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Study Guide: DNA & Protein Synthesis
Name__________________________ Date:______
1) Describe the shape of DNA?
2) What is DNA made of?
3) What are nucleotides made of?
4) What does DNA stand for?
5) What is the “backbone” of DNA composed of?
6) What type of bond holds both strands of DNA together?
7) What is the base pair rule?
Be able to label the parts of DNA.
8) What role did Rosalind Franklin play in the discovery of DNA?
9) What role did Watson & Crick play in the discovery of DNA?
10) What is DNA replication?
12) When does DNA replicate?
13) Why is DNA replication described as semi conservative?
Be able to list the base sequence of a strand of DNA when given a sequence from the opposite DNA strand.
15) List and describe the function of the 2 enzymes used in DNA replication we discussed in class.
16) Describe the process of DNA replication.
Be able to recognize and label the process of DNA replication on a diagram.
18) What is RNA?
19) Compare & contrast RNA & DNA.
20) What are the 3 types of RNA & their “jobs”?
21) What are the 2 processes needed for protein synthesis?
22) What is transcription?
23) Where does transcription take place?
Be able to list the base sequence for a strand of mRNA from a section of DNA AND the sequence of DNA
from an mRNA strand!
25) What enzyme was discussed in the process of transcription?
26) Describe the process of transcription.
Be able to identify & label the process of transcription from a diagram.
28) What is a codon?
29) What does a codon “code” for?
30) What is the product of transcription?
31) Draw & label tRNA.
32) What is translation?
33) Where does translation take place?
34) Describe the process of translation.
35) What is the product of translation?
36) What is the genetic code?
Be able to identify an amino acid from a given codon using the genetic code.
38) What does it mean to say the genetic code is “universal”?
39) What is an anticodon?
Be able to list the sequence of anticodons from a given sequence of codons.
41) How many amino acids are there?
42) Does each codon “code” for a different amino acid?
43) What are proteins made of?
Be able to label and identify the process of translation from a diagram.
45) What is a mutation?