Download Macromolecule/ Organic Compound Monomer (basic subunit

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Unit 4 Test Review
Name ____________________
Period _________
1. Study Units 1-3 Test
2. Complete the following table.
Organic Compound
(basic subunit)
Function in
fatty acid
amino acid
3. Organic compounds are found in living things and contain the element ________________ bound to other elements.
4. How do cells store the energy from organic compounds in food? __________
5. Where do acids range on the pH scale? ________________
6. Where do bases range on the pH scale? _______________
7. Activation energy is the energy required to start a chemical reaction. Do enzymes increase or decrease the activation
energy of a reaction? ________________
8. Draw a sketch of DNA and RNA below and label each.
9. Saturated fats are usually ( solid / liquid ) at room temperature. Give an example. _______________
10. Unsaturated fats are ( solid / liquid ) at room temperature. Give an example. _________________
11. If a molecule ends in –ose, it is probably which macromolecule? _____________________
12. If a molecule ends in –ase, it is probably which type of protein? _______________________
13. Plants store glucose in the form of _______________. Animals store glucose as ________________.
14. List factors that affect enzyme activity. ___________________________________________________.