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Global 9 HW Calendar: 1/14-1/18
Class – Rome Geography + Birth of the Roman Republic
1) Read p. 146-147 and:
 List and describe the different groups that settled Rome
 Describe the geography of Rome.
Class – Government: Rome vs. Athens
1) Read p. 148-150 (Up to Roman Expansion):
 Create a chart that shows the major differences between the patricians and the
 Describe the importance of the Twelve Tables and the Law of Nations
1/16 Wednesday Class – Roman Republic and the Twelve Tables
1) Read p. 150-151 (Roman Expansion)
 What is the historical and cultural significance of the Roman destruction of
1/17 Thursday
Class – The Punic Wars + Carthage
1) Read p. 152-155 (From the End of the Roman Republic to the Beginning of the Roman Empire)
 Create a diagram to show the factors that led to the end of the Roman Republic
 Compare and contrast the First Triumvirate and the Second Triumvirate
 How did Caesar weaken the power of the Senate?
1/18 Friday
Class – Caesar
1) Extra Help ------- Mondays, Room 604