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Grade 9 Science
June Assessment Review
Directions: Answer each of the following questions on loose-leaf.
Chapter 1
1) Explain the job of each of the following cell parts. (pages 12 to 19)
a) The nucleus
f) spindle fibres
b) DNA
g) centrioles
c) Chromatin
h) cell membrane
d) Chromosomes
i) cytoplasm
e) Centromeres
j) cell wall
2) What is DNA Replication and why is it important?
3) Draw diagrams of each phase of Mitosis and explain the important events that are
happening in each phase. (pages 17 to 23)
4) List 4 groups of organisms that reproduce asexually. Beside each group list the
name of the method of asexual reproduction that they use. (pages 29-35)
Chapter 2
5) Define each of the following terms:
a) Variation
b) Sexual Reproduction
c) Gametes
d) Fertilization
e) Zygote
f) Homologous Pairs
g) Diploid
h) Haploid
6) Compare and Contrast the following pairs of terms:
 Mitosis and Meiosis (pages 17 to 21 and 48 and 49)
 External and Internal fertilization (pages 54 to 57)
7) List 2 examples of organisms that use external fertilization and 2 examples of
organisms that you internal fertilization.
8) Compare and contrast Sexual and Asexual Reproduction in terms of the
advantages and disadvantages of each.
9) Draw a diagram of a flower at label with the following parts. Stigma, Style, Pistil,
Stamen, Filament, Anther, Pollen, Petal, Sepal, Ovary, Ovum.
b) For each part, describe how it is involved in sexual reproduction for flowering plants.
9) Match each statement with the name of one of the phases of meiosis.
(pages 48 and 49)
Phase Description
Homologous pairs line up in the center of the cell.
Name of Phase
There are two cells. In each cell, the cell membrane pinches
together, new nuclear membranes begin to form. There are
2 single-stranded chromosomes at the end of each cell.
The cell membrane begins to pinch together and new nuclear
membranes form. There are 2 double stranded
chromosomes at each end of the cell.
There are 2 cells. In each, Double stranded chromosomes
are pulled apart into singles stranded chromosomes.
The nuclear membrane breaks down. Chromatin condenses
into 4 double stranded chromosomes.
There are now 2 cells. Each with 2 double stranded
chromosomes. The nuclear membranes begin to break
There are 4 cells. Each with 2 single stranded chromosomes.
Homologous pairs are pulled apart towards opposite poles of
the cell.
There are two cells. In each, double stranded chromosomes
line up in the center of the cell.
Chapter 4
11) Define the following terms:
a) DNA
b) Gene
c) Chromosome
d) Nucleotide
e) Nitrogen Base
12) List the contributions of the following scientists to genetic research.
James Watson and Francis Crick (pages 112 – 113)
13) Draw and label a string of DNA.(page 114)
 Make sure to include the names of the nitrogen bases and which ones pair
13) Explain the connections between DNA, genes and chromosomes