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Earthquakes Study Guide Lesson 5-1 (pg. 144-151) Be able to name and describe the 3 types of stresses in the Earth’s crust (tension, compression and shearing) Know the definition of stress Be able to name and describe the 3 types of faults (normal, reverse and strike slip) Be able to name the stress that causes each of the different types of faults Know the difference between the hanging wall and footwall Name the different faults from diagrams Know how anticlines, synclines, plateaus, fault-block mountains and valleys can form from stresses in the Earth’s crust Lesson 5-2 (pg. 152-159) Know the definition of earthquake Know the definitions of an epicenter and a focus of an earthquake Be able to describe the motion of p waves, s waves and surface waves Know what a seismograph measures Know what the Modified Mercalli Scale measures Know what the Richter scale measures Know what the moment magnitude scale measures Know how geologists can locate an earthquakes epicenter Lesson 5-3 (pg. 160-165) Know the definition of a seismogram Know where most earthquakes occur and be able to explain why they occur there