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Introduction to advertising
 List what you know about:
 Advertising
 target audience
 propaganda techniques
 influence of advertising on consumer
 List what you want to know :
 Advertising
 target audience
 propaganda techniques
 influence of advertising on consumer
Essential Questions
 What is a target audience?
 What are some of the propaganda
techniques found in advertising?
 How does advertising influence me?
Where do we find advertising?
 Magazines
 Newspapers
 TV
 Radio
 Billboards
 Pop Ups on the computer
 Clothing
 Other?
Advertising Facts
 The average number of 30 second ads that a child is
exposed to in a year is around 20,000
 The average cost for Super Bowl ads was $2.5-2.9
million per 30 second spot in 2010
 The ABC network is reported asking for $1.7 million for
a 30 second ad airing during the Oscar’s
Target Audience
 A target audience is a specific group of people in
which an advertisement is aimed.
 Characteristics of a target audience:
 Age
 Gender
 Region in which one lives
 Occupation
 Interest
Who is the target audience?
The Green Hornet
Who is the target audience?
 Propaganda is spreading ideas and information.
 Propaganda uses persuasion as a technique to get the
consumer to:
 Think the way the advertiser (company) thinks about
the product or situation
 Buy a certain product
 To believe something, or act in a certain way
Techniques we will discuss
 Bandwagon
 Expert opinion
 Testimonial
 Misleading Claims
 Emotional Appeal (Transfer)
 Repetition
 Rhetorical Question
 Persuades you to do something by letting you know
others are doing it too.
 “Everyone is doing it/buying it”
Expert Opinion
 Experts recommend the product, so you should buy it.
4 out of 5 doctors
recommend this for
Dermatologist Recommended
 Uses quotes, endorsements or images from people
in order to connect them with a product.
 Can connect celebrity to a product
 They are NOT experts in the field
Misleading Claims
 May use certain words to make you think the product
is great, superior, etc.
Wrinkle Cream
Illustrating before and after
Includes a disclaimer
stating “Simulated
Reduces wrinkles
by 57%
Emotional Appeal (Transfer)
 A person will have strong feelings about a situation
or product.
 Ads create emotional connection that draws you
into the ad and makes you feel a certain way. It will
make you want to transfer the feelings created in
the ad to a situation or product.
What feelings do you
experience when you
see these ads?
 Repeating the name of the product, logo, or symbol
several times throughout the advertisement.
Rhetorical Question
 Statement posed as a question.
 Made to make you think about the product as the
answer .
Questions to ask to help you
analyze an advertisement.
 What is happening in the ad?
 What is the ad selling?
 What are the people in the ad doing?
 What do the facial expressions suggest?
Answer these Questions about your ad:
 Who is the target audience?
 What propaganda technique is being used?
 Create an illustration of an advertisement for:
 iPod nano
 Your target audience is:
 Males and Females
 Pre-teen to young adults
 Use the technique that is given!
 Be sure to write the technique on your paper!
Review Essential Questions
 What is a target audience?
 What are some of the propaganda techniques
found in advertising?
 How does advertising influence me?
Completion of KWL
 List what you learned about:
 Advertising
 target audience
 propaganda techniques
 influence of advertising