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BIO II: Biochemistry Test Review Sheet
1. Organic Chemistry is based on the study of what types of compounds?
2. Use the following diagrms to answer the following questions:
Which reprensents an Organic Acid?
Which molecule(s) contain(s) a carboxyl group?
Which of the above is a Monomer of Protein?
Which is a monosaccharide?
Which represents a steroid?
Which of the above is water soluble because it has a functional group that is
an alcohol?
Which represents the simplest organic molecule?
Which two represent the monomers of fat?
Which molecule represents the major component of cell membranes?
3. What type of molecule would contain Nitrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, and
4. What two functional groups are always found in amino acids?
5. Cellulose is a polymer made of many ____________________ molecules.
6. In what form do plants store most of their excess glucose?
7. Give an example of a structural polysaccharide.
8. At which level of protein structure are the interactions between R-groups the
most important?
9. What are the 4 bases found in DNA?
10. What are the 4 bases found in RNA?
11. What bases pair with each other in DNA? In RNA?
12. What type of molecule is shown below? How do you know?
13. At which bonds in the figure below would water need to be added to achieve
hydrolysis if the tripeptide shown, back to its component amino acids?
14. Describe the pleated sheet structure of a protein.
15. What are the three subunits of a nucleotide?
16. Give four examples of proteins:
17. Dehydration synthesis reactions are used in forming which types of
18. Which chemical element would be found in both an amino acid and a starch?
19. What is the general function of a carbohydrate?
20. How could a protein be altered in order to change the function of an enzyme?
21. What molecule gets released when two amino acids are bonded together to
form a larger molecule?
22. What are trans fats? How do they affect the body? Where are they found?
23. What kinds of fats are liquid at room temperature? Solid at room
temperature? Which type of fat is among the good fats?
24. How does the evaporation temperature of water compare to that of other
25. The cohesiveness of water is mostly due to _______________________