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(Study the following terms and any information
that is associated with the terms)
1. 4 Branches of Science
2. Layers of the atmosphere
3. Ozone is a form of _____
4. Meander
5. Levee
6. Aquifer
7. Geyser
8. Path a river follows
9. What type of rock weathers most rapidly
10. Humus
11. Talus
12. Desalination
13. Evaporation
14. Condensation
15. Batholith, Laccolith, Dike, Sill
16. Gemstones
17. Recycling
18. Carbonation
19. Water expands by ____ % when frozen
20. Mechanical vs. Chemical Weathering
21. Phosphorescence
22. Fluorescence
23. Parent material for all rock
24. How does sedimentary rock become
25. How to determine epicenter of earthquake
26. Magnitude of an earthquake
27. Where is magma located
28. Where is Olympus Mons
29. Some common Minerals
30. 2 most abundant elements in minerals
31. Cleavage
32. What Earthquake wave does the most damage
33. # of sensing devices that make a seismograph
34. Focus
35. Epicenter
36. Compression, Tension, Shearing
37. Where Sea Floor spreading occurs
38. Subduction Zone
39. Convergent vs. Divergent Boundaries
40. Spectroscope
41. Red Shift vs. Blue Shift
42. 2 most abundant gases in atmosphere & %
43. Where do seismic waves come from
44. Panthalassa
45. Pangaea (Wegener)
46. Stalactite vs. Stalagmite
47. Uniformatarianism
48. Angular unconformity vs. Disconformity
49. Dominant creature during Mesozoic
50. What is Uranium-238 used for
51. What is a trace fossil and an example
52. Gastrolith
53. Natural Selection
54. Current geologic Era
55. Eras, Periods, and Epochs
56. How many billion yrs did the PreCambrian last
57. What period ended with Dino extinction
58. When did Dinos 1st appear
59. How much can crustal plates move in a year
60. 3 major cloud types
61. Most common form of solid precipitation
62. Warm vs. Cold Front
63. Barometer
64. How is Oxygen added to the atmosphere
65. Greenhouse Effect
66. Conduction, Convection, Radiation
67. Dew Point
68. Doppler Effect
69. How far is the sun from the Earth in minutes
70. What is the brightest Magnitude Star (Why?)
71. H-R diagram
72. Main Sequence Stars
73. Galaxy
74. From what did the Solar System originate
75. Planets and their order from sun
76. Apogee vs. Perigee
77. How long for the moon to revolve around Earth
78. 4 largest moons of Jupiter