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1) How many electrons are in the valence (outer) shell of Carbon?
2) A monomer of carbohydrate is referred to as a _________________.
3) A nucleotide consists of:_____________ ____________ __________________.
4) A peptide bond is a bond formed in an _______________ __________________
5) The molecular formula for glucose is________________________
6) Glucose and Fructose have the same chemical formula therefore they are ______.
7) What is the chemical formula for a monosaccharide?
8) Triglycerides are composed of one____________________and three
9) A polypeptide is a long chain of ______________ __________________.
10) Insulin is a type of __________________________ molecule.
11) Cellulose is only found in______________________.
12) DNA is an example of a __________________________.
13) _________________________is the process of forming a larger molecule by
removing water.
14) When you add water to a larger molecule to break it into monomers that process
is referred to as___________________.
15) Sucrose is an example of a _____________________________.
16) The elements in a saccharide are________________ __________________
17) What is the major biomolecule of the cell membrane?
18) A steroid is composed of this biomolecule.
19) Enzymes are types of___________________.
20) A double bonded carbon in a lipid molecule means the molecule is____________.
Answer Key
1) 4
2) saccharide/sugar molecule
3) phosphate, sugar,& base
4) amino acid
5) C6H12O6
6) Isomers
7) C6H12O6
8) Glycerol and 3 fatty acids
9) Amino acids
10) Protein
11) Plants
12) Nucleic acid
13) Condensation reaction
14) Hydrolysis reaction
15) Disaccharide
16) Carbon, hydrogen, & oxygen
17) Phospholipid
18) Lipid
19) Protein
20) Unsaturated