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Rome’s Legacy
World History/Napp
“The presence of Rome is still felt daily in the languages, the institutions, and the
thought of the Western world. Latin, the language of the Romans, remained the language
of learning in the West long after the fall of Rome. It was the official language of the
Roman Catholic Church into the 20th century. Latin eventually developed into French,
Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Romanian. These languages are called Romance
languages because of their common Roman heritage. Latin also influenced other languages.
For example, more than half the words in English have a basis in Latin.
Visitors from all over the empire marveled at the architecture of Rome. The arch, the
dome, and concrete were combined to build spectacular structures, such as the Colosseum.
Arches also supported bridges and aqueducts. Aqueducts were designed by Roman
engineers to bring water into cities and towns. When the water channel spanned a river or
ravine, the aqueduct was lifted high up on arches.
Because Roman architectural forms were so practical, they have remained popular.
Thomas Jefferson began a Roman revival in the United States in the 18th century.
Many large public buildings, such as the U.S. Capitol and numerous state capitols, include
Roman features. Roman roads were also technological marvels. The army built a vast
network of roads constructed of stone, concrete, and sand that connected Rome to all parts
of the empire. Many lasted into the Middle Ages; some are still used.
Rome’s most lasting and widespread contribution was its law. Early Roman law dealt
mostly with strengthening the rights of Roman citizens. As the empire grew, however, the
Romans came to believe that laws should be fair and apply equally to all people. Some of
important principles of Roman law were that all persons had the right to equal treatment
under the law and that a person was considered innocent until proven guilty. The
principles of Roman law endured to form the basis of legal systems in many European
countries and of places influenced by Europe, including the United States.” ~ World History
1- How has Latin, the language of the Roman Empire, influenced modern languages?
2- Identify the architectural accomplishments of the Romans.
3- How has Roman architecture influenced American architecture?
4- What was Rome’s most lasting and widespread contribution?
5- Identify two principles of Roman law.
6- What law codes have been influenced by Roman law?
7- How did the Roman law code differ from the Code of Hammurabi?
8- Why is the principle of innocence until proven guilty a cornerstone of modern justice?
Learning and Literature
- Romans borrowed much of
their philosophy from the
- Romans learned the art of
sculpture from the Greeks
- The poet Virgil spent ten
years writing the most
famous work of Latin
literature, the Aeneid, the
epic of the legendary Aeneas
- However, while the Greeks
were known for the beauty
and idealization of their
sculpture, Roman sculptors
created realistic portraits in
- Virgil modeled the Aeneid,
written in praise of Rome
and Roman virtues, after the
Greek epics of Homer
- Much Roman art was
practical in purpose,
intended for public
- Yet the poet Ovid wrote
light, witty poetry for
- Romans developed a type
of sculpture called basrelief; in bas-relief,
or low-relief, images project
from a flat background
- Tacitus, a Roman
historian, is notable among
ancient historians because
he presented the facts
- Romans borrowed much of
their philosophy from the
- Stoicism, the philosophy of
the Greek teacher Zeno, was
especially influential
- Stoicism encouraged
virtue, duty, moderation,
and endurance
- While often following
Greek forms and models,
Roman writers promoted
their own themes and ideas
- Roman artists also were
particularly skilled in
creating mosaics; mosaics
were pictures or designs
made by setting small pieces
of stone, glass, or tile onto a
1- Identify the civilization that greatly influenced Roman culture.
2- How was Virgil influenced by the Greeks?
3- Why was Tacitus notable among ancient historians?
4- How did Roman sculpture differ from Greek sculpture?
5- What is bas-relief?
6- What were Roman artists particularly skilled in creating?
7- Identify the virtues encouraged by Stoicism.
8- Why do you think Stoicism became influential among the Romans?
- What features of the Colosseum do you find most beautiful – most useful – and worthiest
of copying? Why?
Which ancient civilization is associated with
the Twelve Tables, an extensive road
system, and the poets Horace and Virgil?
1. Babylonian
2. Greek
3. Phoenician
4. Roman
One contribution of ancient Roman culture
was the development of
1. the concept of zero
2. the process of making silk
3. a republican form of government
4. the printing press
The ideals developed in the Athens of
Pericles and in Republican Rome influenced
the development of
1. a parliament in Britain
2. military juntas in Latin America
3. a communist government in China
4. a theocracy in Iran
A major contribution of the Roman
Republic to Western European culture was
1. concept of government by laws
2. belief that political power should be
controlled by the military
3. establishment of agricultural
4. rejection of the concept of slavery
Important long-term contributions of
ancient Greek and Roman civilizations are
primarily found in the area of
1. military technology
2. religious doctrine
3. economic policy and planning
4. government and law
The ancient Romans’ most significant
contribution to Europe has been in the area
1. economics
3. drama
2. poetry
4. law
Base your answer to the question on the map below and on your knowledge of social
Which statement is best supported by the information on this map?
1. The Roman Empire extended over three continents.
2. Rivers kept invaders out of the Roman Empire.
3. Alexandria served as the eastern capital of the Roman Empire.
4. Carthage was eventually destroyed by the Romans.