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Ecology Review
Interactions Among Living Things
Name _________________________
We are going to take about 5 class periods to review the ecology concepts you learned in 6th grade.
There are 4 ecology standards that will be part of this review:
13. Give examples of ways in which organisms interact and have different functions within an
ecosystem that enable the ecosystem to survive.
14. Explain the roles and relationships among producers, consumers, and decomposers in the process of
energy transfer in a food web.
15. Explain how dead plants and animals are broken down by other living organisms and how this
process contributes to the system as a whole.
17. Identify ways in which ecosystems have changed throughout geologic time in response to physical
conditions, interactions among organisms, and the actions of humans. Describe how changes may be
catastrophes such as volcanic eruptions or ice storms.
This PowerPoint is to review Standard #13
Slide 1: Interactions Among Living Things: Competition
A. Definition- COMPETITION: the struggle between organisms to survive as they attempt to use the
B. Limited resources: ___________________
Slide 2: Oh’Deer (if time)
Slide 3: Interactions Among Living Things: Predation
A. Definition = PREDATION= An interaction in which one organism kills another _______________
B. Definition =PREDATOR= The organisms that __________________________
Definition = PREY = the organisms that __________________________
Slide 4: A. Predator Adaptations:
B. Prey Adaptations
- camouflage __________________________
Poison ________________________
Claws _________________________
-warning colors _________________________
sharp teeth _____________________
-mimicry __________________________
stingers ________________________
-false coloring ________________________
night vision _____________________
-protective coverings ____________________
echo location ____________________
Slide 5: Pictures of adaptations
Slide 6: Owl Eyed Moth (false coloring)
Slide 7: Monarch Butterfly (mimicry)
Slide 8: Interactions Among Living Things: Symbiosis = “Living Together”
A. Definition = SYMBIOSIS: a close relationship between two species that benefits _______________
B. 3 Types of Symbiosis: mutualism, commensalisms, parasitism
Slide 9: Mutualism
A. Definition = MUTUALISM = The close relationship where ________________organisms benefit.
B. Example – Ants and Acacia Tree
Slide 10:Mutualism continued
A. Plover in crocodile mouth feeds on leeches
Slide 11:Commensalism
A. Definition = COMMENSALISM= Relationship where one species _________________________
and the other species is neither __________________________ nor _________________________.
B. Example- barnacle and scallop shell
Slide 12:Parasitism
A. Definition = PARASITISM= Relationship where one species lives ________ or ________ another
species and _______________________.
B. Parasite= the organism that __________________________.
C. Host= the organism that _________________________.
Slide 13:Parasitism Example - Tick in Dog’s Ear
A. Host = _______________
B. Parasite = ________________
Slide 14:Parasitism Example- Sea Lamprey
A. Host = _______________
B. Parasite = ____________________
Slide 15: Parasitism Example- Strangler Fig Tree