improvement of regional seismic hazard assessment considering
... available (i.e. length, maximum magnitude, slip rate, etc.). For some critical parameters, e.g. slip rate, if an estimate could not be found in the literature it was calculated based on empirical laws. Specifically, the slip rate for each fault was resulted from the division of total displacement wi ...
... available (i.e. length, maximum magnitude, slip rate, etc.). For some critical parameters, e.g. slip rate, if an estimate could not be found in the literature it was calculated based on empirical laws. Specifically, the slip rate for each fault was resulted from the division of total displacement wi ...
Characterization of Fault Zones
... scattering from an ensemble of Euclidean fault zones. A hierarchical granular structure may have fractal geometry. Power-law statistics of earthquakes can be generated by slip on one or more heterogeneous planar faults, by a fractal collection of faults, and by deformation of granular material. Each ...
... scattering from an ensemble of Euclidean fault zones. A hierarchical granular structure may have fractal geometry. Power-law statistics of earthquakes can be generated by slip on one or more heterogeneous planar faults, by a fractal collection of faults, and by deformation of granular material. Each ...
Probabilistic prediction of rupture length, slip and
... et al. 2008; Yamada & Heaton 2008), the majority of the current EEW approaches consider the earthquake as a point source, that is, neglect rupture finiteness. Large magnitude earthquakes (M > 7.0), with rupture lengths of up to hundreds of kilometres, cause damaging ground shaking in much larger are ...
... et al. 2008; Yamada & Heaton 2008), the majority of the current EEW approaches consider the earthquake as a point source, that is, neglect rupture finiteness. Large magnitude earthquakes (M > 7.0), with rupture lengths of up to hundreds of kilometres, cause damaging ground shaking in much larger are ...
determination of fault plane orientations from rupture directivity of
... When stress is applied to an object, it will accumulate until a critical point is reached and then the material ruptures. Under pressure and temperature conditions at the Earth's surface, an object may respond in a brittle manner once a critical stress load is reached. At greater depth within the Ea ...
... When stress is applied to an object, it will accumulate until a critical point is reached and then the material ruptures. Under pressure and temperature conditions at the Earth's surface, an object may respond in a brittle manner once a critical stress load is reached. At greater depth within the Ea ...
Radon as an Earthquake Precursor – Methods
... of the bedrock and soil in areas of crustal discontinuities, such as fractures and fault zones, promotes intense degassing fluxes, which causes higher soil gas radon concentrations on the ground surface above active fault zones. Although several measurements, experiments and models have been perform ...
... of the bedrock and soil in areas of crustal discontinuities, such as fractures and fault zones, promotes intense degassing fluxes, which causes higher soil gas radon concentrations on the ground surface above active fault zones. Although several measurements, experiments and models have been perform ...
Landslides, earthquakes, and erosion
... of the triggered landslides. We have recently shown [1] that the frequency–area statistics of three substantially complete landslide inventories are well approximated by the same probability density function, a three-parameter inverse-gamma distribution. We also introduced a landslide-event magnitud ...
... of the triggered landslides. We have recently shown [1] that the frequency–area statistics of three substantially complete landslide inventories are well approximated by the same probability density function, a three-parameter inverse-gamma distribution. We also introduced a landslide-event magnitud ...
Seismicity and earthquake hazard analysis of the Teton
... catalog of earthquake locations that were determined using a 1-D velocity model. Initially, the JLSN consisted of 16 short-period (1 Hz) vertical-component seismograph stations. An additional four stations were installed in 1990 to improve monitoring coverage. More than 8000 earthquakes, ML 0.1 to 4 ...
... catalog of earthquake locations that were determined using a 1-D velocity model. Initially, the JLSN consisted of 16 short-period (1 Hz) vertical-component seismograph stations. An additional four stations were installed in 1990 to improve monitoring coverage. More than 8000 earthquakes, ML 0.1 to 4 ...
The Performance of Earthquake Strengthened URM Buildings in the
... A diagram that shows the peak ground acceleration that a building of a specific period will be subjected to. The spectra can be used to assess both the seismic inertial forces induced in an elastically responding structure and the amount of induced displacement relative to the ground A structural el ...
... A diagram that shows the peak ground acceleration that a building of a specific period will be subjected to. The spectra can be used to assess both the seismic inertial forces induced in an elastically responding structure and the amount of induced displacement relative to the ground A structural el ...
Earthquake swarm and b-value characterization of the Yellowstone
... events were used because they have RMS values less than 0.5 s. A total of 123 quality D events were rejected from the analysis ranging in magnitude from less than 0 to 3.5. Also, only earthquakes from 1984 to 2006 were used in this study because of the more consistent and reliable nature of the magn ...
... events were used because they have RMS values less than 0.5 s. A total of 123 quality D events were rejected from the analysis ranging in magnitude from less than 0 to 3.5. Also, only earthquakes from 1984 to 2006 were used in this study because of the more consistent and reliable nature of the magn ...
2002/005 OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY REPORT Seismic hazard: UK continental shelf
... The Late Caledonian Orogeny completed a basic change in plate geometry. On closure of the Iapetus Ocean and the Tornquist Sea, the Caledonian fold belt, which covered most of the North Sea area, came into existence. In the Southwest, the London-Brabant Massif became the dominating tectonic element. ...
... The Late Caledonian Orogeny completed a basic change in plate geometry. On closure of the Iapetus Ocean and the Tornquist Sea, the Caledonian fold belt, which covered most of the North Sea area, came into existence. In the Southwest, the London-Brabant Massif became the dominating tectonic element. ...
Short-Term Earthquake Hazard Assessment for
... of estimated short-term hazard. The responses of the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) will be similar to those defined for the Parkfiel^ experiment. The probabilities that the predicted earthquake will occur within the 72 hours of the estimate being made are comparable to the probabilities defined for ...
... of estimated short-term hazard. The responses of the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) will be similar to those defined for the Parkfiel^ experiment. The probabilities that the predicted earthquake will occur within the 72 hours of the estimate being made are comparable to the probabilities defined for ...
PDF version - Bullard Laboratories
... the interface between the converging plates. The accurate determination of earthquake source parameters for moderate sized earthquakes in oceanic settings, and particularly near subduction zones, requires careful waveform modelling. The presence of high-impedance-contrast layering relating to nearso ...
... the interface between the converging plates. The accurate determination of earthquake source parameters for moderate sized earthquakes in oceanic settings, and particularly near subduction zones, requires careful waveform modelling. The presence of high-impedance-contrast layering relating to nearso ...
Segmentation of seismicity along the Himalayan Arc due to
... earthquakes tend to concentrate in a narrow belt close to the downdip edge of the seismically active detachment (Seeber and Armbruster, 1981; Ni and Barazangi, 1984; Molnar, 1990) or more specifically in the transition zone between the seismically active detachment to the south and the aseismically ...
... earthquakes tend to concentrate in a narrow belt close to the downdip edge of the seismically active detachment (Seeber and Armbruster, 1981; Ni and Barazangi, 1984; Molnar, 1990) or more specifically in the transition zone between the seismically active detachment to the south and the aseismically ...
A probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of the Trans
... B) fits separately the instrumental and the historical data and merge the two fits into one curve. A uniform seismic hazard (USH) of the TMVB for a return period of 500 years was calculated considering three major sources of earthquakes: 1) Subduction thrust-faulting events in the Middle American Tr ...
... B) fits separately the instrumental and the historical data and merge the two fits into one curve. A uniform seismic hazard (USH) of the TMVB for a return period of 500 years was calculated considering three major sources of earthquakes: 1) Subduction thrust-faulting events in the Middle American Tr ...
Earthquake scaling relations for mid
... matical notation (see notation section). We then proceed with our own analysis, in which we derive new scaling relations based on areal measures of faulting. We conclude by using these relations to comment on the basic issues laid out in this introduction. ...
... matical notation (see notation section). We then proceed with our own analysis, in which we derive new scaling relations based on areal measures of faulting. We conclude by using these relations to comment on the basic issues laid out in this introduction. ...
6 Source Characterization
... Once the source geometry is defined, the next step in the source characterization is to estimate the magnitude of largest earthquakes that could occur on a source. For areal sources, the estimation of the maximum magnitude has traditionally been computed by considering the largest historical earthqu ...
... Once the source geometry is defined, the next step in the source characterization is to estimate the magnitude of largest earthquakes that could occur on a source. For areal sources, the estimation of the maximum magnitude has traditionally been computed by considering the largest historical earthqu ...
... earthquake risk assessment undertaken for any Australian city to date. It has focused on the economic losses associated with the building and contents damage caused by earthquake ground shaking, excluding the impacts from other secondary hazards such as soil liquefaction, fire, landslides and surfac ...
... earthquake risk assessment undertaken for any Australian city to date. It has focused on the economic losses associated with the building and contents damage caused by earthquake ground shaking, excluding the impacts from other secondary hazards such as soil liquefaction, fire, landslides and surfac ...
... losses throughout history. Although much improvement in earthquake resistant design has been achieved, people still suffer from the consequences of such a disaster even in the developed countries. The 1994 Northridge and 1995 Kobe earthquakes clearly proved that mother nature is still superior to ma ...
... losses throughout history. Although much improvement in earthquake resistant design has been achieved, people still suffer from the consequences of such a disaster even in the developed countries. The 1994 Northridge and 1995 Kobe earthquakes clearly proved that mother nature is still superior to ma ...
102_2012_Wang_et_al_.. - Description
... Kramer 1996). Therefore, it is not an indication in physical damages caused by earthquakes, such as casualty, economic loss. For instance, PGA at 10 % exceedance probability within 50 years at Western and Eastern United States is around 0.6 g and less than 0.1 g, respectively (USGS 2008). Accordingl ...
... Kramer 1996). Therefore, it is not an indication in physical damages caused by earthquakes, such as casualty, economic loss. For instance, PGA at 10 % exceedance probability within 50 years at Western and Eastern United States is around 0.6 g and less than 0.1 g, respectively (USGS 2008). Accordingl ...
Seismic vulnerability of the Himalayan half-dressed rubble
... existing vulnerable stock. 2.2 Model description Spence, 2007a). experimental investigations are essentia Figure 2 reports an office building in Mansehra City of Pakistan that was moderately damaged in the 2005 KashThe DS masonry structure investigated herein is a represencalibrate engineering tools ...
... existing vulnerable stock. 2.2 Model description Spence, 2007a). experimental investigations are essentia Figure 2 reports an office building in Mansehra City of Pakistan that was moderately damaged in the 2005 KashThe DS masonry structure investigated herein is a represencalibrate engineering tools ...
Earthquake Energy Release Mechanism Ahmed Elgamal
... The single enormous ocean which surrounded Pangaea is known as Panthalassa. The breaking up and formation of supercontinents appears to be cyclical ...
... The single enormous ocean which surrounded Pangaea is known as Panthalassa. The breaking up and formation of supercontinents appears to be cyclical ...
natural disasters: earthquakes
... Interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Human and Physical Geography Understand, through the use of detailed place-based exemplars at a variety of scales, the key processes in physical g ...
... Interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Human and Physical Geography Understand, through the use of detailed place-based exemplars at a variety of scales, the key processes in physical g ...
Clusters of Moderate Size Earthquakes along Main Central Thrust
... (mb 4) as filled circles; projections of tectonic planes, Indian & Tibetan Plates and intervening Sedimentary Wedge, and Table 1 earthquakes with star symbols are plotted. Gently dipping Indian plate and its existence below Tibet is inferred from the seismic data distribution. Further, mid crustal ...
... (mb 4) as filled circles; projections of tectonic planes, Indian & Tibetan Plates and intervening Sedimentary Wedge, and Table 1 earthquakes with star symbols are plotted. Gently dipping Indian plate and its existence below Tibet is inferred from the seismic data distribution. Further, mid crustal ...
2008 Sichuan earthquake

The 2008 Sichuan earthquake or the Great Sichuan earthquake, measured at 8.0 Msand 7.9 Mw, and occurred at 02:28:01 PM China Standard Time at epicenter (06:28:01 UTC)on Monday, May 12 in Sichuan province, killed 69,197 people and left 18,222 missing.It is also known as the Wenchuan earthquake (Chinese: 汶川大地震; pinyin: Wènchuān dà dìzhèn; literally: ""Great Wenchuan earthquake""), after the location of the earthquake's epicenter, Wenchuan County, Sichuan. The epicenter was 80 kilometres (50 mi) west-northwest of Chengdu, the provincial capital, with a focal depth of 19 km (12 mi).The earthquake was also felt in nearby countries and as far away as both Beijing and Shanghai—1,500 km (930 mi) and 1,700 km (1,060 mi) away—where office buildings swayed with the tremor. Strong aftershocks, some exceeding magnitude 6, continued to hit the area even months after the main quake, causing new casualties and damage.Official figures (as of July 21, 2008 12:00 CST) stated that 69,197 were confirmed dead, including 68,636 in Sichuan province, and 374,176 injured, with 18,222 listed as missing. The earthquake left about 4.8 million people homeless, though the number could be as high as 11 million. Approximately 15 million people lived in the affected area. It was the deadliest earthquake to hit China since the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, which killed at least 240,000 people, and the strongest in the country since the 1950 Chayu earthquake, which registered at 8.5 on the Richter magnitude scale. It is the 21st deadliest earthquake of all time. On November 6, 2008, the central government announced that it would spend 1 trillion RMB (about US $146.5 billion) over the next three years to rebuild areas ravaged by the earthquake, as part of the Chinese economic stimulus program.