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Islam Test
Multiple Choice (3 Points Each)
1. Who founded the Islamic Religion?
a. Abraham
b. Moses
c. Abu Bakr
d. Muhammad
2. What city, sacred to Muslims, is the city that a believer faces while praying?
a. Medina
b. Mecca
c. Damascus
d. Jerusalem
3. What is the name of the Muslim holy book?
a. Torah
b. Bible
c. Qur’an
d. Vedas
4. According to the Five Pillars of Islam, when do Muslims fast?
a. At sunset to mid-morning
b. During Ramadan
c. During the Hajj
d. At the Muslim New Year
5. What is the language of most Muslims in the Middle East?
a. English
b. Greek
c. Sanskrit
d. Arabic
6. What is the major similarity between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism?
a. The Old Testament
b. Prayer
c. Reincarnation
d. Monotheism
7. What is the name of God in Islam?
a. Jesus
b. Allah
c. Muhammad
d. Zeus
8. What term is given to describe Muhammad’s trip from Mecca in 622 AD?
a. Hajj
b. The Night Journey
c. Medina Compact
9. The Islamic faith also includes what kind of prophets?
a. Judeo-Christian
c. Judeo-Zoroastrian
d. Hegira
b. Hindu-Buddhist
d. Confucius-Taoists
10. Islam spread early one due to the trade routes between which two cities?
a. Mecca and Medina
b. Jerusalem and Damascus
c. Medina and Damascus
d. Mecca and Baghdad
11. Which of the following would be the definition of Hajj?
a. A yearly tax given to the poor and needy
b. When Muhammad fled to Medina when his life was in danger
c. When Muhammad returned to Mecca to set up the Islamic Empire
d. When all able bodied Muslims take a pilgrimage to Mecca
12. Which of the following is true about the Koran?
a. It was written by Muhammad
b. It was recorded by Muhammad’s followers
c. it has changed over time
d. It includes the New Testament
13. Islamic teaching accepts prophets from other religions: Which one do they not accept?
a. Moses
b. Buddha
c. Abraham
d. Jesus
14. Which of the following Islamic sects believes the leader of Islam could be any elected, RightlyGuided Muslim?
a. Sunni
b. Umayyad
c. Shiite
d. Hegira
15. What was the Battle of Tours?
a. Turning points in Islamic Expansion in Europe
b. Loss for Muhammad’s military
c. Important victory for the Spanish against the Moors
d. Turning point in Christianity in Jerusalem
16. Shiite’s believe the Caliph should be a ____________of Muhammad.
a. Convert
b. Dynasty
c. Descendant
d. Friend
17. Islam spread throughout all of the flowing places except?
a. Spain
b. Africa
c. Persia
d. France
18. The split in Islamic faith happened because the Sunnis & the Shiites disagreed over:
a. When they should pray
b. Who would rule over the Islamic Empire after Muhammad’s death
c. How much money should be give during Ramadan
d. Whether or not Muhammad was a god
19. Which of the following titles was given to the political leader of Islamic empire in the 700's AD?
a. Caliph
b. Imam
c. Pope
d. Al-Razi
20. Which city is important not only to Muslims but to Jews and Christians as well?
a. Mecca
b. Constantinople
c. Jerusalem
d. Cairo
21. What is the Dome of the Rock?
a. Cathedral
b. Church
c. Synagogue
d. Mosque
22. The Empire helped expand knowledge by ___________ ancient texts into _____________.
a. Translating, Latin
b. Archiving, English
c. Archiving, Universities
d. Translating, Arabic
23. What type of mathematics did Muslim scholars develop?
a. Calculus
b. Algebra
c. Geometry
d. Trigonometry
24. Which was never a capital city of the Islamic Empire?
a. Jerusalem
b. Mecca
c. Damascus
d. Baghdad
25. Muhammad’s first revelation was __________________.
a. Islam means “Struggle”
b. Muhammad is a prophet
c. There is only one god Allah
d. Muslims must spread their religion
Place these events in the order that they occurred
First Event
a. Meccan city leaders threaten Muhammad and persecute his followers.
Second Event
b. Muslims are divided over who should be Caliph
Third Event
c. Muhammad receives revelation from Gabriel.
Fourth Event
d. Muhammad returns to Mecca and makes it the capital of the Islamic
Fifth Event
e. Muhammad makes the Hegira.
Matching 31-35
31. Hajj
32. Hegira
33. Ramadan
34. Mosque
35. Qur’an
a. Muhammad’s “flight” from Mecca
b. Holy Book of Islam
c. Month of Fasting
d. Pilgrimage to Mecca
e. Where Muslims worship
#36-40 Next Page
Use the following article to answer questions 36-40.
Arabic was the primary language of the Arab
peoples who traditionally lived on the Arabian
Peninsula. Islam began on the Arabian Peninsula,
but after Muhammad’s death, spread throughout
the Middle East and beyond. Arabic is the language
of the Qu’ran, the holy book of Islam. Muslims all
over the world read the Qu’ran in Arabic, no matter
what native language they speak. Thus, Muslims all
over the world can communicate in Arabic. The
Arabic language is a unifying force for Muslims
everywhere. Today more than 200 million Arabs live
throughout the world. Arabs constitute the
substantial majority of people in Saudi Arabia, Syria,
Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab
Emirates, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan,
Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Indonesia, and
Morocco. A century after Mohammed's death, the
lands of Islam, under Arab leadership, stretched
from Spain in the west across North Africa and most
of the modern Middle East into Central Asia and
36. What is the main subject of this article?
a. Mohammed preaching
b. The Arabian people
northern India. The Arabs were great traders who
traveled the Silk Road, bringing Islam wherever they
went—even as far as China. Their influence reached
as far as Southeast Asia. Today more Muslims live in
Indonesia, far from the Arab world, than in any
other nation.
The Arabs were interested in learning and in
other cultures. Western Europe was in a period
often called the "Dark Ages" because the
civilizations of Greece and Rome had been
extinguished, but the Arabs made great advances in
mathematics, medicine, and physical science. They
replaced clumsy Roman numbers with Arabic
numerals we use today and introduced to Europe
and Southwest Asia the number system of India,
which used zero. Algebra and Chemistry are both
Arabic words. The Muslim world also produced
great works of literature, such as The Thousand and
One Nights,
c. The Spread of Islam
d. The Dark Ages
37. Which of the following most advanced the spread of the Arab culture?
a. Arab interest in learning
c. the Dark Ages
b. Arabic numerals and writing
d. expansion of Muslim empires
38. How does the article describe the size of Arab lands a hundred years after Mohamed’s death?
a. It was limited to the region around the Arabian Peninsula
b. It was located in Spain and Northern African only
c. It existed on the continents of the Africa, Europe and Asia
d. It was limited only to the region in Northern Africa
39. The most common occupations of Arab peoples were nomadic herders and __________________.
a. Traders
b. Farmers
c. Warriors
d. Priests
40. Muslim contributions to civilization included all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Mathematics
b. Medicine
c. Preservation of Greco-Roman Learning
d. Great paintings of religious subjects