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World History
Midterm Study Guide
Chapter 15: Renaissance and Reformation
 Renaissance
 Humanism
 Secular
 Michelangelo
 Leonardo da Vinci
 Baldassare Castiglione
 Raphael
 Bramante
 The importance of Italian citystates
 Perspective
 Why did many people learn to
read after the mid-1400s?
Chapter 16: Exploration and Expansion
 Compass, astrolabe
 Caravel
 Christopher Columbus
 Vasco da Gama
 Treaty of Tordesillas
 Food exchange between Europe
and the Americas
 How much of all food crops grown
around the world today are of
American origin?
 Olaudah Equiano
 Hernan Cortes
Chapter 17: New Asian Empires
 Anatolia
 Ottoman Empire
 Osman I
 Ghazis
 Sultan
 Janissaries
 Orhan I
 Mehmed II
 Constantinople
 Suleyman I
 Causes of the Ottoman Empire’s
 Mughal Empire
 Babur
Chapter 18: The Monarchs of Europe
 King Phillip
 Charles V
 Absolute monarchy
 Huguenots
 Northern Renaissance (how was it
different, work of the Flemish
 Protestant Reformation
 Johannes Gutenberg (what did he
 Martin Luther
 Indulgences
 Bonfire of the Vanities
 Teresa of Avila
 Council of Trent
 Edict of Worms
 Ulrich Zwingli
Francisco Pizarro
African slaves
Triangular trade
Middle passage
How did the Renaissance
contribute to the age of
 French settlers in Canada were
mainly _________.
 French and Indian War
 Shah Jahan (describe his rule)
 Ming Dynasty (why did it
 Hongwu
 Qing Dynasty
 Who was allowed to trade with
China under the Qing Dynasty?
 Japan
 Samurai
 Shoguns
 Tokugawa (why did role of the
samurai change)
 Dynasty that rules Korea for the
late 14th c. - early 20th c.
Henry IV (France)
Edict of Nantes
Louis XIII
Cardinal Richelieu
 Louis XIV
 Ivan IV
 War of the Spanish Succession
 Boyars
 English Civil War
 Czar
 Charles I
 Peter I
 Oliver Cromwell
 Thirty Years’ War (what caused it)
 Glorious Revolution
 War of Austrian Succession (what
 William and Mary
caused it)
Chapter 19: Enlightenment and Revolution
 Scientific Revolution
 Tycho Brahe
 Galileo
 Geocentric Theory
 Thomas Hobbes
 Heliocentric Theory
 John Locke
 The Scientific Method
 Voltaire
 Denis Diderot
 Montesquieu
 Emperor Joseph II
 Rousseau
 Stamp Act (why were colonial
 Boston Tea Party (who did it, and
leaders outraged about it)
 Declaration of Independence
 What led scientists to study the
(who wrote the first draft)
natural world more closely in the
Chapter 20: The French Revolution and Napoleon
 Tennis Court Oath
(know correct sequence, there are
 Storming of the Bastille
 King Louis XVI
 Why did many peasants come to
 Marie Antoinette
oppose the Revolution?
 Estates General (know the 3
 Why did the French people
welcome Napoleon?
 French Revolution (causes)
 Louisiana Territory (why did
 Declaration of the Rights of Man
Napoleon sell it to the U.S.)
and of the Citizen
 Why did Napoleon pull his troops
 National Convention (what was
from Spain?
one of its first acts)
 Russian Campaign
 What were the factions of the
 Continental System (which
National Convention?
countries refused to comply?)
 Guillotine
 Who was France’s greatest enemy
 Reign of Terror
during the Napoleonic Wars?
 Revolutionary Tribunal
 Where was Napoleon exiled?
 How did Europeans outside of
(Both times)
France react to the execution of
 What did Great Britain gain as a
Louis XVI
result of fighting against France?
 Legislative Bodies that governed
 Legacy of the French Revolution
France during the Revolution
Chapter 21-22: The Industrial Revolution, Life in the Industrial Revolution
 Industrial Revolution
 Labor Union
 Enclosure Movement
 Socialism
 Factors of Production
 Communism
 Cottage Industry
 Capitalism
 Factory
 laissez-faire
 Industrialization
 Strike
 Luddites
 Mass Production
Interchangeable Parts
Assembly Line
Samuel Slater
Jethro Tull
Bessemer Process
Morse code
Ludwig van Beethoven
Michael Faraday
Marie and Pierre Curie
Sigmund Freud
Ivan Pavlov
periodic table