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Social Studies Nine Study Guide
1. The period in which people began to challenge the teachings of Catholic Church was called the:
2. By 1700, most European countries had developed
3. The new philosophy of the Renaissance was called
4. The Divine Right of Kings holds that
5. The scientist who developed the scientific method was
6. The best definition of Constitutional Monarchy is
7. To allow people live, think or worship according to their own beliefs, can be defined using this word
8. A system of government controlled by the people who live under it is called a
9. Persons who did not follow the teachings of the Church of England in the 17th century were called
10. The Petition of Right of 1628 is also known as
11. In order to raise the money he needed, Charles I imposed
12.. Which of the following did Charles use to as a secret court to punish his enemies?
13. Charles I forced parliament to call for an army when he
14. The Glorious Revolution of 1689 saw the English Parliament ask this protestant pair to become King
and Queen of England.
15. The best definition of the term Revolution is
16. People who invest in business and form the middle class are known as
17. For the most part, the ideas of the Philosphes supported democracy and
18. Which of the following statements is NOT true about late 18th century France?
19. According to Rousseau, people have a natural good which is:
20. What were the three “estates” of the Estates General?
21. The most radical political group in the Legislative Assembly were:
22. The group that supported the radicals and which was composed of poor city people was
called the:
23. Between 1793 and 1794, France experienced:
24. What country was Marie Antoinette from?
25. Napoleon saved the Convention in 1795 by performing which action?
26. In order to gain support from the Italians in 1797 Napoleon promised that he would
27. Under the Civil Code which of the following did not take place?
28. Napoleon set up the Continental System to keep nations in his empire from trade with which
29. Feelings of nationalism that are too strong can lead to feelings of
30. The people of Spain resisted Napoleon’s rule using which of the following methods?
31. Russians made Napoleon’s invasion difficult by
32. In 1814, Napoleon was exiled to the island of
33. Napoleon met his final defeat at which battle?
34. What did the delegates at the Congress of Vienna try to ensure was created in Europe?
35. A person who runs a business, taking a risk in order to make a profit is known as a
36. An organization devoted to improving working conditions of their members is known as a
37. The word speculation is best defined by the following statement
38. The effects of the Industrial Revolution
39. What was the purpose of having colonies during the Industrial Revolution?
40. The Industrial Revolution was a turning point in human history because it changed the way people
41. In order to make farming more efficient, small farms in Britain were converted to larger farms in a
movement known as
42. What did changes in agriculture force small farmers across Britain to do?
43. Lord Townshend developed a system of crop rotation that eliminated which of the following from
the medieval three field system?
44. Which textile product had long been one of Britain’s main sources of export?
45. The first steam engine performed which crucial function?
46. James Macadam developed a system for
47. If the demand for a particular product is high, but the supply of the product is low, the price of that
48. Factories created demand for which of the following types of workers?
49. Which group of workers were protected by the first Factory Acts?
50. Which type of crop failed in Ireland in 1845 causing widespread starvation and emigration?
51. Which type of mountains are created by breaks in the earth’s crust?
52. Climate is best defined as
53. Trees that shed their leaves annually are known as
54. An area that is flooded in wet weather and is almost always wet is known as
55. Which term is used to describe the area to the leeward slope of mountains where very little
precipitation falls?
56. Hunting and gathering societies usually have which of the following characteristics?
57. The best definition for the term ethnography is
58. The Inuit people lived in this type of structure during the summer months
59. Inuit people generally ate their meat cooked this way
60. The term patrilineal means that property and bloodlines are passed down to children through
61. Iroquois settlements relied on agriculture and people lived in longhouses surrounded by these
defensive structures
62. To hunt buffalo, people of the plains generally relied on these two strategies
63. The Sun Dance is the central religious festival of which group of First Nation’s people?
64. This group of First Nation’s people relied on salmon, berries, deer, and other game as their main
sources of food.
65. The potlatch is best described by which of the following statements
66. The main goal of European exploration in the period between 1500-1800 was to
67. Which of the following statements represents the best definition of the word imperialism?
68. Who were the first Europeans to land on the shores of North America?
69. This Italian explorer claimed New Found Land for England in the 1497
70. This French explorer kidnapped nine people on one of his three voyages to North America
71. This disease inflicts people when they do not get enough vitamin “C”
72. This man helped to establish the first French colonies in North America at Acadia and Quebec
73. “One who travels to another region to communicate a religious message and assist local people” is
the best definition for
74. Women who travelled to New France to help populate the new colony were known as
75. The group that had the first monopoly to provide colonists in New France was known as
76. What was one of the main functions of the Coureurs de bois?
77. This man was the first governor of New France, but only took the position to escape his huge debts
in France
78. The seigniorial system that was set up in New France was an extension of which system of social
organization used in France?
79. Which of the wars was fought over the right to settle in the Ohio River Valley?
80. This British General died after the battle outside Quebec City on the Plains of Abraham.
81. After the fall of New France in 1763, this fur trading company made up of American and Scottish
entrepreneurs took over the French Fur Trade
82. This company is the oldest continuous company in the world
83. The land claimed and given to the HBC by King Charles II is known as
84. Which of the following are characteristics of a made beaver?
85. A Nor’wester was a member of the North West Company who
86. The North West Company used these hardy men to venture into the interior and obtain furs from
First Nation’s people
87. Pemmican, the staple food for fur traders in the NWC was made from which ingredients?
88. The first European to reach the Pacific Ocean by travelling overland across the continent was
89. This English explorer mapped the Columbia River, but failed to claim it for Britain because the
Americans built a fort at the mouth of the river two months before he got there
90. This explorer died of exhaustion at the age of forty after mapping much of the North West Coast
91. How did the North West Company feel/react when Lord Selkirk set up a settlement in Assinaboia?
92. Was Pemmican the staple food of the fur trader by the year 1800?
93. What did the Quebec Act of 1774 officially do to Quebec?
94. What did the Stamp Act do?
95. Who were the United Empire Loyalists fighting against in the American Revolution?
96. Was Canada was split into Upper and Lower Canada following the emigration of soldiers and
families after the American Revolution?
97. Was the Declaration of the Rights of man and citizen were based on the ideas put forth in the
Declaration of Independence?
98. Did the French help the Americans in American Revolutionary War?
99. Were First Nations people were treated fairly by European settler and governments when they were
negotiating treaties?