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Honors A & P
Name: _______________________________
Conducting Systems and Cardiac Cycle
True / False – Circle True or False
1. True / False
The left side of the heart pumps the same volume of blood as the right.
2. True / False
The bicuspid valve has chordae tendonae but the tricuspid valve does not.
3. True / False
An EKG provides direct information about heart valve function.
Multiple Choice – Select the term that does not belong in each of the following groupings. Give a brief
explanation why that term does not fit with the others in the blank provided.
A. Pulmonary Trunk
B. Vena Cava
C. Right side of the heart
D. Left side of the heart
A. QRS wave
B. T wave
C. P wave
D. electrical activity of the ventricles
A. AV valves closed
B. AV valves open
C. ventricular systole
D. semilunar valves open
A. papillary muscles
B. aortic semilunar valve
C. tricuspid valve
D. chordae tendonae
A. tricuspid valve
B. mitral valve
C. bicuspid valve
D. left AV valve
Multiple Choice – Choose and circle the one best answer that completes the statement or answers the
9. Normal heart sounds are caused by which of the following events?
A. stimulation of the SA node
C. friction of blood against heart chamber walls
B. closure of heart valves
D. contraction of the atria
10. The P wave of a normal electrocardiogram indicates:
A. ventricular repolarization
C. atrial repolarization
B. ventricular depolarization
D. atrial depolarization
Honors A & P
Name: _______________________________
11. Blood within the pulmonary veins returns to the:
A. left ventricle
C. right ventricle
B. left atrium
D. right atrium
12. Which vessel of the heart receives blood during right ventricular systole?
A. pulmonary veins
C. venae cavae
B. aorta
D. pulmonary artery
13. Blood enters which of these blood vessels during ventricular systole?
A. pulmonary veins
C. aorta
B. aorta and pulmonary arteries
D. pulmonary arteries
14. Which of the following is not a part of the conducting system of the heart?
A. Atrioventriclar bundle
C. Atrioventricular node
B. Atrioventricular valve
D. Sinoatrial node
15. The tricuspid valve is closed:
A. while the atrium is contracting
B. while the ventricle is in systole
C. while the ventricle is in diastole
D. by movement of blood from atria to ventricles
16. During the period of ventricular filling:
a. pressure in the heart is at its peak
b. blood flows passively through the atria and open AV valves
c. the P wave of an EKG is recorded
d. the atria remain in diastole
17. The second heart sound is heard during which phase of the cardiac cycle?
A. isovolumetric relaxation
C. ventricular ejection
B. ventricular filling
D. isovolumetric contraction
18. Isovolumetric contraction:
a. occurs while the AV valves are open
b. refers to the short period during ventricular systole when ventricles are completely closed
c. occurs only in people with heart valve defects
d. occurs immediately after the semilunar valves close
Cardiac Output Calculations - Cardiac output (CO) is the volume of blood in liters pumped by each ventricle
in one minute. It is calculated by multiplying ones heart rate (HR) in beats per minute by the stroke volume
(SV) which is the amount of blood in milliliters pumped by each ventricle with each heartbeat. (Hint: 1 L =
1000 mL) Measurements must be calculated in their specific units of measurement!!!
CO = HR x SV
19. What would the cardiac output be of a person with a stroke volume of 65 mL per beat and a heart rate of
90 beats per minute.
Honors A & P
Name: _______________________________
20. If cardiac output is 6.0 L per minute for a person and the heart rate is 80 beats per minute, what is the
stroke volume?
21. If cardiac output is 5.25L per minute for a person and the stroke volume is 70 mL per heartbeat, what is
the heart rate?
Matching – use the choices below to answer the following questions.
A. open
B. closed
C. increasing
D. decreasing
E. remains the same
22. If the heart is in ventricular systole, what is the condition of the tricuspid valve? ______
23. If the heart is in late ventricular systole, the pulmonary semilunar valve will be? ______
24. During ventricular filling, the pressure in the ventricles is … ______
25. During ventricular filling, the pressure in the aorta is … ______
26. During isovolumetric contraction, the volume in the right atrium is… ______
27. During isovolumetric contraction, the volume in the right ventricle is… ______
28. During isovolumetric contraction, the pressure in the left ventricle is… ______
29. During isovolumetric contraction, the bicuspid valve is… ______
30. If the heart is in ventricular diastole, the pressure in the aorta is… ______
31. If the heart is in ventricular diastole, the semilunar valves are… ______
Fill in the blanks - The events of one complete heartbeat are referred to as the cardiac cycle. Complete
the following statements that describe these events by filling in the missing terms in the answer blanks.
The contraction of the ventricles is referred to as (34)____________________ and the period of ventricular
relaxation is called (35)____________________. The monosyllables describing the heart sounds during the
cardiac cycle are (36)____________________. The first heart sound is a result of the
Honors A & P
Name: _______________________________
(37)____________________ valves closing, closure of the (38)____________________ valves causes the
second heart sound. The heart chambers that have just been filled when you hear the first heart sound are the
(39)____________________ and the chambers that have just emptied are the (40)____________________.
Immediately after the second heart sound, the (41)____________________ are filling with blood and the
(42)____________________ are empty. Abnormal heart sounds, or (43)____________________, usually
indicate valve dysfunction.
Graphic Representation – Graph below the pressure changes that would occur in the atria, the ventricles as
well as the arteries through one cardiac cycle. Label specifically on the graph where semilunar valves would
open and then close as well as where atrioventricular valves would open then close.