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World History Second Semester Final Exam Review 2009-2010
Ch. 11 The Americas
1. The Grand Council pg. 349
5. Plains Indians/buffalo pg. 349
2. Mesoamerica pg. 352
6. Tenochtitlán pg. 356
3. Mayan hieroglyphs/ purpose/history pg. 354
4. What caused the downfall of both the Inca and the Aztec empires pg. 362
Ch. 12 The Renaissance & Reformation
7. Lutheranism pg. 392
8. John Calvin/ predestination pg. 396
9. The Prince pg. 378
10. Annul pg. 397
11. Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses pg. 391
12. Anglican Church pg. 397
13. Michelangelo pg. 386
14. Anabaptists pg. 398
Ch. 14 Crisis and Absolutism in Europe
15. divine right of kings pg. 437
19. Oliver Cromwell’s pg. 438
16. absolutism pg. 441
20. How did Louis XIV maintain his authority as monarch? Pg. 443
17. Peter the Great pg. 446
21. Glorious Revolution pg. 439
18. English Bill of Rights pg. 439
22. Miguel de Cervantes pg. 450
Ch. 17 Revolution and Enlightenment
23. Nicholas Copernicus pg. 513
31. Isaac Newton’s universal law of gravitation pg. 514
24. John Locke’s ideas/tabula Rasa pg. 519
25. Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s concept of a social contract pg. 522
26. Purpose of the Constitutional Convention pg. 540
32. Montesquieu’s most lasting contribution pg. 520
27. Adam Smith/laissez-faire pg. 521
33. Articles of Confederation
28. American Bill of Rights pg. 540
34. René Descartes pg. 516
29. Francis Bacon pg. 517
35. George Washington pg. 539
30. Peter the Great pg. 446
Ch. 18 The French Revolution and Napoleon
36. Who forced Louis XVI to accept the National Assembly’s decrees? Pg. 551
37. coup d’état pg. 561
38. Two major reasons why Napoleon’s Grand Empire collapsed? Pg. 567
39. Duke of Wellington pg. 569
40. Maximilien Robespierre pg. 557
41. Promotion within Napoleon’s new bureaucracy was based on? Pg. 565
42. How did the Russians defeated Napoleon’s superior Grand Army? Pg. 568
43. Paris Bastille pg. 550
Ch. 19 Industrial Revolution and Nationalism
44. First industry to be affected by the Industrial Revolution. pg. 582
45. Liberalism pg. 591
54. Charles Darwin/ Natural Selection pg. 608
46. What sparked the formation of the Confederate States of America? Pg. 603
47. Charles Dickens/Themes/Topics pg. 608
48. Invention that was crucial to Britain’s Industrial Revolution. pg.
49. Pitiful conditions created by the Industrial Revolution gave rise to? pg. 588
50. principle of intervention pg. 591
55. Louis Pasteur pg. 607
51. Entrepreneurs pg. 582
56. Most important American transportation system? Pg. 584
52. Secularization pg. 607
57. Conservatism pg. 590
53. Cottage industry pg. 582
58. Nationalism pg. 591
59. Romanticism pg. 605
Ch. 20 Mass Society and Democracy
60. Proletariat pg. 619
61. Duma pg. 632
62. The internal-combustion engine gave rise to what inventions? pg. 616-617
63. Emmeline Pankhurst pg. 625-626
64. Marie Curie’s pg. 637
65. Sigmund Freud, view of human behavior pg. 637
66. The Communist Manifestopg. 618
67. social Darwinism pg. 638
68. anti-Semitism pg. 638
69. Guglielmo Marconi pg. 616
Ch. 23 War and Revolution
70. Western Front was characterized by pg. 722
71. Treaty of Versailles was pg. 742
72. Militarism pg. 719
73. What caused the U.S. to join the Allies in fighting WWI? Pg. 725
74. V. I. Lenin pg. 735
75. Planned economies pg. 726
76. Grigori Rasputin pg. 733
77. Central Powers pg. 724
78. Total War pg. 726
79. The Schlieffen pg. 720
80. Propaganda pg. 721
81. War of attrition pg. 724
Ch. 24 Between the Wars
82. Totalitarian pg. 759
87. Purpose of Stalin’s Five Year Plans pg. 762
83. Enabling Act pg. 768
88. Kristallnacht? Pg. 771
84. Economic depression pg. 754
89. Fascism pg. 759
85. What factor lead many Germans to accept Hitler and the Nazis? Pg. 767
86. “Nuremberg laws”? pg. 771
Ch. 26 World War II
90. Blitzkrieg pg. 814
91. Appeasement pg. 810
92. What was the Cold War? Pg. 834
93. Isolationism pg. 815
94. The Final Solution pg. 825
95. What happened on December 7, 1941 pg. 817
96. What happened at the Battle of Stalingrad? Pg. 819-820
97. The Holocaust pg. 827
98. D-Day pg. 821
99. Kamikaze pg. 832