Download Spartan women also received physical training. Like the men, they

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Pericles is remembered as:
a. a great Greek philosopher.
b. a powerful Greek god.
c. a great Greek poet.
d. a great leader of Athens.
Which of the following best describes early Greek philosophers:
a. They performed some of the earliest experiments
b. They observed natural events and tried to explain them with reason.
c. They thought that Greek gods were not important.
d. They studied ways to improve Greek ships and warfare.
Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between Socrates and
a. They fought the government.
b. They lived 100 years apart.
c. They performed experiments.
d. They were teacher and student.
Sophocles and Euripides were famous as
a. Olympic athletes
b. Scientists
c. Philosophers
d. Writers of plays.
What we know about Socrates' philosophy comes from
a. the speeches of characters in his plays.
b. the ideas he makes fun of in his comedies.
c. his speeches and discussions written down by Plato.
d. the books he wrote for students at the Academy.
Plato's Republic is the first book written about
a. the scientific method
b. medicine
c. Greek tragedy
d. political science
Greek culture and history after the death of Alexander is best described by what term?
a. Macedonian
b. Slavic
d. Roman
What allowed Philip of Macedonia to easily conquer the Greeks?
a. The Greeks did not unite to fight Philip.
b. The Spartans joined with Philip.
c. Athens refused to send its navy to fight.
d. The Greeks were at war with other invaders.
How was the form of democracy in ancient Greece different from our current democratic
a. People debated issues.
b. Citizens voted directly on issues themselves.
c. Voting took place on broken pieces of pottery.
d. Officials collected and counted the votes.
In a democracy, citizens govern themselves but in Athens only 1 in 5 people could vote.
Who could vote?
a. Men with Athenian parents
b. Women married to men with Athenian parents
c. Foreigners
d. All men
City-states were first run by aristocrats. After a middle class of merchants developed, they
wanted power. In order to take power from the wealthy aristocrats, the middle class did
the following:
a. Used cheaper weapons and more people
b. Hired tyrants
c. Waited for the aristocrats to run out of money
d. Paid tributes for the right to vote
Pericles helped poor citizens get involved in government by:
a. Changing tax laws.
b. Paying for greater education.
c. Paying salaries to city officials.
d. Appointing them to a council.
Which of the following best describes a representative democracy?
A. Citizens elect officials to make the laws.
B. All citizens help make the laws.
C. All men, women, and children can vote.
D. Citizens act as judges and lawmakers.
A government in which only a few people have power is called
A. a monarchy.
B. an oligarchy.
C. a democracy.
D. a tyrant.
What does democracy mean?
A. rule of the few
B. rule of the leaders
C. rule of the people
D. rule of the powerful
After Greek city-states were ruled by kings, they were ruled by
A. dictators.
B. armies.
C. aristocrats.
D. citizens.
Which of the following statements describes the role of women in Athens?
a. They were involved in politics.
b. They were responsible for the home and slaves and not involved in politics.
c. They were free to own property and hold important jobs.
d. They frequently went to the Agora to buy supplies needed for their homes.
Which of the following statements best describes citizen of Athens and other Greek city-states?
a. They valued their freedoms and took and active role in government.
b. They spoke different languages.
c. They often overthrew their government by force.
d. They developed the art of war.
How did Greece’s physical geography influence its early civilizations?
a. It encouraged the use of rich farmland and contact between people.
b. It forced people to adapt to harsh weather conditions
c. It encouraged people to be sailors and traders yet kept cities separate from each other.
d. It prevented wars because people were so concentrated in one area.
Which of the following statements describes the mountains, island and peninsulas of Greece’s
physical geography?
a. They offered little farmland but easy access to the sea for trade.
b. They encouraged people to live in the river valleys.
c. They made it easy for people to contact each other and share culture.
d. They limited early civilizations to farming rather than trade.
A central part of life in Athens, this was a market and public meeting place where vendors sold
goods and men discussed politics:
a. The Acropolis
b. The Agora
c. The Oracle
d. The Odeion
Which of the following best summarizes the geography of Greece?
a. a land of flat, fertile plains
b. a land of small hills and dense forests
c. a rocky, mountainous land
d. a cold, barren land
In geographical terms, the land of Greece is a large
a. island.
b. peninsula.
c. isthmus.
d. continent.
Because traveling by land in Greece was difficult, the Greeks:
a. became expert shipbuilders.
b. learned how to climb mountains.
c. gave up trying to travel.
d. took up farming.
Which of the following best defines a polis?
a. a marketplace where goods were traded
b. a high hill on which a fortress was often built
c. a period of great achievements
d. a small city-state
Greek myths were stories that explained
a. what things the Greek people most valued.
b. why natural or historical events happened.
c. why humans should worship the gods.
d. why humans or animals behaved like they did.
“Spartan women also received physical training. Like the men, they learned
how to run, jump, wrestle, and throw javelins.”
From this quote, what conclusion can you draw about Spartan women?
a. They disliked sports and exercise.
b. They were strong and healthy.
c. They did not enjoy their lives.
d. They mainly ran the households.
Unlike Athens, in ancient Sparta the government concentrated all its resources on
Famous artisans
Successful merchants
A pleasurable lifestyle
Brave and skillful warriors
Question with map (below)
According to the map of Greece at the time of the Peloponnesian War, which of the
following city-states was part of the Peloponnesian League:
a. Sparta
b. Athens
c. Miletus
d. Abydos
Essay Questions:
1. Choose any two of the following people and describe how he affected the development of
Greek civilization: Homer, Aesop, Socrates, Sophocles, Alexander the Great.
2. Describe the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology. What can you infer about the
Ancient Greeks based on their religious beliefs?
3. Why is Athens referred to as the “cradle of Western culture”? Give at least three specific
4. Compare and contrast Greek democracy to our American democracy. How are they
5. Compare and contrast the lifestyle and values of Athens and Sparta. In which society
would you rather live? Why?