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Name: _________________________
Date: __________________________
Evolution Book Walk:
1. Use page 172 to answer the following questions.
a. A naturalist is: ___________________________________________________________
b. Who was the naturalist on board the British ship HMS Beagle? _______________________
c. What theory did Darwin develop?
2. Pg 173. Darwin’s important observations included the diversity of living things, the remains of
______________, and the characteristics of organisms on the _________________.
a. How many species have scientists identified on Earth?
b. A __________ is a group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce
fertile offspring.
c. Darwin saw the fossil bones of animals that had died long ago.
d. A _________ is the _______________ or traces of an organism that lived in the past.
3. Pg 174. - What did Darwin find interesting about organisms that lived in the Galapagos Islands
and organisms that lived elsewhere?
a. What were some of the important differences between the organisms on the islands and
those on the mainland?
b. What did Darwin hypothesize about the plants and animals?
4. Pg. 175 – What is adaptation?
a. What are some examples of adaptation?
5. Pg. 176 - After 20 years of gathering information and studying with other scientists, Darwin
____________ the species gradually changed ________________ and became better
___________ to the new conditions.
a. The gradual change in a species over time is called _________.
b. _________ ideas are often referred to as the theory of ____________.
c. English farmers in Darwin’s time used ______________ to produce sheep with fine wool.
6. Pg 177 – ________________ is the process by which individuals that are better __________
to their environment are more likely to ________ and reproduce than other members of the
same species.
a. What are three factors that Darwin identified that affect the process of natural
selection? 1. ____________ 2. ___________ 3. _____________
b. What would happen of all newly hatched insects survived? Do they all survive?
c. Any difference between individuals of the same species is called a ___________.
7. Pg. 178
a. Does competition always involve physical fights? If not, explain.
b. ________ proposed that, over a long time, _______________ can lead to change.
Helpful ________ may gradually accumulate in a ________, while unfavorable ones may
c. A change in ____________ can affect an organism’s ability to ___________________.
d. Give an example of environmental change:
e. How might have natural selection resulted in monkey flowers?
f. What couldn’t Darwin explain?
g. ________ are passed from _________ to __________. Because of this, only
_________ that are ___________, or controlled by genes, can be acted upon by
In the table tell whether you are giving an example of natural selection or environmental conditions
(change) in the first column. Give an example of a cause and effect of either natural selection or
environmental conditions. Use the book to help or try to think of an example that is not listed in
the book.
Is it Natural Selection or
Environmental Conditions?
Discussion Question- Use the back of the page to answer the two questions below. Each
answer should have at least four sentences.
1. How do variation and natural selection work together to cause evolution?
2. Suppose the climate in an area becomes much drier that it was before. What kinds of
variations in the area’s plants might be acted on by natural selection?