthquake's epicenter is located
4. What does the Mercalli scale measure?
5. Where does the energy released by an earthquake come from?
6. The seismic waves detected as the result of an earthquake can be either
secondary S-waves, or primary P-waves. Which statement about S- and Pwaves is true?
7. Scientists measure S- and P-waves that are associated with earthquakes. What is
the definition of a P-wave?
8. Earthquakes release energy that can cause damage to roads, homes, and
buildings. Over time, scientists have developed several different rating scales to
determine how much energy an earthquake has released and how much damage
it has caused. Two of these measuring scales are the Mercalli scale and the
Richter scale.
Which of these is measured on a scale of 1 to 12?
9. Seismic waves can be measured and recorded by devices called _______. These
devices record the seismic wave vibrations as jagged lines on paper. The
stronger the vibrations, the more jagged the lines. These recordings are
called _______.
10. Scientists measure the time between the arrival of an earthquake's _______
and _______ waves to help determine the distance between the recording
seismograph and the earthquake epicenter.