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Grade 6 – Study Guide
Greece – The Golden Age
Test Date: Wed., Jan. 18, 2017
Philosopher=a thinker who deeply and seriously considers human affairs and life in general
Tribute=a payment demanded by a state or city for goods, services, or safe entry
Historian=an expert in history and/or a writer of accounts of historical events
Know the following:
How did Socrates die?
Where are the monasteries called the Meteoras located in Greece?
Who was a student of Plato who became a teacher to Alexander the Great?
What architectural feature is incorporated in buildings we see today that was adapted by the
Greeks? There are three types of these.
Greek plays were either comedies or ___________.
Socrates was a famous and influential _____________________.
What kind of government did Athens have during the Golden Age?
What were the three main causes of the Peloponnesian War?
What famous Greek is the “Father of Medicine?”
Which leader ruled Athens for 30 years and made it a world famous center for learning, art,
and culture?
Vocabulary Words:
Write a brief definition for each of the following words. Then use each word in a sentence.
1) Philosopher ________________________________________________________________________
1) Tribute ________________________________________________________________________
1) Historian ________________________________________________________________________
Essay questions:
Explain the difference between direct and representative democracy? Which do we have in
the U.S.? Why? Which did the Athenians have? Which is better? Why?
Write one way our democracy in the U.S. is the same/different from the Athenian democracy.
What were Greek schools called? What subjects did Greek boys study? How did they do their
lessons? What did Greek girls study? Do you think this was fair? Why or why not? Where
would you be if these educational rules were applied today in the U.S.? Would you like those
rules? Why or why not?
Should the Parthenon be saved? Why or why not?