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HOW CELLS HARVEST ENERGY (ch. 9 - Campbells)
Autotroph - an organism that produces its own food. Producer. Green plant that
photosynthesizes. Converts solar energy into chemical bond energy.
Heterotroph - an organism that can not produce its own food. Consumer. Must rely on
producers for energy. Animals fungi, protozoans and some bacteria.
Respiration - redox reaction involved in the release of energy from glucose while using
oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor.
Substrate-level phosphorylation - A.T.P. is created as phosphate is transfered to A.D.P.
from another molecule.
N.A.D. - Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. An electron and hydrogen acceptor used
during respiration and fermentation.
Chemiosmosis - pumping of hydrogen ions (protons) out of the mitochondrial matrix to
create a negative charge inside the matrix. Facilitated diffusion of protons occurs back into
the matrix through A.T.P. generating channels. Electron transport chain.
Fermentation - Redox reaction involved in the release of energy from glucose without the
use of oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor. An organic molecule receives the electrons
and hydrogen ions. A.T.P. production is substrate-level.
Deamination - removal of amino group from amino acid to allow the oxidation of proteins
p-Oxidation — fatty acids are converted to Acetyl—CoA and run through the Krebs Cycle.
Use the term “electronegative” to discuss why oxygen is used as the terminal electron
acceptor in respiration:
Discuss the principle of Oxidation & Reduction
Discuss glycolysis. Use the terms glucose, G3P and pyruvate. Also indicate the number
of carbons in molecules:
What are the products of glycolysis:
Discuss the energy output of glycolysis:
Discuss the oxidation of pyruvate. Be sure to indicate the number of carbons in the
Describe the Krebs cycle:
Outline what happens during the Krebs cycle. Give the numbers of carbons in
intermediate molecules produced:
What are the net results of the Krebs cycle:
What kind of A.T.P. is produced:
Describe the electron transport chain:
Describe how the pumping of protons creates A.T.P. through chemiosmosis:
Discuss the A.T.P. output from NADH and FADH
Do an accounting of the A.T.P. production during the stages of respiration:
How efficient is the respiration of glucose with respect to A.T.P. production:
Give the formula for fermentation and describe the process:
How does fermentation resemble respiration:
How does fermentation differ from respiration;
Describe alcohol fermentation:
Discuss lactic acid fermentation:
Discuss the respiration of proteins and fats:
Proteins -
Fats -