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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Answer Key
Section Quiz
Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company.
Cells and Energy
Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Chemical Energy and ATP
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. Which of the following statements is true for all cells?
a. They use solar energy.
b. They use photosynthesis.
c. They use chemical energy.
_____ 2. Which phrase best describes the function of the ATP molecule?
a. carries energy
b. absorbs energy
c. converts energy
_____ 3. Where does the chemical energy to produce ATP come from?
a. the conversion of ATP to ADP
b. the use of chemicals from the environment to build sugars
c. the breakdown of carbon-based molecules into smaller molecules
_____ 4. Energy is released from an ATP molecule for cellular processes when it
a. has a phosphate group removed.
b. converts a phosphate group to ADP.
c. produces a sugar molecule.
_____ 5. Which of the following is the source of energy used in chemosynthesis?
a. heat from hydrothermal vents
b. chemical compounds
c. amino acids
_____ 6. Which of the following statements best describes the process of
a. Chlorophyll builds sugars in the thylakoid membrane.
b. Light breaks down water molecules and releases carbon dioxide.
c. Chloroplasts absorb sunlight and store chemical energy.
_____ 7. What is the term for an organism that makes its own source of chemical
a. decomposer
b. producer
c. protist
_____ 8. The main light-absorbing molecules found in plant leaves are called
a. thylakoids.
b. chlorophyll.
c. grana.
Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company.
Cells and Energy
Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
_____ 9. The function of the light-dependent reactions is to
a. build sugars.
b. capture and transfer energy.
c. release carbon dioxide.
_____ 10. The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis need
a. carbon dioxide.
b. oxygen.
c. cellulose.
_____ 11. Which of the following takes place in the light-dependent reactions of
a. Energy is captured.
b. Chlorophyll is pumped.
c. CO2 is formed.
_____ 12. Where do the hydrogen ions for the photosystems of the
light-dependent reactions come from?
a. sunlight
b. acids
c. water
_____ 13. Which phrase best describes the electron transport chain in
a. a collection of enzymes used to make ADP
b. a series of proteins located in the thylakoid membrane
c. a group of enzymes that carries energy to the Calvin cycle
_____ 14. In the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis,
a. CO2 enters the Calvin cycle and sugars are made.
b. NADPH is produced and transferred to photosystem I.
c. electrons are energized and used to pump H ions.
_____ 15. What is the relationship between the photosystems and the Calvin cycle?
a. The photosystems produce ATP synthase for the Calvin cycle.
b. The photosystems transfer hydrogen ions and carbon dioxide to the
Calvin cycle.
c. The photosystems transfer energy to the Calvin cycle through ATP and
_____ 16. Which of the following types of organisms uses cellular respiration for
their cellular energy needs?
a. eukaryotes
b. animals only
c. prokaryotes
_____ 17. Which process breaks down sugars to make ATP when oxygen is present?
a. cellular respiration
b. glycolysis
c. photosynthesis
Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company.
Cells and Energy
Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
_____ 18. The part of cellular respiration in which glucose is broken down is called
a. photosynthesis.
b. electron transport.
c. glycolysis.
_____ 19. Two products of the Krebs cycle are
a. H2O and CO2.
b. ATP and O2.
c. ADP and H2O
_____ 20. What provides the electron transport chain in cellular respiration with the
energy it needs to function?
a. glycolysis
b. chlorophyll
c. Krebs cycle
_____ 21. Which of the following statements best describes cellular respiration?
a. Sunlight and carbon dioxide are used to make ATP.
b. ATP and oxygen are used to make sugars and starches.
c. Carbon-based molecules from food and oxygen are used to make ATP.
_____ 22. Which of the following are end products of glycolysis?
a. carbon dioxide, water, and ATP
b. NAD, oxygen, and two ATP molecules
c. pyruvate, NADH, and ATP
_____ 23. What is the main function of the Krebs cycle?
a. forming citric acid to make NADH, water, and CO2
b. producing molecules that carry high-energy electrons to the electron
transport chain
c. bonding coenzyme A to pyruvate
_____ 24. In the electron transport chain, energy from the Krebs cycle is used to
pump hydrogen ions
a. across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
b. along a concentration gradient in the thylakoid.
c. along the thylakoid membrane.
_____ 25. What is the function of oxygen in cellular respiration?
a. to pick up electrons at the end of the electron transport chain
b. to provide oxygen for the production of carbon dioxide
c. to give a source of energy to the Krebs cycle
_____ 26. Which phrase best describes the main role of fermentation?
a. converts glucose into pyruvate and NADH
b. produces lactic acid to counteract an oxygen deficit
c. allows glycolysis to continue making a small amount of ATP
_____ 27. Which phrase about fermentation is correct?
a. takes place without oxygen
b. only occurs in bacteria
Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company.
Cells and Energy
Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
c. is an aerobic process
_____ 28. Which end product of fermentation causes the burning feeling in muscles
that are working hard?
a. carbon dioxide
b. pyruvate
c. lactic acid
_____ 29. Why does a runner breathe hard for a few minutes after finishing a race?
a. The runner’s cells continue the fermentation process.
b. The runner’s cells are making up for an oxygen deficit.
c. The runner’s cells cannot perform glycolysis.
_____ 30. Which end product of alcoholic fermentation is important in the baking
a. lactic acid
b. carbon dioxide
c. ATP molecules
Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company.
Cells and Energy