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Biochemistry Unit Study Guide
PART ONE: Atomic Structure and Bonding
1. Draw the basic structure of a carbon atom. Label your drawing to show the location of the nucleus, protons,
neutrons, and electrons (see page 20, especially Figure 2.3B).
2. Explain why carbon needs to make 4 covalent bonds to achieve stability. In your answer be sure to include the
terms electrons, valence shell, sharing¸ and covalent bond (see pages 22-23).
3. Draw the basic structure of a water molecule (H2O) and explain why water is polar molecule. In your answer be
sure to include the terms electronegativity, polar covalent bond¸ and polar molecule, and to explain what those
terms mean (see page 22-23, especially Figure 2.6).
4. Compare and contrast the following three types of molecular bonds. Provide a specific example of each type of
bond in your answer (see pages 22-25).
Covalent bond
Ionic bond
Hydrogen bond
PART TWO: Organic Macromolecules
5. Explain what is meant by the term “organic compounds.” (see page 34).
You should treat the Molymod Lab Handouts as additional pages of this Unit Study Guide.
6. Identify which of the four major classes of organic compounds in living things are polymers formed by the joining
together of monomers (see page 36).
7. Define the terms polymer and monomer and explain how the terms are related (see page 36).
8. Complete the table below. (see Molymod Handouts and pages 35-47, especially Table 3.2).
Functional Group:
Example within a larger molecule:
Found in the following class(es) of
organic compounds:
Hydroxyl group:
Carbonyl group:
Carboxyl group:
Amino group:
Phosphate group:
Methyl group:
9. Draw a diagram of a dehydration synthesis reaction, including the REACTANTS and PRODUCTS (see your
Molymod Handouts and pages 36 and 38, especially Figure 3.5).
10. Draw a DIAGRAM of a hydrolysis reaction, including the REACTANTS and PRODUCTS (see Molymod Handouts and
pages 36 and 38).
11. Explain why a cross-country runner would eat a starchy meal the night before a big race (see pages 37-39).
12. Explain why butter (made from milk fat) is harder at room temperature than margarine. In your answer include
and define the terms saturated fatty acid and unsaturated fatty acid (see page 40).
13. Draw a phospholipid and then describe how phospholipids create a lipid bilayer. In your answer, be sure to
include and define the terms hydrophilic and hydrophobic (See page 41).
14. Describe the function of each macromolecule.
Nucleic Acids
15. ORGANIC COMPOUNDS MATCHING: Match each term in Column B with the appropriate description in Column A.
Write the letter of the correct term on the line provided (see pages 37-47).
_____ 1. group of organic compounds that contains fats, oils, waxes, and
a. cellulose
_____ 2. a specific carbohydrate that is a major part of plant cell walls and one
of the most abundant biological molecules on Earth
b. amino acids
_____ 3. group of organic compounds, including sugars and starches, that
provide energy to organisms
c. triglycerides
d. lipids
_____ 4. monomers that form proteins
e. nucleic acids
_____ 5. proteins that help control/regulate chemical reactions
f. proteins
_____ 6. monomers that form carbohydrates
g. carbohydrates
_____ 7. molecules that contain hereditary, or genetic, information passed
from parents to their offspring
h. enzymes
_____ 8. monomers that form nucleic acids
i. glucose
_____ 9. molecules that are a major part of cell membranes
j. nucleotides
_____ 10. molecules in which monomers are linked by a peptide bond
k. phospholipids
_____ 11. molecules formed from glycerol and three fatty acids
l. monosaccharides
_____ 12. monosaccharide that is the primary starting point of cellular
_____ 13. a common disaccharide
m. sucrose
16. Practice with organic compounds – SAMPLE EXAM QUESTIONS
A. Identify each molecule above by name and by class of organic molecule:
Class of organic molecule
B. Which molecule contains both an amino group and a carboxyl group? ___________________________________
Draw a CIRCLE around the amino group and a SQUARE around the carboxyl group.
C. Which molecule(s) are formed by dehydration synthesis reactions? ______________________________________
D. Is molecule F “saturated” or “unsaturated”? EXPLAIN.
17. Please define what an enzyme is and explain how enzymes increase the rate of a chemical reaction. In your
answer include and explain the terms catalyst and activation energy (see page 83, especially Figure 5.13).
18. Explain how an enzyme’s shape is related to its function. In your answer include and define the terms substrate
and active site (see page 84).
19. Explain why each enzyme has an optimal pH and an optimal temperature for its function. In your answer include
and explain the term to “denature.” (see page 84)
20. Explain why a cracker begins to taste sweet after a few minutes of chewing.
21. Analyze the diagram below and answer questions a. through f. that follow (page 84, especially Figure 5.14).
a. Which substance in the diagram is the substrate? ____________________________
b. What is the name of the enzyme catalyzing this reaction? _________________________________
c. Describe what is occurring at each of the four steps of the chemical reaction shown in the diagram.
d. At which step does the chemical reaction actually take place? ___________________________
e. What chemical reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme? Write your answer in the form of a chemical equation in
the space below, and then in a verbal description on the lines provided.
Is the enzyme used up in the chemical reaction? (YES OR NO) ______________. Explain your answer.
22. Read the information provided and then answer each question that follows.
A certain experiment was designed to determine the effect of
pH on the rate of enzyme action for two protein-digesting
Enzyme A is found in the stomach. Enzyme B is found in the
The optimum pH is the pH that enables the highest rate of
enzyme action.
Data collected during the experiment are illustrated in the
graph shown here. Use the graph to answer the questions that
a) What is the optimum pH for Enzyme A? __________ For Enzyme B? __________
b) Compare the rates of enzyme action between the enzymes, at a pH of 5.
c) Based on the data, compare the pH of the stomach relative to the pH of the intestine? Explain.
23. A friend tells you he is lactose intolerant. Explain what this really means (see page 47).
Complete the “A is for Applesauce” Lab Investigation and “Pennyase” Lab Activity.
Review your notes on these tasks as part of your unit study guide.
24. Compare and contrast: What is an acid? What is a base? Explain how the pH scale reflects how acidic or basic a
solution is (see page 28, especially Figure 2.14).
25. Explain why a pH of 7 is “neutral” (see page 28).