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Community Ecology
Niche theory and guilds
1. Definition of niche: response functions vs. resource utilization functions
A. Grinnell: emphasis on a species’ "place" (more than just locational)
B. Elton: emphasis on a species’ role
C. Hutchinson: emphasis on resources used by species
i. n-dimensional hypervolume
ii. fundamental vs. realized niches
iii. ecological release
2. So how can species coexist? Answer: niche partitioning
A. Pianka et al.’s work with null models
B. Niche shifts
C. Limiting similarity
i. the Hutchinsonian 1.3 size ratio
D. MacArthur’s work on species packing and niche compression
3. Niche vs. guild vs. functional group
limiting similarity
R.B. Root
functional niche
1.3 character size ratio
n-dimensional hypervolume
ecological release
niche breadth
empty niche
realized niche
functional group
niche overlap
niche shift
niche differentiation
niche compression
character displacement
Pianka et al.
Joseph Grinnell (1914) to denote a species’ "place" in the environment (i.e., set of
environmental conditions that meet a species’ life-history requirements)
Difference between niche and habitat
Chas. Elton (1927) emphasized the role of a species in the environment
Gene Odum’s distinction between an organism’s “address” (habitat) and its “profession”
Do empty niches exist?
G. Evelyn Hutchinson (1957)
"n-dimensional hypervolume"
1. fundamental (pre-interactive) niche - potential niche
2. realized (post-interactive) niche - actual niche
example from Orians and Willson (1964) involving Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius
phoeniceus) and Yellow-headed Blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus)
“ecological release” – mongoose example
Ecological niches can thus be defined in terms of:
-response functions: how species are distributed on environmental gradients with respect to
limitation and optimal performance (a physiological view, prevalent among plant ecologists),
i.e., a species’ response to the environment (Grinnell, Elton)
-resource utilization functions: how species use resources (Hutchinson)
See handout for others’ definitions/explanations of niche.
So if a niche can only be occupied by one species, but if resources are limited such that
competitors must share niche space, how similar in terms of niche can two species be and still
coexist? The competitive exclusion principle states that coexistence hinges on niche
differentiation (a.k.a. niche partitioning) in terms of:
niche breadth
niche overlap
Consider the words of Gause (1934), when discussing the competitive exclusion principle: "
a result of competition two species hardly ever occupy similar niches, but displace each other in
such a manner that each takes possess of certain kinds of food and modes of life in which it has
an advantage over its competitor." This is niche partitioning.
Pianka et al. (1979): compared randomly generated distribution of niche overlap with real
distributions from desert lizards.
Niche shifts
But since most organisms are rare and secretive, how do we observe niche shifts? We
usually do so only indirectly, via morphology (Ricklefs and Travis 1980; see handout):
limiting similarity
character size ratios
Robert MacArthur (1958) examined niche overlap in a group of five sympatric warbler species
(Bay-breasted, Myrtle, Blackburnian, Cape May, and Black-throated Green) in New Hampshire
that were the same size and ate the same arthropod species in the same tree!: if they were so
similar, how could they coexist?
- found that the birds partitioned the niche space physically
- with increased immigration, more species may arrive at that tree (species packing occurs),
necessitating greater niche compression
But is niche compression the result of competition or to reduce competition?
Similar but distinct terms:
Guild Functional group -
Next time: food webs
NOTE: the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol. 106 suppl. 2 (2009) has a
special colloquium devoted to the niche concept.
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