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6.2.1. – Ancient Greece Mr. Aiello World History Jerry Zucker Middle School of Science Mythology - Myths and The Ancient Greeks teachings that tell of were polytheistic. The gods, heroes, and main god being Zeus. nature. The Ancient Greek city-states Democracy - Is form created many- Is forms of ofof Aristocracy a aform government in which all eligible government. Some ofpower them government in which is Assembly Charged citizens participate arethe still in useof-today. in hands aequally—either small, with directly elected lookingorruling atthrough all prospective privileged, class. representatives—in the proposal, ideas for new laws, and the development, and creation of laws debating of the ideas before voting on them. Citizenship - The criteria that is required of a society to consider a person viable to be called a citizen. Delian League - Founded in 478 B.C.E. it was an Shortly after its inception, Athens Under the leadership association of Greek citybegan to use the League's navy for its of Athens, its purpose was The War (431– states numbering between ownPeloponnesian purposes. This behavior frequently ledfighting to was conflict 404 ancient 150to tocontinue 173B.C.E.) under the anbetween Athens and the less powerful the Persian Empire. Greek war fought by leadership of Athens. members of the League. By 431 BC, Athens and its empire against Athens' heavy-handed control of the theLeague Peloponnesian League led Delian prompted the outbreak by Sparta War. of the Peloponnesian Philosophy - is the study of general and fundamental problems. Such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Peninsula - Is a piece of land that is bordered by water on three sides but connected to mainland. Polis Literally means city in Greek and Parthenon - Is a temple on the Athenian is used to( indicate the ancient Greek Acropolis Large Polis ) dedicated to the city-states. maiden goddess Athena Athens - Named after the Goddess Athena it was one of the most first important citystates in Greece first to fully develop Sparta - A prominent city-state in democracy ancient Greece unique for its social system and constitution, which completely focused on military training and excellence.